Chapter 36

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Losing every piece of me, I feel it. I'm becoming that broken shell of a girl once again. 

"I'm going to kill him" Harry promised in a deadly voice. 

"No" I spoke emotionless.

I lay on the couch motionless staring out of no where. Between the crying and the heaviness of my eyelids I told him everything. He listened carefully and never said a word but the way his fist clenched tightly I know he's angry at Sky. 

"What do you mean no?!" He scoff. "I will! That bastard have to learn and I will gladly teach him" 

"No because despite all the things he has done to me I still love him" My eyes snapped to him with unshed tears. I rub my face tiredly, sick of crying all the time. "I love him.." My voice crack my face twisting in pain. 

Harry's face looked completely torn his eyes sadden seeing me this way. He sighed deeply taking my hand with his. 

"Rest alright" He spoke softly. "I'll get you food, you need to eat" 

I grip his hand and shook my head before he could stand up, he frowns at my actions. 

"I know you Harry, leave him" I grip onto his hand. 

He almost rolled his eyes in frustration, "You're dad would've gladly join in beating the crap out of him, in fact he would be the one that would actually take it too far." He spoke lightly. 

Mentioning dad only made my tears fall reminding me of the harsh words Tate spoke about just keeping his promise to a dying man. Harry's head hung low seeing my tears.

"Shit" He curses "You know I'm not good at comforting you I always go after the person that hurts you and that was my way in trying to make you feel better" 

"I know" I blink away the tears I snuggle deeper into the blanket hoping to leave this world without a trace. "You always tried to protect me" I whispered. 

"I didn't do a good job" He frowns deeply. 

We stayed in the house I couldn't bare sleep in any room except the lounge with the TV blaring loudly. He even called in sick at work so he wouldn't leave me. It's already 10pm at night and the only time I would get up is to go bathroom. I stretched my legs and had a bright idea to drink myself until I black out. So I walked over to the alcohol cabinet where it has been untouched for years. I grabbed two of my dad's favorite scotch and head over to where Harry is laying. 

"Look what I got" I sighed plopping myself next to him.

Harry's eyes land on the drinks making him frown deeply. "I don't think that's a good idea" He shook his head. 

I shrugged and grab a glass and poured it for us. "I'm drinking with or without you" I offered him the cup. "You don't want me to drink alone do you?" I wait for him to take it. 

For a second I see hesitation in his eyes before he finally accepts it. I smiled and drank my cup feeling the burning bitter taste run down my throat. I don't know how much I drank but Harry and I ended up with the lights off in the entire house to play hide and seek just like old times. I've been looking for him for 10 minutes now and I'm getting frustrated at how good he is in hiding. 

"Where are you Harry? I give up" I sighed completely forgot that he is the master of hiding. 

I went upstairs for the fourth time and searched for him and when I stood in my old bedroom once again I heard a noise. A soft snore coming right infront of me, my eyes land on the wooden chest right on the foot of my bed. I lift up the cover and smiled seeing Harry completely passed out inside. Curled up inside I can't believe he forced himself in this chest. I chuckled and grabbed the blanket on my bed and place it over him, also getting a pillow for his head. 

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