Chapter 26

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Fact 26:

1 in 4 young adults will suffer an episode of depression before age 24.

(Meet a new character Harry as Dave Franco) 


"Okay maybe you do have something to be jealous about" Bonnie sat next to me in class talking about the party on Saturday. "The look on Sky's face when you kissed him was totally worth it" She laughed loudly earning a glare from the teacher. 

"It was not worth it if I knew that little-

"You're hot when you're jealous that's why you left Sky hot and bothered" She chuckled teasingly.

"Bonnie" I gasp softly nudging my elbow onto her ribs causing her to only laugh some more. I shot an amused smile at her shaking my head. 

"It's true everyone was watching by the way and boy did Amanda get mad about it." She's been talking about the party for about 20 minutes into the lesson. 

Kris is infront of us and would comment about the party and how he missed all the action because he was dragging out the person who vomited in his room because someone left his room door open causing me to fess up guiltily. 

"Imagine Amanda and Jessica being friends" Bonnie gasp at the realization. 

"It would be the end of the world" Kris turned his face dead serious.

Kyle came in late with a big grin on his not caring if the teacher is yelling at him for being late. He walked right up to Bonnie and gave her a big fat kiss on the cheeks. 

"You are a genius Bonnie" He praised. 

"I see your date went well" She smiled widely. 

"It was-

"You five! You will be in detention if you do not sit your ass down and listen in my lesson!" Mr Henderson yelled in anger. 

"Sorry sir" Kyle smiled sheepishly. 

After school I wrapped my arms around him tightly feeling automatically safe and secure keeping me steady as if something falls apart he would catch it all. I stared up at him lovingly and it makes me wonder if he already knows how deeply in love I am with him. 

"Let's go home" He smiled placing his lips on mine. 

He drove back home but when he turned right for the third time I realized we are heading down my street causing me to stiffen. He felt it and glance my way in concern but slowly he soon realizes that we are driving past my house. 

"Oh shit I'm so sorry babe I didn't realize we would-

"It's okay" I place my hand over his that is clenching my knees. "I want to see it" I nodded for him to continue. 

He held my hand comforting me. 

My throat tightened not losing the memories I held where I came from. Seeing the familiar street where he taught me how to ride a bike, where we took long walks. I see the same old house that I recognize and then I see it my heart stopping when I see someone on the front porch with his head down low waiting for us. 

"Stop the car" I frowned. As soon as it came to a halt I jump out and the sound of me approaching had him snap his head up. 

He has brown hair that curled slightly on top of his head, his eyes is as brown as his hair. He wore all black with his grey suit case next to him. He smiled up at me, that smile that is filled with joy like nothing can take it away. Sky stood next to me with as much confusion as me. 

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