Chapter 6

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                       Chapter 6


                                                       *Kayla's POV* 

                                      Pain. It's all I feel. He hits me again and again, and all I smell is blood and alcohol. What did I do to deserve this? I'm sorry I'm not good enough. Not good enough. Images of me walking down the halls of my middle school wearing preppy clothes and a fake smile flash through my mind. The girls whispering and laughing as I walk down the halls with Amber, Jade, Carter, and Lacey. My only real friends in the big group of popular girls. They all looked up to me, They thought I was a skinny, pretty, smart, funny, caring, wonderful and perfect girl with a wonderful fashion sense. Really though, I'm a fat, ugly, idiotic, cares-too-much, terrible, skanky, bitchy, and weak little slut. How can I even live with myself? I watch Lily get sicker and sicker, my father beats me, my mother gets drunk, and all I seem to do is make people hate me. Maybe they should.  I feel pain on my wrists and thighs, my mind playing the sight of me slashing them with razors and sobbing over and over again, like a video. I refuse to eat, I refuse to cry in public, I refuse to let my father see the pain he causes me. I will be the perfect girl everyone wants me to be. But I can't, I can't anymore. My eyes are dry, untouched by the poisonous tears as I tilt my head back and gulp the bottle of pills.

                              I gasp. My throat is sore, probably from crying. Heart racing, cold sweat dripping down my neck, I slide out of bed and walk right out of my room. I'm not really sure where I'm going, but I'd rather go anywhere than face my past. I really, really, hate nightmares. Before I really know what I'm doing, I'm at the little room that Nico showed me. Running my fingers over the spines of the dusty books, I carefully pull out Anne of Green Gables and curl up on the couch to read. I must be the only demigod in existence who actually loves to read, and doesn't have dyslexia. That's just another way I don't fit in. Sighing, I try to focus on the book, and it works for a while, but I soon find myself thinking about my nightmare. It's been a long time since I cut myself, and the scars are fading, but there will forever be scars on my heart. When I look back on my attempted suicide, all I feel is shame. Nowadays, I fight monsters trying to take my life, and death is something I fear. How stupid I was...

                            I hear footsteps above me. It's about three in the morning, so who else would be up? Wait. Nico.  A spark in me ignites, making me sit up straight and close the book. Woah...that's odd, I haven't felt that way since...well, since Aaron. NOT a good sign. Right on cue, I see him climb down the ladder. He turns around, and doesn't seem the slightest bit surprised at all to see me. Smirking his little smug smirk, he teases,

"Do you ever sleep?"

Giving him a small smile, I reply, "Only when there's no nightmares."

His smile fades. "Yeah...I get those too."

"Doesn't everyone these days?"

"True. Wow, that's plain sad."

I laugh, and we share a smile. Our friendship is so comfortable and natural, and I have no idea how it formed. The one thing I know though is that I'm very glad  that I have his friendship. I don't think anyone else would just sit and enjoy each other's company in silence at three o' clock in the morning. Nico may be quiet, but it's actually a great thing. He is respectful and reserved. I was suprised though, when I found myself breaking the comfortable silence.

  "What's in your nightmares?"

He looks up, kinda shocked that I spoke up. Biting his lip, he looks over sideways at me, and I can tell he is debating wether or not to tell me. Would I want to tell him about my dream?, not yet anyway. I'm about to tell him that he doesn't have to tell me, when he opens his mouth and begins.

"I...uh...dream about my sister. She...died a couple years ago. Sacrificed herself to save Percy and a couple others.She was...the only family I had left." 

 I take this news in silence. Maybe I can tell him about my past. I'm positive he would understand. After all, he lost his sister too. HIs eyes are trained on me, and I meet his eyes. Dark brown, almost black eyes meet icy blue ones. Staring into them like they would give me all the answers, I send him a message. I understand, I really do. I'm so, so, sorry about your loss. Please believe me. He nods his head in acceptance, and his eyes start watering so he looks away. My heart feels like it's slowly being ripped apart by a manticore.

"It's ok to get upset sometimes. Trust me, I've cried too many times to count over just my sister. She died of cancer a while back and it still feels like a huge chunk of my soul is missing."

    Nico glances at me, a single tear trailing down his cheek. He smirks,

"What soul?"

A huge smile erupts on my face. We laugh for a while, just taking in the irony of everything. Right then and there, is when I realize that I may have a crush on Death Boy.

   Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I'm too much of a goody-goody at school. :P but tomorrow I get to go shopping with my friend and get a shitload of clothes so yeahhhh. YAYYY ME but anyway, if you have any suggestions about this fanfic I would appreciate it because I'm kinda just putting in some fillers. So yeah, this isn't my best, but the Kayla/Nico action is finally starting and it's gonna get a lot more interesting soon hehe. Pls vote, follow, comment, blah blah blah thanks i love y'all




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