Chapter 13

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                                                             Chapter 13

                                                       *Nico's  POV*

                                     As I lay in bed, I think about what happened today. I didn't tell anyone, not even Kayla, that I basically died and came back to life. Being the son of Hades, I can feel in my gut when people die, and when their souls cross over to the Underworld. Today, I felt my soul fading, and I could see the misty, rocky shoreline of the River Styx. Then all of a sudden, everything faded and I woke to find myself in the infirmary with everyone watching me. The lights seemed so bright when I woke, almost blinding. My side hurt like hell, my throat was sore and dry, my head ached, and it hurt to breathe, but I was alive, so everything was ok.

                                 When I talked to Hazel, she told me how Kayla saved my life. I was so amazed, I guess I never thought of Kayla as the doctor type, which was incredibly dumb because she's a daughter of Apollo. Hazel was in awe of her too, and told me how she kept her head together the whole time, even though later Kayla herself told me she was panicking inside. She gave me perfect stiches, and the right amount of painkillers and nectar to heal the wound faster without pain. Apparently, she had sang hymns and ancient songs to help heal, which combines her Apollo powers of music, poetry, and healing. Every single day she always finds another way to amaze me.

                                 The thing that amazed me most though, was when she kissed me. Normally, she's a little shy with that stuff, and I expected to talk a little bit before any action happened. Only the exact opposite happened, and before I could even open my mouth to express my thanks for her saving my ass, her mouth was on mine. And I mean her mouth was pressed almost forcefully against my lips. Damn, that was hot! Wow, I sound like a complete pervert. All I meant was that she was so confident and so sure of herself. It took me way by surprise. Although, I have to admit, that kiss was really, really good. That was the first time we kissed with tongue, and well...let's just say there was a LOT of fireworks. When she tugged on my hair-oh gods. I literally gasped out loud when she did that, it was such a great feeling. Also, when her hands slid down my chest...I shiver. Kayla makes me feel I'm about to spontaneously combust-in a good way though. She makes me feel right. During that kiss, I felt like I belonged. Like I was needed. It's been a long time since I've felt that way.

                       I try to turn onto my side, then groan in pain. It feels like volts of electricity are traveling up and down my side. Damn it, that's my injured side. Annoyed now, I lie flat on my back and put my hands behind my head. Kayla was really worried, and after we said our first I love you's she went to my room with me and made me lie down again. Refusing to let her leave, I made her stay to "take care of me". We talked for a while, and that's when she told me about how nervous she was that she wouldn't be able to save me. Tears were threatening to spill on her cheeks, and I've seen enough of her upset to last a lifetime. That my friend, is when I had her come and cuddle with me. Very macho right? All guys should do that, it makes your girl happy, and you get to hold her close. So jokes on anyone who thinks that's lame. Anyway, she left a while ago to let me sleep, and I've been in and out of consciousness for the last three hours. It must be around two o'clock by now, and for once I'm completely famished. Slowly, I sit up, and then slide my legs out of bed. When I stand up I have to grit my teeth in pain. This might hurt for awhile.

                         Walking out of the room and into the hallway, I run into Percy. He smiles at me and grabs my arm, pulling me to the side.

         "Hey! How ya feeling man?"

    "Like I just came back from the dead."     I joke.

"No duh, Ghost King."  Percy shoves me playfully, and I laugh, and walk past him.

"Hey I'm not done with you yet!"    He runs up to me and grabs my shoulder. I turn around and look at him expectantly.

 "I'm happy for you and Kayla, man. Take good care of that girl, ok? She really is something special, and you're lucky to have her. I don't want to see you two hurt, ya hear me?"

I nod. "I hear ya man, and believe me, I know."

 He claps me on the back and nods his head before turning around and walking away. As I walk towards the cafeteria, I hear him call out to me.

  "Remember to use protection man! No babies allowed on this ship!"

    Laughing so hard I can barely breathe, I manage to look over my shoulder and exclaim,

"I can hear you and Annabeth through the walls! You might want to be a little quieter."

 I can hear him laugh in the distance, and I walk into the cafeteria with a huge grin on my face. Heading right to the food, I help myself to everyone's favorite snack foods: potato chips, cheese and crackers, pretzels, and Pepsi. The room is empty, thank the gods, because if there was anyone else in here they would be so shocked to see me eating. Even though I finally ate and drank, my head still pounds by the time I finish. That's when I head to the infirmary to get some Advil, and I didn't notice her at first. I didn't even realize what was happening right before my eyes.

      Kayla sat on the ground, her eyes squeezed shut tightly as she brought the bloody razor down on her bare wrist.

             Oh shit. Kayla stahpppp. I'm not in the mood for a long note today, so I hope u liked this slightly perverted chapter and im sorry that you have to wait a little while for the next update. Please vote and like, and have a nice day!!!

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