Chapter 17

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Fact 17:

Recent research suggests that depression can shorten the lives of people with cancer by years.


I could disappear forever and it won't make a difference in the world. 

Before all this I can't remember how I felt before and I think that's the most saddest thing anyone could ever feel. 

Drowning in complete sadness. 

My legs is numb from the lack of blood circulation running through my legs being in the same position for too long. On the bathroom floor not knowing what to do with myself. Tears stopped rolling down my face but the tightness in my throat still lingers painfully. Feeling emotionally drained I lean my head on my arm. My eyes feeling heavy but I force myself not to sleep. 

"Hailey." Sky's voice entered the room. 

My eyes snap towards the now open door surprised to find him standing here. He closed the door his eyes never leaving mine. 

"I can't believe she did this." He growled in anger.

He walk towards me kneeling in front of me his eyebrows knitted together but slowly softening as he continue to stare at me. I swallow loudly unable to take my eyes off him, my stomach twist creating an usual feeling. 

Sky's POV 

My eyes zeroed on Jessica when she touch me pulling me away from the door where I know for a fact Hailey is in. The minute I saw her standing there tears in her eyes my heart dropped an unsettling feeling erupt inside. It was like a nightmare having her in that spotlight with that hideous see through dress. Everyone was laugh, pointing and even recording and what pissed me off more was no one, not a single person spoke up. They knew how wrong this was, how disrespectful and cruel this is but no one did a thing. That's what pissed me off.

She stood in front of me with the trashiest outfit on, her boobs almost pushed up to her neck. She grinned at me as if nothing happened. I grab her arm roughly pulling her away from the bathroom my blood boiling. I roughly dropped her arm pushing her away from me causing her to whine unattractively.  

"I can't believe you fucking did this to her!" I yelled feeling my temper rising. 

A protectiveness towards Hailey surfaces and I knew in my gut and being I wanted to be the one to protect her. I wanted all of this to stop. She's been through enough but no one sees that. 

"I did and I can do what I want with her." She spoke like a true brat that she is. 

"You'll pay for this you understand me." I hissed lowly. 

"Are you threatening me?" She glare. 

"Stay away from her or you will regret ever making her life miserable. I will ruin your father and you know I can so do not tempt me or I will take everything you have away from you." My voice came out harsh and cold.

"You wouldn't do that." She whispered hurt. 

Her lips dropping that smug smile and replace by a frown, her body tensing. 

"You love me Skyler you wouldn't hurt me like that." She frown sadness seeping in her eyes. 

"I will do it and you know I don't bluff." I glared. 

Rage replace her sadness and knowing her for so long I knew that was a way to deal with her pain. She acts out of anger and that's all she knows how to do. 

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