It seems as if making small chit chat with the maniac is buying me time to catch my breath. Even if he could literally shoot, stab or beat me to smithereens within seconds, I need to stall him. Even if that means my life could be taken away within moments. That brings me to wonder...where are Hudayfah and Nafisah? I really hope they're safe and far away from where I'm standing right now. Unless they're in trouble?!

"Then why chasing us?" I question, really on edge as I fear for Nafisah and Hudayfah. Surely I should be able to hear their screams or even hear them running through the trees; especially when Hudayfah has humongous footsteps. "That's a little..." Do I further anger him? Hold up, what do I do now?

"Hey, hey Muslim," The gun twirls around his index finger and I catch sight of a knife tucked away in his belt. His dark eyes look up at me and he tilts his head. "Don't question me."

I gulp and press my back harder against the trunk of the tree behind me. Whilst this makes him chuckle, I take this time to steady my breathing and stretch out my legs, preparing to run again. I grit my teeth, my anger suddenly bubbling inside of me and wanting to smack the smirk of his face however that doesn't seem like a good idea when a gun sits in his grimy hand.

"Now..." He begins with a low voice whilst also lowering his head before looking up at me. My hands clench into fists when his chubby finger clicks the holster into place. "This will be a little game. Fun for me but not so fun for you. This," He raises his gun up and looks at it with admiration. "May hurt you. Not kill you- well, not straight away...but soon."

I find myself shaking, unable to understand what is about to happen. My eyes stay fixated on the black metal; how much damage one tiny bullet can do. My hands are clammy besides me and I find it hard to breathe. A normal person would run for their lives but me? I can't even move. 

The gun is raised, the man aiming it at my face and teasing me by moving it towards my torso, legs then my arms. "Hm..." He pretends to be in thought, clearly enjoying this torment.

I on the other hand am about to melt from terror although I'm slightly confused: aren't I meant to be having severe f
Ashbacks of my life right now? Actually, scrap that, I don't want to have to watch back anything that's happened to me.

Suddenly, the gun protrudes violently into my shoulder and I let out a sharp gasp, my eyes widening in shock as the pain registers in my head. The skin begins to gain a pulse of its own, throbbing from the sudden jab.

I snap my head down to observe the damage done but furrow my brows once I hear laughter, realising a bullet hadn't entered my body. I take deep breaths as I glare at the man cackling before me, hot tears surfacing my eyes and before I know it my fist has collided against his jaw.

He stumbles back slightly, shocked at my actions as his free hand grabs his chin, his eyes widening at me. I recognise how his features sharpen, clearly furious at me however at this point, my anger isn't backing down.

How dare he taunt me and my loved ones?! How dare he think that he can just get away with such an absurd, disgusting thing?!

He takes monsorous steps towards me before pushing my shoulders, the bags I'm holding drop off my rigid body and my back hits the bark of the tree harshly. I squeeze my eyes shut as pain shoots through my behind nd colours flash across my eyelids. I feel myself losing balance and falling flat on my back as darkness begins me to envelope me.

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