Axel sighed. "Sorry Jason," He said. "I didn't mean that, I should apologize. I am sorry. I'm tired and I'm dealing with a thousand different things at once but that's no excuse for sticking the knife further in for what happened. You all were there firsthand. I'm sorry for opening up those wounds."

"Don't be," Laureen said curtly. "That's inevitable. Sounds weird but this...incident only happened two fucking days ago. Feels like we've been on the run forever though. But it happened and we can't push it aside. Gotta face it, you know?"

Axel nodded. "Sure. So. You've all managed to reunite then..." He smirked and rubbed at his unshaven chin. "Best news I've heard in a while and the last one was when Jason and James managed to get a hold of me. Now..." He narrowed his eyes. "I'm not going to push you all, after what you went through, but I assume you're contacting me because you want to continue the fight. To respond to this attack and bring the bastards who did this to justice. Is that right?"

Laureen looked at everyone. "...I think we're in agreement about that, Axel. We want to do that and more," Jason looked into her eyes as she glanced over everyone and swore he saw a spark of flame in them. A fiery fury, a promise of searing retribution. "They tore our home apart. They attacked us for no fucking reason and they killed dozens of people, slaughtered them without remorse. They're fucking animals. And we're going to put 'em down like the pigs they are."

Everyone looked at her, Jason especially give her a surprised look. Laureen met their stares and growled, "What? You know it's what we gotta do. These assholes are beyond reason and I sure as hell am not going to arrest someone who did that to us."

Jason nodded slowly. "...Fair enough. I agree, for what it's worth. Just..."

"...Just better as phrasing it more nicely?" Laureen snorted. "This isn't a mission, Spider-boy. We're in the middle of a fucking war and wars aren't places you can afford to be nice. Especially against the kind of monsters we're up against."

"But that's..." Hiroshi piped up. But he stopped mid-sentence. He licked his lips before saying more quietly. "...Never mind."

Jason was about to ask Hiroshi to continue with his thought. He did want to hear what the kid wanted to say and always hated it when people didn't voice their thoughts but Laureen cut him off.

"Alright," She addressed Axel. "We've agreed mostly on our next course of action. We obviously need help with this fucking thing, so we've agreed to head for a military base and hopefully we can get support of the government to take the Skeleton Crew down. I'm pretty sure they'll be willing to oblige, as they're sure as hell not let something as devastating as this go unpunished, but Jason pointed out a correctly..." She gestured at Jason. "...That we aren't exactly the military's biggest fans, so he wanted us to get back together and contact you before we made a plan. So basically, we wanna know where we can go."

Axel leaned back in his chair, tapping his fingers together as he thought. Jason quietly watched him, arms folded, listening to James's snores. Finally, Axel leaned forward again and snapped his fingers.

"Alright, I've made a decision," Axel said quietly. "Now, this isn't something I'll do lightly but considering the circumstances...its our best bet. You're to come to GHOST headquarters."

Jason blinked. He had heard of the mysterious site before but it had always remained a vague concept for him, much like GHOST itself. Vague, unseen, and mysterious. In some ways, it was weird to know that it was out there, much less he was know able to go there.

Laureen cocked her head. "Uh...really?"

"Um..."Hiroshi raised his hand, blushing "Is like a spy thing? Are we going to a secret base?'

The Metahuman Agency: The Superhuman Warजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें