Authors Note

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Salaam, hi, hey, hello guys!

Hey there, stranger! So this is my first book on my new account and I'm a little excited to see where this goes.

Just a few things I would like to make clear to you all!

1) I welcome Muslims and non-Muslims! 🤗 It's under the tag 'spiritual' yes, however it will not include many Islamic teachings etc although I may add a few so please don't read this thinking you will learn a lot about Islam. 🤔 If you would like to get to know about Islam please try reading the translation of the holy Qur'an and/or the Ahadith of Prophet (SAWS). If you do have any questions on Islam feel free to DM me and I will try my best to answer them! 💙

2) The characters are FICTIONAL but this story as many emotional twists and turns and may include a few maniacs *cough* The characters are made up, they do not represent Muslims as a whole so don't assume that everyone is like the way they are 😳 LOOL.

3) I don't promote haraam relationships or mixing with the opposite sex as it is forbidden in Islam. This is a fictional book so just go along with it! 🤔

Uh, I don't know what else to say! Lol. Oops. 🙈

Anyhoo, I hope you all enjoy this story but please excuse any spelling/grammar mistakes!
Also, if I make a mistake in an Islamic teaching please let me know ASAP!

Eek, you may now READ!

Lots of love,
- LazyHijabi

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