6K Special-Fantasy/Medieval AU [Pt 1]

Start from the beginning

"Wow. Your parents are foolishly inconsiderate of your feelings."

"Right! Ugh, this just sucks..." I paused to let out a groan.

"If I give you a headstart, would that make you feel better?"

"Yes, please."

Kiku chuckled as he nodded and tossed his sword behind me, the metal clanking against the ground when it fell. "Fine, fine. It's unfair, but only because I'm nice."

"Aw come on, Kiku, you'd beat me without some sort of handicap. And at the moment I don't really want to feel defeat." I whined playfully. I grinned, letting the excitement and exhilaration take over my body. I pointed the tip of my blade to his neck from afar, as if to remind myself of my goal. 

Kiku sprinted towards me. I stood my ground in front of his sword and bent my knees slightly. When he was in my blade's range, I swung it in an arc, aiming the tip just before his chest so it wouldn't actually hurt him, only force him to move back. He did, taking a quick step back. 

Before I could ready myself, he ducked and stuck out his leg. He performed a roundhouse kick, swiping his leg around my feet. I leaped into the air at the right moment so I wouldn't get tripped. I placed both hands on the hilt and brought down my sword towards his head in midair. He swiftly tucked his head and rolled, my sword's tip hitting only the stone. 

I dropped to the ground and spun around. Kiku grabbed his sword and raised it to me. 

I sighed and wiped the sweat on my forehead with the back of my hand. "Haa...You're too good."

"You're doing well, princess. Perhaps if you channel that anger of yours, you may be able to beat me."

"Really? Hm...maybe you're right." I lifted my sword and prepared myself. "Well, first off..."

Kiku charged. I successfully dodged his first attack and pivoted my body to the side, my chest brushing along the side of his sword. "I'm just barely coping with the whole princess thing. I can hardly take care of myself, much less another human being." I spoke calmly as I spun on my heel, whirling around to gently, but roughly thrust my blade into his side. He stumbled back and I took the time to hoist my leg into the air and jab my heel into his stomach.  

"Second, I only recently turned eighteen. That's a time where I'm supposed celebrating my independence..." I paused to angrily swing my sword, the sound of the metal clanging against his echoing. Our swords danced electrifyingly, glowing sparks rising from the whirlwind of stabs and slashes. "Yet my godforsaken parents want me to basically give up all the freedom and experience I've rightfully earned..." I barely dodged one of his furious attacks, the sudden pause of momentum throwing him off balance. I grabbed his wrist and twisted his arm behind his back, pinning it there. "And give it up to some snobby, wealthy prince."I used my other hand to raise my sword to his neck, breathing out deeply. "How unjust is that?"

"Very." Was all Kiku said. I blinked a few times and let go of him, the realization of me beating him finally hitting me. He turned around and bowed. "Well done."

"Thank you." I smiled and sat down, exhausted. He dropped to the ground in front of me. "So what do you think about it?"

"I would undoubtedly join you if you were to reason with the King and the Queen, but since the ball is tonight I believe that would be an effort in vain. Maybe this ball won't be as bad as you expect it to be. I think you should go through with the ball, meet the princes and just try to have as much fun as you can." Kiku suggested with a small smile. He snapped his fingers and looked at me. "Oh, and you should especially remember that you have a choice. You always do." He gave my head a light pat and stood up, winking. "You've been the most rebellious princess I've ever served, why stop there?"

Did I ever mention that Kiku is one of the most amazing people I've ever met in my life? 

Kiku's right. He's always right. He's a modest, talented knight in the Royal Army and the best swordsmanship instructor in the kingdom. He's been given many opportunities to become a marshal, commanding over the army, but he always rejects the offer. He gives the best advice for literally everything I've been through, and even if he's busy, but he will always make time to listen to my rants and allow me to let off steam by fighting him.

"Now go on back to your room." He seems obedient, but he took the time to teach me how to wield a sword despite my parents' wishes, so you could say he has a bit of mischief in him. "We don't want Your Majesties finding out, hm?"

"Yes." I grinned up at him. "Thanks, Kiku."

"You're welcome, (Name).

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