Chapter 12

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I plop down onto the seat and drop our lunch onto the circular table after having searched for a good few minutes through the thick crowd of students. I sigh as I slide my bag pack off my shoulder and place it against the leg of the table and then slump into my seat, waiting for Maria to arrive from the prayer room.

I lean forward and place my elbow against the desk before letting my face sit in the palm of my hand. My eyes travel across the College canteen as students queue for food and groups of friends sit at tables. The whole room is full of lively chatter and laughter that I can barely hear myself think.

Slipping off my jacket to place it onto the back of my chair, I fan myself with my hand due to the heat building up in this place.

Man, I feel sorry for the dinner ladies, I just don't know how they bare standing in front of steaming food all morning.

"Hey snowey, mowey!" I hear Maria's chirpy voice from besides me. I grin at her however she doesn't bother to look at me; she dumps her heavy bag onto the floor and takes a seat besides me, her eyes never leaving her food.

"Hungry?" I tease and she nods her head eagerly as she takes a bite out of her burger which I picked up for her. I laugh as I begin to eat my own lunch, my stomach demanding food.

The taste of the meat travels across my mouth, making me satisfied with my meal. I slurp on my can of drink before placing my burger down onto the wrapper and looking over at Maria who is still focused on her food. I drum my fingers against the table although the noise in the cafeteria makes it unheard.

I groan, thinking back to the other day with Rimsha. It makes me sick thinking about marriage now! Well, anyway, she hasn't really said mentioned anything to me about it since that day but I can definitely tell that it's on her mind and that it will pop up into another conversation sooner or later.

"Okay," I say after clearing my throat. Maria turns to me with her mouth stuffed and a smile tugging at her lips. I purse my lips as I try not to laugh due to wanting to remain serious.

Maria's eyes immediately widen in realisation that I'm about to tell her something juicy so she quickly raises a hand at me to stop me from speaking. She quickly munches on her food as fast as she can whilst keeping her eyes insanely huge, nearly making my choke on my drink. Her mouth opens wide to take a deep breath and I can see the bits of chewed food inside which makes me immediately snap my eyes shut and groan at how disgusting it looked.

A few more seconds pass and then Maria speaks up. "SPILL, Oh my God, tell me!"

I turn back to her with a shake of my head. "That was horrible-"

"Spill!" She demands as she slurps on her drink rapidly.

I blink my eyes and pull my head away from her when she begins to flap her hands out at me. "Stop!" I cry to which she sighs in annoyance.

"Go." Maria leans an elbow on the table and turns her body to face mine.

I roll my eyes playfully at her. She may act as if she's quiet but this girl isn't very quiet as she portrays herself to be when there is something to be known. "Well," I begin to which she begins to jerk her leg up and down impatiently. I purse my lips thinking that this is a good time to tease her. "You know...." I mock yawn and look around the canteen slowly, a smirk about to make its way onto my face.

"Oh my Allah," She mutters and her eyes plead with mine, making me burst out laughing. She cries out loud and throws her head back, however she's still smiling.

"Calm down!" I laugh at my best friend and nudge her lightly. "Rimsha wants me to marry-"

"What?!" Her head falls back down and her eyes are nearly falling out of their sockets. "Married?! To who?!"

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