Chapter 3

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"I was worried sick." Rimsha growls as she tries to keep herself calm. Her fingers are shaking as she skims them over her chapped lips before she looks up at me. Her brown eyes are held up by her dark bags which lay under her them whilst her pale face holds dark wrinkles etched onto her sweaty forehead.

"Well, you didn't need to be since I sent your son a text." I hold back the urge to roll my eyes and instead dig my bitten nails into my palms.

For some odd reason, my text wasn't 'delivered' to her special son and so Rimsha is now extremely annoyed at the fact that I didn't let her know that I took Nafisah to work with me. Wouldn't it be obvious though? I told her I was going to pick her up so that would mean taking her to work with me, right? I'm not just going to prance back to my house just to drop her off and run to work now am I?

Rimsha drops her bony hand onto her hip and she taps her foot against the floorboard repeatedly. She lets out a huff and her eyes roll to the back of her head as she throws it back before muttering some words under her breath.

I roll my eyes this time and glide my tongue against my front teeth. I need to shout. I need to scream. I have to argue back and prove to her that I am actually in the right...but what's the point? What's the point when I already know who's side she will always be stuck on.

I seriously hate these pathetic arguments we are constantly having. It drives me insane. Like I don't have enough things to worry about.

"If you sent my son a text then why didn't your brother get the text?" She questions and raises her freshly plucked eyebrows.
Dad always told her to stop shaping them as it is obviously haram but the woman carried on. 'It looks good!' She used to say and batter her non-existent eyelashes as she would try to impress my Father.
Not to mention the fact that her eyebrow artist really needs to find a new job - it just isn't out working for her.

"How am I supposed to know?" I retort and pull out my phone from my jacket which has now lost all of its charge. Nafisah had gotten bored when Hudayfah was yelled at by his Dad to actually do some work and so she had messed around on it, killing all of its battery in the process.

I groan in annoyance. "I would show you evidence but-" I spin my phone around so that the screen faces her and she furrows her eyebrows. "No charge."

"I don't need evidence." She snaps and crosses her arms over her flat chest. "I believe my son."

"Wow." I reply and hold my hands up in surrender whilst taking a few steps backwards, inching closer towards the front door. "You believe him? Fine."
This always happens. She would obviously believe her own son over me seen as I was just another kid she had to take on when she married my Father. I always knew she didn't want a child who wasn't actually one of her own, although she always wanted a daughter. Lucky for her, my Father gave her one and due to that she pushed me away, diverting all of Dad's attention to his newborn. I was just another forgotten child, I guess.

"Yes. I believe him." She confirmed with a nod of her head. She purses her dry lips as she does so, making her look as if she isn't completely certain with her decision.

"I knew that already." I force out a smile before pushing past her and slipping off my shoes. I feel her gaze on my back which I ignore before heading down the corridor towards the kitchen.

Work sure does make a girl hungry.

Pushing the previous argument to the back of my mind, I slip off my jacket and throw it into one of the chairs before I rummage through the fridge, wondering what to make for myself. The fridge is close to being empty once again which makes me grit my teeth. They really expect me to use my money to buy all the groceries - I mean, if they live in my house then they should put some money into it.

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