Chapter 33

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Sky's POV

I knew we had to leave for school but my mind couldn't oblige to let her go. My lips move frantically against her as if I can't get enough and I need more. I sigh against her lips, my thoughts erase all willingness to attend school quickly faded. 

"Come on let's go" She giggled softly making my heart pound from the sound. 

"Why?" I pout tightening my hold on her waist. "How about we go back to my room and-

"That's what we've been doing all summer time to get back to reality" She untangle herself away from my grasp but still held on to my hand to pull me along.

"Do you like breaking my heart like this?" I sigh dramatically.

She walked backwards and looked at me amused making me grin following her closely. 

"It's what I crave" She teases. 

Our summer is the best I have experience but our second week there had my excitement dull down when Harry came along. Hailey elbowed me in the gutt when I keep glaring at him, it's not like I can help it. It's like my face turn into a scowl whenever he is near. Hailey assured me that what they have is like a brother and sister relationship. She is so blind if she thinks that because during the vacation I always see him stare after her longingly. 

I never felt so possessive in my life that I grabbed her and kiss her passionately inches away from him to show him she is mine. Harry didn't seem irritated or pissed off he always have this cool guy personality. Everybody loves him actually, I just find him annoying. 

With my reluctant to go school we drove there finally just in time. I steal glances at her as we walk down the hallway. I study the smile on her face that is easily placed there. I remember the frown that use to be there at all times and the emotionless stare that followed. That fact that every morning my eyes would settle on her face and I would watch the sun crawl along her skin and I am envious of that sun. 

My love for her scares me, it absolutely fucking terrifies me. Whenever I'm with her I don't know what to do with myself. A smile would be permanently placed on my lips whenever she's near. Kris gives me shit for acting the way I do and to put it in his words 'pussy whipped'  I just can't wait when he finds a girl that can tame that asshole side of him. 

"Sky?!" Coach's booming voice erupt the hallway. 

Coach looks like a retired military, his intimidating look scares any students and even staff. His white hair is close shaven and his piercing dead look eyes is what makes freshmen squirm. He is fit, really fit that he looks like he can lift the school's bleachers. That scary exterior he has doesn't intimidate me because coach is actually a big softy. I was there when he was battling his alcoholism and divorce, I saw the dark side of him and I also so the kind and broken man that picked himself up and prove that he push on through life. 

"Coach" I raised my eyebrows seeing his furious look. 

"I'll see you around babe" Hailey kiss my cheek and hurried off. 

"What is this I hear about you dropping out of soccer team to focus on your academic grades?" He put his hands on his hips in anger. 

"Couch soccer is great but that is not the career I want" I explained this to him hundreds of time.

"Yeah yeah you are just being selfish that's what you're doing" He spoke dramatically it makes me laugh. 

"Coach the team will do fine without me," I shook my head amused. 

"You better hope Sky or you are dead to me" He glares but I knew in that harsh words he only cares about me. "After school you need to help and pick the new leader for this team"

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