chapter 33 | masquerade party part 1

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"You're just in time." Her smile is so sinister, it's unnerving.


Riz faintly whispers one word into her ear.

I look at Phoenix. "Did he just say 'Fidelio'?"

Phoenix shrugs.

The masked woman moves to the side and welcomes us in. As soon as we enter, she leads us to a solid oak table off to the side. It's lined with a dozen iPads.

The veined white marbled floor and ultra-high ceiling with a shimmering chandelier are breathtaking. Standing in this grand foyer gives me the sensation of being someone of great importance.

Wish I lived here.

"You'll need to sign these first before joining the party." She holds up a contract on the iPad.

Eyes dart back and forth. No one saw this coming.

"What is this exactly?" I ask, confused.

"You have to sign it before you take another step. It's a requirement. It's a non-disclosure agreement. You can't reveal anything that goes on behind these doors."

I pick up an iPad off the table and swipe through the pages. "Wow. It's that serious, huh? Should we be concerned? Is it safe?"

"Of course, it's safe. This is for the protection of all guests. For you as well. Wouldn't want anyone revealing any telling details of the night, now would we?"

She's giving me the eerie feeling that whatever is behind those doors, I'll never be able to un-see. I'm not sure I want to take another step.

"Can you give us a minute?" JC takes one of the iPads and quickly scans the pages on it. The lawyer in him goes into client-protective mode. After a few moments of intense scrutiny, he looks up at everyone. "It's an ironclad NDA. I say let's do it. They're just covering their asses."

"What do we know about this party? It's a little creepy, this NDA business." Mia looks as worried as I feel.

Riz pulls out his iPhone. "It's cool. My finance guy, Terry Higgins, got us this invite. Phoenix you've met Terry before. He said it's exclusive. This is one of those parties people kill to get in to." He looks through the invite. Seconds later, he covers his mouth, trying to conceal his surprise. "At the bottom, in fine print it says: 'Dress is formal...until it's not.'"

"What's that about?" Without even realizing it, a smile slowly replaces my confused expression.

"I say let's do it. Let's see what it's about. We can always leave."

"You'd do anything to keep from going back to the pad. Sheila let you off the leash, tonight. You're taking full advantage?" JC elbows Nixon.

"Yeah, what's up with Sheila?"

"Man, she had way too much to drink last night. Said she's done partying. Swore it off for life. She'll be back at it next weekend." Nixon laughs.

JC, Riz and Phoenix all laugh.

"Poor Sheila," Mia quips.

"Poor Sheila, alright," I echo.

"She's a nurse, she knows all the tricks to get over hangovers. She's good." Nixon reassures everyone.

"Well, I'm down." Penelope looks excited.

"Let's do it. We're dressed for it." Riz smiles, licks his lips and pops his collar.

"Let's." Mia shrugs. "What's the worst that could happen? It's a party, people!"

"Alright, it's settled." Phoenix is first at the table, signing the NDA.

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