Chapter Thirty Six

Start from the beginning

"I know." It was probably better Shadow never finds out that me being in danger was because he had trouble keeping his anger in check. Blaming himself wouldn't change anything.

"Which reminds me," He got to his feet and headed to the door, motioning for me to follow. "I have something for you."

"What?" I followed after him, confused. "We should be trying to come up with a plan before Lukas gets back, Benjamin. Now I know the truth, I can't let you stay here until you lose your mind to his twisted games."

"I'll go crazy one way or another." He responded.

"No, you won't." I was certain of that, at least. "I told you. Process your grief, allow yourself to actually grieve and you will be okay eventually. You're not just a wolf remember?"

"I know, but I was born one. Surely that side is more dominant?"

"I don't really know how that works, to be honest with you," I sighed. "I don't even know how hybrids are created."

"Shadow didn't turn me into one, though I blame him for the fact I had to be turned at all. I was happy being a wolf but after his attack... my pack saved my life. They knew a vampire, an old one who knew a lot and she was willing to help─"

"Wait, you have a pack?!" I interrupted, eyes wide. Weren't packs supposed to be large? Where was the rest of them and why weren't they helping Benjamin? 

I had way too many questions and not enough answers.

"I used to." He replied shortly. From the tone of his voice, I knew better than to question him further. It was obviously a sensitive topic.

As I followed him, my mind wandered. Benjamin had suffered so much, it was no wonder he wanted revenge. He had lost his pack, his friends and the love of his life and it all somehow links back to Shadow. Though I'd been the one to end Georgia's life, I am Shadow's girlfriend. That can't have been an easy pill for Benjamin to swallow, to constantly hear his name when it represented everything he'd lost, reminding him of it every single day.

Though, could I even call Shadow my boyfriend? I was sure that once he knew about what I'd done, he would never forgive me. I couldn't even forgive myself, despite knowing Lukas had used his ability on me. There was no way I couldn't tell him; not only did he have a right to know but we'd promised each other to never keep secrets. While Shadow liked to go back on that particular promise if it meant keeping me safe, this was different. Keeping this secret wouldn't keep him safe, not if Lukas was going to continue to manipulate me. 

Maybe I could get Leah to help...

"In here." Benjamin spoke up, breaking me out of my thoughts. I entered the room he walked in, stunned when I saw how cluttered the room was. It looked like a junk room, random objects placed haphazardly around the room.

"What is all this stuff?" I asked, picking up a book that was coated in a layer of dust, showing just how long the item hadn't been touched.

"Just things I have collected over the years." He replied, heading to the back of the room, passing by a bunch of jewellery resting on a dust covered table. Everything in the room was coated in a layer of dust and I found myself wanting to clean it all. I'd always been a curious person and seeing all these objects had me wanting to inspect each item. There was jewellery, books, musical instruments; there was even a sword hanging on the far wall. I just wanted to look at everything because I'd never seen anything like this before. Everything here was a little piece of history and I wanted to see it all.

"And you have something for me in here?"

"I have no use for it, and I don't want Lukas finding it."

My curiosity was officially piqued. Whatever he had for me that he didn't want Lukas getting hold of must be good, though I couldn't deny I was wondering why he would want me to have anything anyway. We had formed a tentative friendship since Lukas and I had kissed, something that still had me drowning in the guilt whenever I thought about it.

"There are things in here that Lukas can never know." Benjamin told me as he came over to me, holding a book in his hand.

"Like what?" I took it from him when he handed it over, staring down at it as I flipped it over. There was no title to the book, so I took a guess that it was a notebook of some sort. It had been read recently, the fact there wasn't any dust on it proving that somebody had been reading it ─ most likely Benjamin.

"Things about the grimoire."

My head shot up, wide eyes meeting his calm ones. "What?"

"I can't keep it in here with Lukas getting more brave. He used me as a shield but now he's kissed you, I'm afraid of what that might mean. You need to keep this safe and give it Shadow when he comes for you." He spoke gently, but his eyes had darkened considerably and his jaw clenched.

"Benjamin... I won't let Shadow hurt you." If anyone could get through to Shadow, it would be me. That, I was certain of.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now, take that book into our room and I will go find Lukas."

Fifteen minutes later, I was sitting cross legged on the bed, inspecting the book. There was nothing on the front of back cover that gave me any knowledge about who it belonged to, or even where it came from. I opened it up carefully, lips parting slightly when I read the words on the first page I came across. I could do nothing but gape at the page, total shock coursing through me. How Benjamin had found this and why he had it in the first place, I had no idea, but I decided I'd just ask him later. He seemed more willing to open up now he wasn't trying to force me into a mating bond I didn't want.

With the realisation of what I was holding came the realisation of what it contained, and I wasn't sure I wanted to proceed, to read through its pages. Some things were better left to my imagination and reading about Shadow's life with Viktor from the man who tortured him wasn't something I was convinced was a good idea.

Viktor Morte.

The brother of Vince, the mentor of Shadow, but nightmare to both.

Only a narcissist would name themselves after Death. Did nobody think to tell him that, when translated, Viktor Death just sounded absolutely ridiculous? It didn't even remotely sound scary and intimidating at all, which I'm sure was his motive for choosing the name. Though, Viktor Morte did sound a lot better when it wasn't translated, I couldn't get it out of my head. It sounded like something a drunk would say when he had no idea what he was saying. My lips curled up at the thought.

Eventually, curiosity won out, and I turned the page of Viktor's journal. Scanning the contents, I flipped over page after page after page, until I finally saw something that caught my full attention.

July 12, 1871

After scouring countries in search of the perfect pet, I have finally found him. I have been following him for a week to bide my time and learning all that I can. From what I have heard, he wishes to help people and he loves his family more than anything, particularly his younger sister. Yet I can sense a darkness in him, one that I can use to my advantage, to warp his soul and twist his mind into doing my bidding. 
I have everything planned out. I will turn him tomorrow, using my charm to draw him away from others and then,  I will strike. Between him, my brother and I, the grimoire should be in my possession in a matter of months, and when that happens, the real fun will start with the two perfect specimens to test my spells on...
I cannot wait to get started.

It was only a short entry but it was clear who he was talking about. It made me feel sick to know that he'd been following Shadow and his family to make sure he'd found the right person. He'd been using Vince and Shadow from the beginning ─ there was no part of him that cared. If there was, it was hidden way too deeply to be found. 

Perhaps Death was the right name for someone like Viktor since he liked to suck the life out of everyone. 


AN: I'm sorry for the delay! I was originally planning on updating two days ago but writer's block is a bitch and well, we all know how hard that can be to get out of. Let me know what you think of this chapter though! What do you think Lukas is up to? 

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