Ch.6 || Dungeons and Mad Men

Start from the beginning

"You should learn not to make personal remarks," another voice spoke with some severity, "it's very rude."

Hatta rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Hush, Alice. It is not always about you."

Crow peered behind Hatta finding their was some slight movement within. The girlish voice came closer. "Speaking to this man only causes trouble. I suggest you not indulge in his presence."

"Truly?" Hatta seemed shocked. "It was not my idea to paint the roses red was it? Perhaps green or a tad of orange would have done you much better, Alice."

Silence closed in around them once more. Crow found them both very amusing and asked himself how his mother came to know such a man. She was cruel, even Crow could not help but admit it, while this man was different, if those were the right words to put him in. Within a day or two they were to be executed as was usual in Hearts, maybe even three if they were lucky. Winter executions were the worst times to meet death. Corpses would be thrown into piles and scavenged by the creatures who aided themselves with flesh and cold blood. Others would be left to hang at different posts as a message to anyone who dared defy the Queen. Crow remembered being just five the first time he saw a severed head perched among many others. It was rotten with very little flesh left, one of the eyes had been eaten out by what he could only guess was age. "Peter Peter" an old servant had once told him was his name. It was impossible to imagine what the man had done to deserve such a cruel fate.

"Deep in thought?" came Hatta's voice.

Crow smiled. "Indeed. How troublesome it must be for you to be here."

Hatta's teeth became exposed with a grin. "Not entirely when you are here, dear Crow." Hatta gestured the boy to come closer. "But perhaps it would be best if we were not here at all." Hatta gave him a long look with deep set eyes as if Crow knew what he meant. "It would do us well to peek some sunlight. Don't you agree Alice?" When he spoke to the girl Crow knew the question was really directed at him.

"I would love to help you but-"

"Great! At last someone with common sense." Hatta said clapping his hands. "There seems to be three bars at the bottom of the door would you mind unclamping them." It was more of a command than a question.

Crow shook his head in disagreement. "I'm sorry but that is just not possible."

"But it is don't you know everything impossible is quite possible. All possibilities are rather impossibilities that can only be possible to be impossible."

Crow lost focus in the words. "I...suppose." he answered.

"Or perhaps it is something you want." Crow met the mad man's eyes having given himself away. "Well go ahead, what is it your heart so desires?"

Hatta's eyes never moved or blinked as Crow surrounded himself with a bundle of disagreements. What could a person like this offer him? The truth? No. The truth was Crow was the Crown Prince. The truth was that the golden-eyed man was nothing more than a tale. Why couldn't he believe that? Why? It was so simple to walk away and act like nothing had ever happened. Like Red had never said anything or made him question what he already knew was true.

A cold sting ran down Crow's spine when he noticed Hatta's eyes were still on him awaiting a response. When he didn't speak Hatta spoke for him. "A gift? Is that what you would like? One of the finest hats I have ever crafted, your Grace."

"A hat?" Crow weakly smiled.

"Yes. A beautiful, unique hat, just for you. A simple hatter like myself would be very delighted to see it upon you."

The man seemed to pose no threat to Crow. He must've had a few loose screws but beyond that he appeared kind with those purple eyes. Catherine was always sending off innocent people to their end so what harm could sending two free do. "Very well." a smirk met its way to Crow's lips.

Releasing a bar from deep within the ground took all of Crow's strength. He wasn't fond of using much force as it was never needed when servants did most of the work in the castle. The other two were easier to pull out but still took some of his breath away. A sharp creaking echoed from the bottom of the door it's years of pooling rust finally being washed out. When Hatta stepped out gracefully he pulled Crow into a hug that lasted more than he had expected. The man's face was more clear to him with white locks and beautiful eyes. He was handsome and tall but never standing too straight. He placed a hat on his head and buttoned his purple coat. When Crow pulled him away a second face met him with gratitude. He guessed she was the one called Alice and couldn't be much older than thirteen. She was more beautiful than he had expected and was glad the light in the dungeons was too faint for them to see his red cheeks.

"Watch where you go. It's like a maze down here try not to get lost."

"I love mazes." declared Hatta. "How fun it shall be."

"Yes, well, I can assist you till the start of the hall but getting past the guards will be harder. So don't fall behind." When Crow had turned to see faces in agreement he was only met with emptiness.

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