Chapter 3

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                                 Chapter Three

                   *Nico's POV  *
    I can't believe it. Kayla is like me, I can see it in her eyes. We have both gone through our hardships, losing someone special and having no home to return to. It is truly a shame that she is broken, she seems so wonderful. Just look at her! Her gorgeous dirty blonde hair that cascades in small waves down to her ribcage, and icy gray-blue eyes filled with emotion. Not to be creepy, but her body is shaped perfectly. She has the perfect amount of muscle, but is quite skinny. I can't believe someone would dare hurt her.

      My mind flashes to Bianca...she was so special to me. She's dead now, I don't care if she was a hero and sacrificed herself to save Percy, Thalia, Grover, and Zoe Nightshade. She was my sister, my friend. Bianca loved me for who I was, and she took care of me. I wish I could've been there to take care of her. This is what happens to everyone I care for, they suffer. I've learned to guard myself, for everyone's good. The world is better off without the lone Son of Hades.

    I'm thrown out of my thoughts by a burst of laughter. Unfamiliar laughter, that is. I look down to the deck from my spot up in the mast. A smile forms on my lips at the sight below me.

"First she was all like, Hey I'm Katniss Everdeen and all bow and arrow and stuff."

Leo jokes, pretending to shoot an arrow at the sky. Hazel, Frank, and Piper are crowding around Leo and Kayla, who is leaning against the rail with a huge grin on her face. Her cheeks flush red profusely and she laughs as Leo continues a Coach Hedge-like imitation of the Great Kayla Rescue as he has nick-named it. From above I call out,

"She's better than any of your automatons Repair Boy!"

He looks up kinda shocked, I normally stay in the shadows, but laughs. Last week Leo's first working automaton attacked me when I went to go to my "hide out".  I chopped the things head right off.  I climb down and lean on the railing across from Kayla. I still tend to prefer having personal space.

   Leo and Frank turn around to leave, but naturally, Leo calls out a remark.

"If only you weren't going to that lil hide out of yours everything would have been fine."

  I smirk and roll my eyes. Kayla arches one eyebrow, asking silently for an explanation. I don't bother telling her yet. Why tell her when I can show her? Woah....where did that  thought come from?

"A secret hideout huh? Sounds mysterious..." Kayla trails off with smirk.

I roll my eyes and of course, smirk. I like this playful side of her. Hazel laughs and she looks at me. I walk over and kiss her forehead real quick, before walking away. I look over my shoulder and hear Hazel say,

" He is quite mysterious but he is also very sweet and loving. Just...he tends to quiet and reserved."

  Ok, I've had enough.

"I heard that lil sis! Watch it!!"

The girls smile and I turn and walk away to my room. Although I'm happy, I can't help but feel dread. My little crush on Kayla I can tell isn't gonna go away anytime soon. This is bad, very bad. Love is dangerous.

I hope u liked it! As always pls vote and follow, and I do not own Percy Jackson or his friends, I do own Kayla, Lily, and Aaron. Comment pls and I hope u like the nico pov! Ik i did hehehe ill be uploading soon I promiseeee

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