Chapter 8

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                                             Chapter 8

                                                           *Kayla's POV*

                                   He hugged me. What the Hades??? Why does that make me so happy? Get your act together. I smile again as I think of how his arms felt around me. He obviously cares about me, even if it's just in a friendly way. The thought makes me so happy a grin so large it practically goes from ear to ear covers my face. Really, what's wrong with me? Nico could turn out just like Aaron, so I shouldn't even get my hopes up. I shouldn't even have romantic feelings for anyone. It will always end up with tears and a broken heart. Still, as I slide under the covers of my bed I can't help but let out a very feminine giggle. Wow, never do that again Kayla. I let myself smile one last time before I close my eyes and welcome the sleep.

                       That night I dream of Aaron. It's basically the same dream as the one I had on the first night. The only thing that scared me was that at the end, Nico was standing with his hand outstretched, as if he was asking me for a dance. Only, I have a feeling it meant if he was asking me too forget Aaron and move on with him. How ridiculous. Stupid dreams, they make your brain all confused and make your thoughts all jumbled. I kick the blankets off of me, and groggily stand up. That my friend, is when I look at the clock. 12:30 pm!!! It's already past noon! Oh gods, Annabeth is gonna kill me.

  I rush around and grab some jeans, hopping on one foot while I put them on. I then throw on my old soccer jersey and put on deodorant. Literally, pulling my brush through my hair, I grab a hair elastic and pull it on my wrist. Throwing the brush on my bed, I open the door and spin out, and all of a sudden someone's lips are on mine. My eyes pop open to see a shocked Nico di Angelo. To my surprise, he doesn't pull away at first. Heat rushes to my cheeks and I'm pretty positive I look like a tomato. How embarrassing.

"Oh my gods-Nico-I-I'm sorry oh gods-" I'm stuttering like an absolute fool now.

"It's fine Kayla, don't worry-"

"I didn't mean to, I was rushing and-"

"Kayla." He interrupts me again. "It's fine. Really. Plus, I kinda...never mind."

 I can tell it's not fine though. His cheeks are pink, which rarely happens because he is so pale. Also, he can't look me in the eye. That is the biggest sign that something is wrong. And...wait...he kinda what?

"What? C'mon, we can tell me anything now." I try to add some lightness to this extremely, incredibly awkward situation. I fail miserably. He looks over at me, and he moves closer to me. Well, he's looking me in the eye now, so that's good. Then, he opens his mouth as if to say something and then he closes it. Well...I have absolutely no idea what that means.

"I...uh...liked the kiss. Like it wasn't bad." He adds the last part hastily, and he blushes. My mind is racing, along with my heart. Nico liked it? Did I like it? Yes...I suppose. His lips...felt right on mine. A part of me wishes I hadn't moved away. What the? Nico stares into my eyes, and I respond shyly.

"I did too." 

                 His eyes light up a tiny bit. He moves forward so the space between us is almost non-existent. My breathing quickens and my heart pounds. Why does he make me feel this way? Then, Nico grabs my face in his hands and presses his lips softly against mine.  My heart right about stops. Then I realize that I'm just standing there, so I kiss back. Sliding my arms up to wrap around his neck, I feel his hands move to my waist. Nico's lip move in synch with mine, and they feel soft and warm. How could, shy, quiet, depressed, Nico di Angelo be so confident?  How could I be so quick to kiss him back? But, oh, how I want to. Then, almost as quick as it happened, it's over. We separate, and when I open my eyes, Nico is searching mine. I smile, and he shyly does too. 

"Let's get a move on, shall we?"

I nod, still too stunned to speak as we walk down to the kitchen. As we walk, I calm down. My breathing and heart rate returns to normal, and my muscles relax. Using my hair elastic, I pull my hair up into a high ponytail. When we walk into the room, everyone stares at us. I calmly make my way to the table and sit down next to Hazel. Annabeth of course, is agitated.

"Well it's about time!" She exclaims. "We have a plan."

I know this is a short chapter, but it was supposed to be added to the last one. so ummmm feedback please!!! and wouldn't that be the most awkward thing ever? Yikes!!! But at least they realized their feelings for each other and now they had their first kiss soooo yuppers. and Annabeth of course has a plan. I'll update later this week if I have time. :) hope u liked it

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