Chapter 12

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                                                     Chapter 12

                                                                    *Kayla's POV*

                            When Nico goes unconscious, he would've fallen on his face if it wasn't for Hazel, Percy, and I. As he started to fall, I grabbed his shoulders, and Percy lunged forward to grab his other arm. Hazel and Percy stood up, putting his arms across their shoulders, and began stumbling forward. Everyone started running around, getting first-aid supplies and such, and that's when I woke up from my state of shock. I'm a daughter of Apollo, a god of healing, and maybe I can save him. It's obvious not even ambrosia or nectar could heal him, but maybe a mixture of magic and supplies could save him. I must save him.

   Immediately, I burst into action, bossing people around with Annabeth. "Get him into the infirmary!"

                  They all nod, and Percy picks Nico up in his arms, and he jogs down the stairs and around the corner. Hazel, now full on sobbing, looks at me with despair in her eyes. Meeting her gaze, I grab her hands.

  "Not now Hazel. Go get some painkillers and bandages, I'm going to save your brother."

She rapidly nods her head, and she and Frank go off to find the supplies. Quickly, I rush to the infirmary, and see Annabeth and Percy laying Nico on a table covered with clean sheets. I blink away tears and wash my hands, keeping my sleeves rolled up. Grabbing an apron from the wall, I tie it on, my fingers shaking. All the crew members dash in at once, loaded down with medical supplies. Annabeth orders them to put the supplies down on the little table next to me. That's when I start getting nervous. What if I can't save him?

     I look up. Percy's eyes meet mine, and he gives me a small encouraging nod. Taking deep breaths, I cut away Nico's bloody black shirt, and inspect his wound. There is a gaping hole in his side, oozing blood and puss, and I gag. It will obviously need stitches, and lots of medicine...and praying. Hazel lets out a gasp, and buries her face in Frank's shoulder, and he wraps his arms around her back. Trying to remain focused, I soak a towel in antiseptic, and begin to clean out the wound. I go through several towels cleaning it, and once I'm done, I insert painkillers into the crook of his arm. That's when I start praying, and I can hear the others joining me under their breath. My hands shake so hard I almost drop the needle and stitches. Taking deep breaths, I begin to sing a hymn, and slowly sew the hole shut. Putting as much power into my voice as possible, I keep my hands gentle, as if I was playing the piano while singing. Voices...hmmm. That's it!

    "Piper! I need you to charmspeak for me! Ok?"

 Slowly, she nods. Then she puts power and confidence into her voice, and tells Nico that his wound will heal, and that he will be ok. I finish putting in the stitches, and sing. I sing ancient healing songs, and press my bloodied hand against his forehead. I will him to be ok, I put my desperation into my voice. When my eyes fill with tears, I blink them away, and make myself focus so hard sweat breaks out on my forehead. Nico will live. He will live.

      His eyes fly open, and he gasps for air. Eyes wild and chest heaving, he scans the room. When he sees Hazel, a very small smile emerges on his lips.

"Hey lil sis."       She bursts into tears, and everyone lets out a cheer. That's when he sees me.

"Kayla." He croaks, trying to sit up.

"Shhhhh. Shhh."     I press my forehead against his, and I look into his eyes. His dark eyes, that could have been closed for eternity. All of a sudden, I start sobbing.

"I thought you were going to die!" I choke out. He smirks, and holds my face in his large hands.

 "I don't plan on dying anytime soon."  He says, and softly kisses me. It's soft, slow, and passionate, and it doesn't matter that there is other people in the room. It doesn't matter that Leo whistles at us. It doesn't matter, because he is alive and we are together.

     When we separate,  I see that everyone's mouths are wide open in shock. A grin covers my face as I use the heel of my hand to rid my face of tears. Nico lets out a small chuckle, and I can't help but giggle a little. Then, a stupid smile still stuck on my face, I apply bandages to his wound, and then give him a tiny bit of nectar. Hazel runs forward and they embrace. Backing up, Piper taps my shoulder.

      "So you and Nico huh?"  I grin.

 "Yup Pipes. What does your Aphrodite senses say about it?"

"Hmmm," she pretends to think, "my senses say that you guys are cute and very in love."

  We both laugh, and Jason comes and puts his arm around Piper's shoulders.

"Well, my Apollo senses say it's about to get a little heated in here."

    Piper, Jason, and I laugh, and then Jason points to Nico.

"My Jupiter senses say," he jokes," that there was a spark in this room."

   Laughing, I see Hazel beckon me over to where she is standing on the other side of the room. She still seems slightly sad, and I excuse myself to go find out why. As I cross the room, I nod my head to Percy and Annabeth, and then Hazel grabs my hand and pulls me toward her so she can whisper in my ear.

  "Please take good care of my brother ok? I don't want him to get hurt, he's been through a lot."

I look right in her eyes, and grab her shoulders. Making sure she was meeting my gaze, I quietly confess to her,  "I don't plan on ever hurting your brother, for as long as I live."

   She nods and we hug, even though since she's younger, she's shorter than me. Afterwards, everyone decides to leave.

"We'll leave you two alone." Percy winks.

After the door swings shut, I immediately head to Nico. He smiles, and slides his legs over the side of the table. Before any words can even be said, I stand between his legs and grab his face, pressing my mouth aggressively against his. His hands find the way to my hips, and they balance there. He licks my bottom lip with his tongue, and I open my mouth, providing him access. The kiss deepens, and I slide my hands down his bare, toned, and muscular chest. I've never felt so much desire so early in a relationship, but the fact that he just almost died makes me not care. Our tongues fight for dominance, and when he wins, I lift my hands and slide them into his silky hair. Nico's arms wrap around my waist and pull me closer towards him. I tug on his hair a little, and he gasps. We separate, but our faces are still very, very close. We stare into each other's eyes as we try to catch our breath. Our noses touch, and a smile breaks out on my face.

  "I love you Nico."  

  His gaze burns into me, and I'm not sure if I said the right thing. Then, he smiles.

"Say it again."

 His eyes flutter closed as I open my mouth to speak.

"I love you."

  His fingers play with my hair as he looks into my eyes.

  "I love you, so much Kayla."

Awwwwwww....their first I love you's!!! Anyway, that kiss got a little heated ;) I really enjoyed writing this chapter, but I'm not exactly sure why. I might be updating tomorrow. but I'm not 100% positive so I may or may not. I have my futsal (indoor soccer kinda) playoffs tomorrow so we'll have to wait and see. Please vote and like, and feedback is appreciated (the good with the bad). Also, I'm not a nurse, so if some of the surgery stuff isn't right, that's why. I really have gotten attached to this fanfiction, and I think it's my favorite out all of the ones I've ever made. I have written fanfics just not on Wattpad in case you were curious. ANYWAY, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and hang tight for the next one!!! :) Later demigods

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