"Morning dad, bit early for a drink isn't it?" I questioned as he just smiled at me fondly, knocking back the drink and placing his feet back under the table.

"Morning son, somewhere around the world it's happy hour. It's never too early to drink, remember that." He said in an attempt of defending himself, his voice raspy from smoking one too many cigars. Laughing I rolled my eyes, motioning for him to get out of my chair as I settled behind my desk, my father sitting on one of the cushioned chairs opposite me.

"I keep telling you I can get you your own desk in here, you know?" I reminded him, logging into my computer as my father set about pouring himself another drink, laughing to himself.

"Now why would I do that when I can just use yours?" He teased, smirking at me as he sipped at his whiskey. Rolling my eyes once again I pulled up my emails on the computer, skimming through them looking for a suitable sponsor for the bar.

"So what brings you here dad? Apart from the free drinks of course." I hummed, my eyes staying locked on the computer screen as my fingers tapped intensely at the keyboard. My father cleared his throat, running his finger around the rim of the glass as his eyes wandered around my office.

"I have an idea for the bar, I think you need to bring in some music. Real music, not this techno rubbish these youngsters listen to nowadays. Even if it's just in the day, bring some people in to play." My dad suggested.

I considered it, it would give a nice touch to the bar, granted it could only be in the day because people came to the bar at night to party, but it could bring in more customers. My mind wandered to the boy I'd bumped into earlier, with his guitar case slung over his shoulder.

"We'll see," I replied before getting back to work on my computer. My father left the room, probably to find Claire in an attempt to flirt with her, despite her being young enough to be his granddaughter. I laughed lightly at the thought of it, my fingers tapping away at the keyboard as my days work began.


People were just beginning to filter into the nightclub, it was early but the loud music already filled the streets as the sky turned dark. Claire had brought my blazer up a good few hours before so I shrugged it on, locking my office door behind me as I made my way down the spiral staircase.

Claire quickly rushed over to me as we made our way outside, the cold breeze slapping me hard in the face.

"Know anywhere new I can get good coffee?" I asked her, watching her small frame shiver as she wrapped her arms around herself. She nodded, her bottom lip trembling as she hopped from foot to foot.

"There's t-this coffee shop near that old theatre, it's got terrific reviews. The Coffee Pot? I t-think that's what it's called," Claire said quickly, her shivering causing her to stumble over her words. I smiled gratefully before telling her to get back inside, pour herself a drink and warm up.

The air was cold and the wind was sharp as I stood on the side of the road, holding my hand out for an upcoming cab. I rubbed my hands together in an attempt to warm up as I clambered in, relieved that it was slightly warmer inside the car. "Where to Mister?" The driver grumbled, pulling out a packet of nicotine gum before shoving one in his mouth.

"The Coffee Pot, please." I replied, trying to ignore the disgusting sound the man made as he chomped on the gum. One thing I couldn't stand was when people could not eat properly.

I stared mindlessly out of the window as we began our journey, observing the Christmas decorations people had begun to put up, despite it only being a whole month before December.

Still, it was nice and beautiful to look at it, the golden lights lit up the usually dull streets,blow up Santa's waved happily at each passerby and crisp fake snow  stapled to doorways glistened under street lights.

Eventually the abandoned theatre came into view, a run down and derelict building that was an eyesore to the rest of the quaint little shops that lined the sidewalk. As we pulled up I handed the driver a $10 bill, telling him to keep the change before climbing out of the cab.

As soon as I stepped out the cab a melodic voice filled my ears accompanied by a guitar from somewhere behind me but I didn't bother to look, I was cold and wanted to be indoors. 

"Welcome! Haven't seen your face around here before," A cheery woman from behind the cash register greeted me, one hand on her hip as she grinned at me. I smiled at her as I walked over, tapping my foot on the floor gently as my eyes scanned over the menu written on a chalk board above her.

"Hiya can I just have a large hot chocolate with extra cream and marshmallows?" I hummed, bringing my eyes back down to meet hers as she nodded and punched it into the till.

"You want chocolate sprinkles as well honey?" She asked, raising an eyebrow as I nodded quickly and handed her the change for the drink. "Go and sit down and I'll bring it over to you when it's done," She told me as she organised the money I had given her in the cash register.

Shoving my hands in to my pockets I decided to sit right next to the radiator, looking around at the customers dotted around the shop conversing over their food and drink.

My eyes stopped when I peered out of the glass front and saw a young boy across the street, strumming away at his guitar and singing as people threw change into his case as they passed. I narrowed my eyes, trying to get a better look at the boy, all I could see was that he had blonde hair and a small figure.

It couldn't have been the boy I'd bumped into earlier, could it? Perhaps if he was talented I could invite him to play at the bar every now and then, maybe we'd become friends, maybe he could teach me how to play guitar.

"Here you are my lovely and here's a slice of cake, on the house. Hope to see your face more often around here," The woman who served me beamed, placing the mug down in front of me and a large slice of chocolate cake.

I thanked her before using a fork to scoop up a segment, groaning with pleasure as I tasted it and realised that it was in fact a chocolate orange cake. People were rarely generous these days, it was a pleasant surprise to see.

My mini food orgasm was quickly interrupted when the bell above the door chimed, signifying that someone had entered. When I turned my head I saw that it was the boy from outside that had came in, the very same boy I had spilt my coffee all over that morning.

Watching as he walked over to the till and began talking to the woman, I jumped up when I saw him about to hand over his money to her and rushed over.

"Allow me."

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