Chapter 14 The Demon's Trap

Start from the beginning

"Oh-" Mrs. Emily sounded as if she was going to cry again, her footsteps echoed in the room as she walked forward. Slow and cautious.

"Here you go my darling." you felt something being placed in your arms was that a stuffed animal?
"Your favorite stuffed animal."

Mrs. Emily was quite for a moment. You have no response. Even if you wanted to. You really wanted to open your eyes and see. Look at just what was going on. But again, you just couldn't.

It wasn't much longer after that, that you felt someone grabbing your arm. It was quite in the room now, it sounded like someone sunk down to their knees.

"Oh my baby- my sweet baby." Mrs. Emily was sobbing at your side now her frail hands grasping your small arms. You wanted to open your eyes even more now. You wanted to move and see what was happening. You wanted to stop her from crying. But why? (Was that your mom? But you don't remember her sounding that way? You may not have seen her in a while, but that didn't mean you wouldn't recognize your own mother! Right?)

The sobbing sounded far away now, no longer at your side. Her gentle touch lingered on your arm, but it was faint now as well.

Oh dove.

You knew that voice. You knew who that was. The demon speaking to you in your mind. So this was a dream? Wake up! You have to wake up!

Wake up!

W a k e, u p!

Your body jolted, eyes snapping open upon hearing the voice. Your breathing was heavy. It was a dream, and only a dream. There was no taking comfort in that though, because now you were awake in the nightmare.

Even though you knew your eyes were opened now, it was pitch black. You couldn't make out much of anything until a strong scent reached your nose. It smelt like metal. You wanted to gag instinctively at how strong it was, your head was pounding, what was that?


Shadow seemed to leer at you. His eyes gazing intensely down at you something clutched in his hand. It was hard to tell it was until briefly light reflected upon it. It looked like metal. Is that where the smell is from? (No that was stupid. Metal doesn't smell so strongly like this.)

It was hard to keep your eyes opened as you tried to look around, desperately trying to take in the surroundings. You had to know where you were. What if you got taken to someplace else! You had to let the others know you had been here.

You gasped, yelping in pain, as a hand grabbed your face pulling you forward to look up. Shadow kept his grip tight, any tighter you feared he'd break your jaw.

"It's clear to me that you think I can't hear your thoughts" shadow hummed letting go of you.
"Human beings are so hilariously stupid."

How was he talking out loud now? No he wasn't, he just sounded like it now. You wanted to argue with him about it. You weren't stupid! But you supposed in this aspect you had to be. You didn't know much about dream demons.

"Does it hurt yet?" Shadow leaned down, grabbing your neck now shoving you into the wall.
"Can you feel the intentions on your skin? Where the knife met it? Tore into the flesh to let you bleed?"

You choked tears reaching your eyes as you struggled. You realized now that he mentioned it your stomach did hurt. Every time you took a breath sharp pain made your body shake. Oh no. That metal smell. It was your blood.

"Don't worry too much though little bird. It was just something to wake you up." Shadow's grin was still masked by that mask over his nose and mouth. But you knew he was smiling at you. A twisted one at that.

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