Chapter 21

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*Kayla's POV* 

I was in the shower when I heard his screams. When I was younger, I'd stay in the shower until my stepdad would yell at me to get out, complaining about the water bill. Somehow, I always found peace with the hot water running down my back, the water pressure perfect for my sore muscles, well, as long as I didn't let the jets have direct contact with my bruises and fresh cuts. Otherwise, the shower was my little escape from reality, a place where I got to sing or cry with the water blocking the sounds from unwanted ears, the place where I got to wash away the past from my skin, where I thought and dreamed of a happy ever after. Nowadays, I always think about deep philosophical demigod stuff whenever I have the chance to shower. When I first boarded the Argo II, I danced around when I saw my own shower, and then proceeded to take an hour and a half long shower, washing my hair four times in a row. After living on the streets for a long time, you learn to appreciate showers whenever you get to take one. But also, when you love someone, you learn to always run to them when they are screaming bloody murder. 

Heart hammering, I had turned off the water and yanked back the curtains, promptly running to my bathrobe and tying it tightly to my body before taking off barefoot down the hall, water still dripping off of my hair. Nearly falling, I sprinted down the hall to Nico's room, praying to the gods that he was ok. It never even crossed my mind that I should be embarassed that I was dressed in just a bathrobe until I stepped into Nico's room. Which leads to this very moment. 

Heat rose to my cheeks automatically, but it didn't even matter. Nico was thrashing in his bed, sweat dripping down his forehead, his black hair plastered back by all of the sweat. My heart breaks as he lets loose another terrified scream, his voice breaking at the end. What in the world is he dreaming about? What horrors are making him so distressed? I wish I knew how to help him. 

Cautiously, I tiptoe to his bedside, and kneel on the floor. I put out a tentative hand, placing it on his pale forehead, and use my other hand to shake his shoulder, lightly at first but then harder. 

"Nico! Wake up! Wake up, wake up, wake up. C'mon Nico." 

After a few minutes, he shoots upright, gasping for air. He looks over at me, despair written over his face. His hands begin to shake, and he drags them through his hair, making it stick up at an odd angle. 

"Hey Sunshine." He croaks, his voice like broken glass. 

My bottom lip quivers, and I climb onto the bed next to him, wrapping him in a hug. Nico sobs, and his arms wrap around my waist tightly. He places his head on my shoulder, and I can feel how soaked his hair is with perspiration, and the room is filled with his shaky breaths. In an attempt to help calm him, I stroke my fingers through his hair, twirling it around my thumb. I remain silent, not knowing what to say. Nico's eyes remain squeezed shut, his breathing coming in ragged gasps, his fingers shaking against my skin. This is probably our most sentimental moment. 

"I love you," I whisper. "Remember that I love you." 

He buries his head into my neck, his arms reaching up to wrap around my neck. Quietly, he begins to hold back cries, trying his hardest to calm himself down, but failing. 

"It's ok, everything's fine." My eyes squeeze shut, and I hear the door open. 

Opening one eyelid, I see Hazel, Frank, and Percy standing in the doorway. A wave of embarassment crashes over me, remembering how I'm in just in a fluffy white bathrobe that Annabeth gave me. Then I realize how mortified Nico must be, having these people see him in such a vulnerable state. His whole body is tense against mine. 

Dragging my hands through his hair again, I keep whispering to him.

"Everything's going to be fine, I promise. It's all ok. I promise, Nico. We're going to be ok." 

My throat wells up, making it hard to swallow. Or breathe for that matter. 

"We're ok." 

I feel his head nod on my shoulder, and he releases a long, shaky breath. 

"We're fine." 

My eyes close, and my hands just keep playing with his hair. A small sigh escapes from his lips, and I know that he's getting better. He's fine. A lone tear trails down my cheek, and I quickly brush it away. I've had enough crying for multiple lifetimes. 

"I was in Tartarus. I relived it again." Nico's hoarse voice is slightly muffled from my shoulder, but Hazel somehow hears him. 

"Oh, Nico," she sighs, walking over and sitting beside us. She begins to rub his back, going in slow, soothing circles. "It's over, we aren't ever letting you go back. Never." 

My head swims in Tartarus? What was he doing-how did he-Tartarus is real? Nico was in Tartarus. My mind has just been blown. What happened there? It's obviously very tramautic. I'll have to ask Hazel later, when we are all alone. For now though, I'm going to leave him with Hazel, who actually knows how to help him. As I start to get up, Nico grabs my wrists, and pulls me back, desperation and panic in his eyes. 

"Please Kayla, stay. Don't leave me. Please Kayla don't leave me." 

I nod my head, and sit back down, opening my arms for him. His whole body trembles, wether from his nightmare or embarrassment, I don't know. If someone watched me after one of my nightmares...I shivered. I'd rather relive a week of middle school, aka Hell. Nico must be so mortified, I can't even imagine it. Well, I also can't imagine what he endured down in Tartarus that's shaken him up so much. Nico is a really brave, strong guy, and if he's terrified of it...another series of chills travel down my spine. Do I really want to know what happened down there? Yes. No. Maybe. 

Suddenly, I feel as though someone's shooting lasers at my back. Turning my head, I see Frank, Percy, and Annabeth shifting awkwardly in the doorway. Annabeth must have shown up when she noticed Percy was missing, and now she's staring intently at me. Nico too, but mainly me. It's kinda intimadating. Just a wee bit. 

Clearing my throat, I draw everyone's attention to me. "You guys can leave now. Everything's fine here, we don't need any help." 

There's a slight edge to my voice, but I don't really know who it's directed to. Maybe Annabeth, for not being as wise as everyone claims she is and just standing there staring. Or maybe Percy, for not trying to comfort his best friend-no, not just his best friend, his brother. Or maybe myself, for not knowing how to help him, and not dismissing them earlier, and not being there when Nico's nightmare started. Whoever it was directed  to though, it worked, because Frank nodded quickly and went back into the hallway, dragging a scowling Annabeth out of the room. Percy shoots a worried glance at Nico, then looks at Hazel and I again. Reassured, he turns and follows his gray-eyed girlfriend out the door. Hazel's eyes meet mine, and we both exchange silent words. It's time for Nico to talk. 

This is a kinda short chapter but I wanted to publish this before I leave for Myrtle Beach. Tonight (or tomorrow morning depending on how you look at it), I will be getting in my car, leaving for vacation. I'm going to be in a car for about a day of my life!  Dear gods, im going to go crazy. I probably wont update for a little while, so im sorry! Ill write some stuff while im in the car tho. :) have a good vaca. Is anyone else going anywhere? 

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