6K Special-Police/Assassin AU [Oneshot]

Start from the beginning

"He's not talking."

"Hai, we can see that." Kiku deadpanned, speaking into the microphone. He straightened his back and glanced at Feliciano. "What should we do?"

"Hmm. Oh, (Name), can you get Luciano's file? I forgot it on the way here." Feliciano requested.

I nodded. "Yeah, sure." I opened the door. "Be right back." I said before shutting it behind me. I walked off into the precinct and headed for Feliciano's desk. I picked up the file and opened it up. 

Name: Luciano Vargas

Sex: Male

Age: 20

Race: European/Italian

I looked over the pictures as I began walking back to the interrogation room. This Luciano looked similar to Feliciano, with his auburn hair and physique. The only thing that bothered me were his eyes. The glowing magenta color that they were already unsettled me, but the sly, mischievous look in them made it worse. He seemed to be permanently planning something bad, for I think the bloodlust in his eyes were there for a reason. 

I dug up another picture of him walking through the streets with his hands in his pockets, most likely a picture taken before he was arrested. I squinted and scrutinized the picture carefully. Two blurry figures lurked behind him in the shadows.

My head whipped up and I snapped the file shut, gripping it tightly as I ran towards the interrogation room. I peered through a window in the door, my eyes widening when I saw what was happening.

Someone, I'm not sure who since their back was facing me, was wrapping ropes around an unconscious Feliciano and Kiku. I couldn't see what was going on in the interrogation room from where I was standing, but I'm sure it wasn't any better. I grabbed my walkie talkie from my belt and pressed the button, speaking into it. 

"I'm requesting immediate backup from Officers Alfred, Arthur, Francis, Yao, Ivan and Matthew. An interrogation involving a recently captured assassin from the assassination agency we've been trying to find and arrest has gone wrong." 

I stepped back and lunged forward, ramming my side into the door. The door fell back and I looked into the glass of the interrogation room. Ludwig was sitting in the chair Luciano was supposed to be sitting in, a cuff around his wrist. I glared at Luciano as he was being pulled into the vents by a cable wire. He met my eyes and smirked, mocking me with a salute. 

"And our prime suspect is escaping." I talked quickly while I began to run to the nearest exit. "I'm currently in pursuit and I need backup as soon as possible." I put my walkie talkie away and grabbed a pistol in one hand, a baton in the other. 

I exited the department and ran into the parking lot. I surveyed my surroundings and spotted a black van driving away. I hopped on a line of motorcycles that belonged to the police department and got the engine going. 

I sped across the parking lot and tailed the van. I took out my gun and precisely fired two bullets into each of the van's back tires. The van came to a stop and I dug my foot across the pavement to abruptly stop my motorcycle from crashing into the bus. Cops are supposed to capture the criminals alive, so that's what I was going to do.

I jumped off the motorcycle and headed for the van. I opened the back door to see that no one was there. I ran towards the front of the van and not a single person was in the front seat. I grunted in frustration and looked around and saw Luciano's auburn hair within a crowd of people. 

I bolted to the crowd and briskly wove through it, cocking my gun. I lifted my chin to see Luciano disappear around a corner of an alleyway. I walked over to the corner and pressed my back against the wall. 

Once I caught my breath, I rushed into the narrow alleyway and relentlessly fired. I heard people collapsing and some grunts, feeling hope flicker inside me knowing that I was hitting something. I took my flashlight out and pushed the button. Light cut through the darkness and I could see some figures running in the distance. I darted towards them and slowly closed the gap. 

One of them turned around, but I didn't get to see them clearly before they swung a sword at me. I ducked swiftly and raised my gun, firing twice. Both bullets were deflected by the curved, single edged blade. A katana. 

I stood up and shined my flashlight in his face. While temporarily blinding him, I could see his features. Black hair, red eyes. Looked so much like Kiku. 

I swiveled my body to the side to execute an uppercut, swinging my arm in an arc with my fist aimed his face. My knuckles came into contact with his jaw, which I proceeded to slam my fist into. Satisfied with the crack I heard, I stepped back and readied myself. 

He lunged forward, raising his leg to perform an upper kick. I dodged, moving to the side and shot a bullet into his kneecap. 

I pointed the barrel of my gun to his stomach, but before I could fire, a knife came out of nowhere and knocked the gun out of my hand. A sudden punch to my back threw me off balance, knocking me onto the ground.

"Hope you have a nice sleep, bella~"


My eyes shot open. Ropes were securely wrapped around my mouth, wrists and ankles. I thrashed around in my seat, but they were too tight. One sole light bulb in the room flickered alive and just barely illuminated the room. 

Luciano's glowing magenta eyes were the first thing I saw within the darkness before he stepped into the light. He wore an interesting choice of attire, a brown leather uniform with black laceless boots, gloves and a hat sitting atop his head. He tossed a throwing knife into the air and caught it with ease. 

"I have a little proposal for you, ragazza."

I raised an eyebrow at him, pointing my eyes down at the gag in my mouth, muffling my words. He nodded, his eyes pinned on someone behind me and the gag was roughly pulled over my head.

I gasped softly and exhaled deeply before replying, "What do you want with me?"

"Judging by your age, you must be an apprentice police officer. Am I right?"

"Yeah. What's it to you?"

"As you know, I am part of an agency that answers the call of people who would buy to see people dead. Illegal assassination. Your department's pathetic attempts to track down the agency are actually starting to get closer to finding us. I need someone trusted by the police to inform us about the department's investigations involving the agency."

I sneered and spat on the ground in front of him. "No. I refuse to." I firmly stated.

"Oh, mio caro, I'm not asking you." A wickedly insane grin crossed his lips when he caught the handle of his knife. With a flick of his wrist, he threw the knife, the blade stabbing into my leg. I screamed in agony, squeezing my eyes shut. "I'm ordering you."

Pain shot through my entire leg but I shook my head. "N-Never." 

"Hm. Your loss then. Since we already brought you into our agency, we'd have to kill you."

"Go ahead. I don't-"

"And these poor little innocent hostages." 

I looked up and opened my eyes. Another light bulb lit up the other part of the room, revealing three chairs. Luciano tugged the bags over each one of them.

My two best friends and my sister.

"Jasper, Rina, Alexandra..." I choked out in horror. Luciano pressed the tip of his knife to my sister's neck. I blurted out, "Fine! Okay...I-I will become an undercover spy for you. Just please...don't hurt them."

"I thought so." Luciano smirked triumphantly and strolled towards me. He took my chin and roughly lifted my head up. "I knew you'd be of use to me, bella~"

That was the moment I sold my soul to the devil and became an undercover spy.

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