Chapter 37

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Sky's POV (The night Hailey and him broke up)

The look in her face says it all and it was like I couldn't breathe anymore. I was afraid to because looking into her eyes and seeing pure pain and betrayal is like a sting in my veins. It took everything in me to keep my mouth shut and tell her lies to hurt her. I knew it would hurt, I knew it but I never thought it would be like this. 

When she walked away during that night with disgust in her eyes every fiber in me wanted to run after. I wanted to tell her everything Jessica is making me do and that I love her more then anyone. I stayed and it hurts. 

Feeling Jessica's hand repulses me so I grabbed it and wrenched it off me. She knew if she touches me one more time I will make a scene destroying our picture perfect relationship. 

I feel everyone's watchful eyes on making me growl in anger storming up stairs ignoring everyone. I slam the door open and smash the beer bottle in my hand tossing it against the wall. Broken glasses scattered around the room and I feel everything suffocating me and I only got Jessica to blame for all this. My resentment and hate grew more bitter every ticking minute. 

She took her away from me. 

Thinking about it hurts to much. When I blink my eyes all I see is her pained expression and her disgust she has for me. Saying those words to her is like acid pouring down my throat. 

I don't want to miss her.

To miss her touch, miss her laying in my bed on her stomach while she read, miss her laugh and her voice that sooth me to sleep, miss her lips that creates electricity bursting in my veins, miss her fingers brushing through my strands, miss her stories, miss the way she steals my shirts to wear, miss her eyes that roams around my face, miss her constant attention that made me feel wanted, miss the way she wraps her legs around my body while she sleeps, miss her scent that I crave everyday, miss her sarcastic humor and her interesting mind. 

I already miss her and it's taring me apart to let her go like this. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Bonnie stormed after me. 

I sighed deeply exhausted of this day. Bonnie face me her eyes blaring with confusion and anger. The act I put even fooled Bonnie and I can't but laugh bitterly knowing that I will lose her as a friend. 

"Nothing Bonnie I just said what I feel" I shrugged acting as if it's not taring me piece by piece. 

"Bullshit!!" She points at me accusingly. "I've known you seen we were in diapers even if you wanted to break it off with her you wouldn't be so harsh and mean to do it infront of every senior in high school. You love Hailey I know you do so do not lie because I'm not buying this whole new attitude from you" 

"You don't know me Bonnie! Not anymore, you left remember? We grew apart and this happens, this is the real me." I lie because I know if I tell her the truth she will tell Hailey because even she's one of my best friends she's Hailey's friend too and I would rather have her to be with Hailey then with me.

Her eyes widen at my statement hurt evident from her face. 

"You know I had to leave because my dad was sick" She frowns deeply.

Guilt piling to more guilt swallowing me up and I blame Jessica for this. I'm ruining every good relationship I have because of the blackmail she holds over my head. 

I didn't say anything biting my tongue to stop myself from bursting all the truth instead. I see disappointment flashing over her eyes making my stomach curl and I can't even look at her anymore. 

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