Chapter 7

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                                            Chapter 7

                                                                    *Nico's POV*

                                                            If you're wondering why I told Kayla about Bianca, you aren't alone. Even I don't know. It's not something I go telling every person who has working ears about. Bianca is a risky topic for me, I don't talk about her, not even to Percy and Hazel. Oh Hades, I miss her. I miss her so fricking much. Her smile, and her laugh, even the way she was so protective of me and rarely let me do anything on my own. The things I would do to have her waiting impatiently outside of the boys restroom of McDonalds for me. Yes, she did that. I always thought she was paranoid, but now I see. She goes away from me for one quest, one week...and she's dead. I have no family. So now I keep distance between myself and the living. Spirits, ghosts, Lares, and other Underworld related creatures respect me. I am the Ghost King. But now...I've opened the door for a broken fifteen year old girl. A pretty, intelligent, and undeniably brave girl. Who is sitting literally six inches away from me.

                                                      I look over at her. Normally her hair is perfectly combed and neat, but right now it floats around her shoulders in frizzy waves of gold. Her eyes are an incredible shade of light blue, and if she is angry she stares you down with a paralyzing icy glare. On the other hand, her eyes were just twinkling like stars when she was laughing. I suppose her eyes give away her emotions, because her cocky smirk sure doesn't. And right now her face is on full smirk mode. Oh great.

  "Watcha looking at Death Boy?"  Yup, she's on her playful mode.

"Nothing too great Sunshine." Absolutely wrong. She looks perfect, in a really natural way.

"Oh, really? You were practically drooling. Don't deny it."

"You wish, Anderson. In your dreams."

"More like nightmares."

 This makes me stop and think. She came down here because of a nightmare. What plagues her at night? Monsters she encountered on the streets? Probably her abusive stepfather. Or there could be some other hidden fear beneath her layer of "fearless". I wonder...

"What's really in your nightmares Kayla?"

   Her face falls. Part of me regrets asking her such a personal question, after all, she's only been with us for two days. Unfortunately, my curious and selfish side wins the war and I turn my body so we will be face to face. The indecision in her eyes makes my heart pang. I really am a selfish bastard. Slowly, she brings her head up so we are looking each other in the eyes. I can't tear my gaze away from her. Gaining confidence, she opens her mouth.

"I dream of my past. Yes, my stepfather is included, and that's plenty tortuous enough. But of course that's not bad enough. I just HAD to be a anorexic, self-harming, ugly bitch. I just HAD to watch my sister...DIE."

   She is having a full on meltdown now. I reach forward and encase her hands in mine. Her rapid breathing slows, and tears drop on our hands. I feel like a dick for asking her about it. When I look into her eyes, I see pain and sadness. My head drops in guilt.

"Hey." She says softly. "I asked you, it's only fair. Don't be sorry."

  "Well, I am. I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. It was a stupid question. I should've thought-"

 She squeezes my hand. Looking up, her eyes meet mine. "I attempted suicide."

        My mouth drops open. Kayla could have been a spirit in the Underworld. She could've not made it here, and we could have never met. My heart swells, and I'm thankful about the Fates for once in my life. Without thinking, I wrap my arms around her and bring her in close. I feel her breath against my neck and her arms sliding across my back, returning my hug.

"I'm glad you're here Sunshine." I whisper in her ear. She lets out a quiet laugh.

"I'm glad too."  

                                                      Well well well...Kayla's suicide secret is out of the bag. She's lucky she has a Nico di Angelo to hug!!! Anyway  I ended this chapter kinda earlier than I would've liked cuz my mom wants me to do some chores. yuck. But i'm doing another chapter right after. I hope you like it!!! btw this is my first fanfic so if its not good can you please comment some suggestions. It would mean a lot and would help me so much!!! Also please vote, follow, etc. I do not own all the characters Rick Riordan owns most of them blah bla blah. Anyway, more dramatic things need to happen in this so I'll be working on that later MWAHAHAHAHA im EVILLL okkkkk bye

Demon Eyes [Nico Di Angelo]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora