Chapter 6

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Fact 6:

1 in 4 young adults will suffer an episode of depression at age 24


I walk towards the woods in the middle of the night, I couldn't stand hearing my dad cough out blood. Too long I've been denying that he's dying but I know that one day he won't be here anymore and that scares me so much. When he's gone no one would be there anymore and no matter how much I bury the pain of the thought of being alone makes me cry everytime.

I listen to the insect of the night, the soft quiet wind rustle the trees. The stars shining down on us, I look up and felt tears trailing down the side of my face. I look at the beauty of the world maybe some day I would learn how to appreciate it.

"You know if a pretty girl is out at night it could be dangerous?" A velvet voice frighten me.

I look at Skyler standing few feet away from me. I look at him trying to keep my emotions hidden away.

"What are you doing here?" I frown.

"I couldn't sleep" He shrug.

"So you ended up here?" My eyebrows came together confused. I notice his car parked behind him.

"I was driving past." He slightly smile. "Why are you out this late of the night?" He slid his hand in his pockets.

The way the moon shine down on him his hair looks jet blue, his eyes shine standing out.

"I couldn't sleep" I shrugged pressing my lips together.

I notice the red rims under his eyes, his eyes red from crying. I wonder why he has been so depress lately.

"So you know Bonnie?" He asked trying to make conversation.

"Yeah, I met her in the locker room." I stood there awkwardly, "You know her too?"

"She's my childhood friend, she's going through rough situation at the moment." He nodded.

"Yeah I heard" I aid emotionless. "She told me"

"You're actually both alike you would get on well. She said you are really nice" He confirmed.

She's not like me, she beautiful, she has people who care for her, she's loved the only thing we have in common is our dads are sick.

"She seems nice" I press my lips together.

"She is" He agreed smiling fondly for her. 

Here we are standing in the middle of the street staring at each other not quiet sure what to say.

"Want to keep me company?" A smile form across his face.

"Okay" I whispered not quiet too sure why I agreed on it.

Maybe because I want to get out of the house for a while or maybe because it's him. I've known Skyler since freshmen I've always noticed him but the thing is he never noticed me until Jessica made it a mission to ruin my life in high school. 

We sat on top of his car, we both lye down and stare at the stars.

"I always wish among the stars" He said randomly.

"The stars are dead, I stopped wishing a long time ago" I spoke

I can feel his eyes on me, I turn away from his stare feeling vulnerable under his gaze.

"Are you excited for Paris?" He change the subject.

"Yeah I guess to see my dad happy sure I am." I half smiled.

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