6K Special-Little Red Riding Hood AU [Pt 2]

Start from the beginning

I slowly made me way toward one of the particular beds. "And...And how are you doing, Arthur?" I stopped at his bedside and gazed down at him.

His eyelids fluttered open and a smile crossed his face. 

"Better and better each day, thanks to you, love."

I almost choked up. His eyes were hollow, drained from the beautiful emerald color they were before. The green was replacing the darkness in his eyes bit by bit, but it was going to take a few more trips before his eyesight would be back to normal.

"That's good." I finally responded and dipped my head respectfully. 

He deserved it. He deserved any ounce of respect I could ever offer. In the midst of the battle, he sacrificed his eyesight to become a hero. 

Footsteps drew closer to me and I shut my eyes. I didn't even have to look to know that the person standing beside me was Alfred.

"How many fingers...am I holding up?"

I bit my lip and reached up to grab Alfred's hand, gripping it tightly. The atmosphere in the room had darkened and seemed to be suffocating with heaviness. I directed a side glance toward Alfred, my throat closing up immediately. I breathed out a shaky sigh and turned away from him. The hope in his sparkling eyes were too much to handle. He'd been asking the same question ever since that night

And every day Arthur replied with the same answer.

"I'm sorry, Alfred. I still can...no longer see..."

Alfred's hand slowly dropped down to his side. I gave his wrist one final squeeze before retracting my grasp from his hand. 

"E-Excuse me." I quickly said and walked out of the area with the beds. 

I headed to the kitchen. I took the brown paper bag from out of my basket and set it down on the counter. I unloaded its contents, which were a few small containers of ground up herbs. I grabbed a kettle and filled it with water. I placed it on the stove, turning the knob that controlled the fire. When it was done boiling, I found a teacup and filled it up with water. I threw in a pinch of the each poultice of herbs and stirred it. 

I exited the kitchen and stood near Arthur's bed. I gently took Arthur's hand and slipped the warm cup into his fingers. When I helped him sit upright, he drank the tea and left the teacup empty.

"Thank you, (Name)."

"Please, don't thank me." I reassuringly touched his hand. "It's my pleasure."


After spending time with the group for a little while, I got ready to leave.

"Aw, leaving so soon?"

"Yep. Sorry, Alfred." I reached up and tousled his blonde hair, grinning joyfully. "But don't worry, I'll be back to visit. You guys will be able to leave soon, I promise."

"Yeah! I know, (Name). Well you should go now before it gets too dark."

I nodded and slid my picnic basket onto my forearm. "Mm-hm, I should. See you."

Alfred matched my smile and waved. I returned his wave before turning around. I pushed the iron door open and walked out, closing it behind me. 

I started to head out the house when a familiar voice spoke,

"Not so fast, mio caro~" 

A blur of brown flashed in front of me. It hopped down from the roof and onto the doorway, baring its teeth viciously. 

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