Chapter 19

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Does it make me a coward for wanting to get away? For not actually standing up for myself? I really hope not because I'm not a coward, I just need a break and I'll be back soon. Everyone deserves a break from time to time.

I throw in another cardigan and pair of socks into my gym bag which holds other items of clothing. My bag isn't huge but holds enough clothes to last a week, right now it's slowly filling up. I stand back, staring down at it with a hand on my neck, wondering what else I'd need.

Instead, my mind decides to start yet another internal debate about if I really should go. It's not right for me to just pack up and leave without telling anyone, right? Although I don't know if anyone would care seeing as they actually do just want me out of this house. But what if it just makes things worse for me? I mean what if-

Alvina, just stop!

It's fine, I need to relax. It's alright, it's not for long so I'll be back in a flash, they won't even know I'm gone, right?

Anyway, after a few more persuasions and begging, Hudayfah finally agreed to have a little road trip. He didn't ask me as many questions as I thought he would yet he seemed hesitant and anxious to actually accept my idea. I don't know how long we are going for or even where we are going, but anywhere is better than this house.

I sigh as I decide to take a little break away from packing our clothes and walk out of my bedroom, making sure to lock the door behind me. I fix my headscarf and make sure that I'm fully covered from head to toe as I tip toe into Nafisah's room, the door wide opened. I peek in and frown when she is no-where in sight.

She needs to be with me if this little 'escape' is going to work. As an elder sister, I cannot take any chances by leaving my little sister behind seeing as I don't know how many days I'm going for nor do I know what happens when I'm not here with her. Which means I'm taking her with me yet I haven't bothered to inform her about our road trip or else she'll blurt it out to the world within an instant.

Little miss blabber mouth.

I huff, closing her door and turning to walk down the stairs. I dread another encounter with either Kamil or Rimsha, not knowing how to behave in such an awkward situation. I should have mastered this by now seeing as it's been years that I've been living with them but due to being a nervous wreck who likes to overthink, that isn't what it's like for me.

I bite down on my lip, my hand holding the banister on the stairs, wondering who exactly is where. I hear voices and a giggle coming from the kitchen and nod my head to myself before creeping towards the door. I can't help how my palms begin to sweat and my heart picks up it pace as I grow nearer to the slightly opened door, a hand holding the handle softly as I listen in on the conversation taking place on the other side.

Nafisah and Kamil speak to one another about many things ranging from food to theme parks, both joking around as siblings do and I can't help the way the corners of my lips lift up slightly at Nafisah's giggles. That's until my ears perked up at a certain topic which Kamil decides to steer onto.

"I don't like him," I can practically hear Nafisah's frown and her puckered lips as she must be fidgeting by now. "He's not nice-"

"Why?" Kamil forces out a laugh and I roll my eyes, my teeth grinding against each other at the sound of his nasally voice which decides to grow harsher.

Why did he have to begin talking about it in the first place if he's going to get frustrated at my sister's answers? He better not brainwash her into holding certain disgusting beliefs.

"I like Hood Hood," Nafisah sighs sadly and I almost snort at the tone of her voice. Strangely, I feel my cheeks begin to burn slightly when I realise why she mentions Hudayfah but I quickly brush it off. "Hood hood is nice because he likes me and buys me things!"

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