Chapter Twenty-One

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It was cool outside, the chill air cool and crisp. The dark navy blue night sky looked over the land. The green grass swayed within the soft breezes, leaves swept away, dancing with the air. It was cool and calm with the only light sources being the moon, one of fullness and of bright whiteness, and the millions of bright shining star dotting the sky.

Across the moon was a new star, one beginning to rise from its sleep, demanding for attention. It forced it's way above mountains as it demands the moon returns, only to wait for another day to rise once again. The sky and stars are more reluctant as the sun changes the navy blue. The sky gives in first as it begins to disappear with the moon, purple's and pinks and oranges merging together as they frame streams of clouds, casting shadows. The stars follow along with the sky, daring to be back. As time wages on the stars, they disappear as well, turning from bright burning balls of gas to smaller specks in the sky as it becomes a much lighter blue before disappearing completely.

The sun begins to spread beams of light across the land it now claims as its own. The breeze still continues though, dancing within the grass and trees as they follow willingly, soaking in the warmth. There is still a nice chill, not as cool as the last one but still there, that controls the land.

Upon that land lays water, water that sparkles in the sun in a thankful way. It cast reflections of the plant life as well as the animals that awake from their slumber and begin to stretch out. Some stay while most leave to hunt, no idea if today will be the day they die.

Next to that water and upon that spacious land lays a place. A place filled buildings and people, werewolves, meifwa, witches, and humans alike.

What was this place called, one may ask.

Why it was a village of grace and wonder, also known as, Nahkara.

It was early in the morning, so nearly no one was awake, save for the few night guards, those of which either lazed about or stood patrol, ready in an instant.

Though somewhere within this village lay someone who was not asleep and was instead wide awake. Crying.

Annie's POV

The sounds of my crying, sobs, weeps and whines alike, fill the room. The cold streak of tears no longer falling upon my face as my eyes ran out of salted water long ago within the night. Instead, I sit with my knees to my chest, arms wrapped around them like a lifeline, and head dug deep within them, my messy hair barely sticking out.

I stare at the floor with sadness and disappointment. This world, it mocked me. Hated me. It was like a pit that I couldn't escape from or a grave that I was only getting closer to falling in. This world despised me. But... why wouldn't it? I was weak and useless.

Turning my head the slightest, I spot my bow along with the bag of arrows. Those mocked me as well. Sure, I could use them, but could I save someone? Could I protect with that bow? If it came down to it, would I...


No. No, I wouldn't. Couldn't. Why? Because I was too scared. Too timid. Too weak. Too weak to save my brother. Too weak to fight Trish. Too weak to stay here.

Eli would do fine without me. He was cute and nice and smart and strong. Any girl would be lucky to have him. It would be like winning riches beyond anyone could believe or becoming the lord of a village.

These thoughts continue to swarm around my head. They were like bees, buzzing around uncontrollably. It was annoying. So very, very annoying. It almost made me want to hit something.

Hit something.

That was a thing that many people did to calm down, right? Might as well try it. I have nothing else better to do until this evening. So with those thoughts settled, I make my way up. It was slightly more difficult than usual. Of course it was. I was sitting in a corner throughout the whole night. So, of course, my muscles would be cramped being in that uncomfortable position.

Once on the balls of my feet, I balance myself with my left hand on the ground, I lift to a standing position. Woah. Nope. Bad decision. Almost instantly, I'm seeing black and white spots in front of me with the world dizzy around me. Or is that just me? Either way, I almost fall. Lucky me that I balance once again and close my eyes. It definitely helps, and, within seconds the world seems to still, to which I open my eyes. Looking around the room once, taking in my surroundings, I ensure that the world is no longer spinning, not giving it a second glance as I walk over to the dresser.

Opening it, I swipe my hands over the clothes, feeling the materials. My hands grace over a something soft, in which I pull out. It's a black tank-top. The material was soft and movable but rather thick, made for the colder weather. With this in hand, I grab a pair of leggings. These, as well, were black and made of the same material, if not the material used for them was roughly the same. Looking down at them in my hand, I nod in approval.

With quick steps, I go to my bed and lay down the clothes, next taking off the dirty shirt and pants I called my sleep wear, now covered in dust from sitting on the floor. After taking them off I pull on proper undergarments (socks, panties, and a bra) along with the shirt and pants. They hugged my skin in a nice way, a comforting way. Next, I tug on my pair of boots, leather ones that just passed my knees. I make sure my leggings are in the boots before going back to the dresser and grabbing a leather jacket. It was slightly heavier than I wanted but it worked for keeping the cold out. my quiver (the thing that holds arrows) and bow. I grab both and settle the quiver on my back.

With the quiver on my back, I grab my bow and seem to check everything off in my head.

A comfy shirt that I can move and run in? Check.

Comfy pants that I can move and run in? Check.

Boots that cover my knees and are easy to run in? Check.

Jacket to keep the warmth in? Check.

Bow and arrow? Check.

Anything else I needed? I look over the room again, going over everything again. Shirt, pants, boots, jacket, bow, and arrows. That seemed to be everything. I'm about to turn and head out when a thought crosses my mind. Well, more like a few objects that I could wear.

Walking across the room, I get to my bed. Going next to my bed is the small nightstand with a little drawer. I lay the bow across the bed before opening it and rummaging around in it. Within held a few necklaces and a bracelet or two. But the things I was looking for was neither. And soon, minutes later filled with trouble, I find a hair tie and a glove.

Without a beat, I pull my hair into a side ponytail, pulling it to ensure it's tight. Next, the glove. Another leather clothing material that I slip over my hand. It covers my points, middle and ring finger, the back and tips to be precise. I close and open my hands multiple times. The sound of the leather squishing together is an odd but nice sound. It's been awhile since I last wore this, seeing as I had never had the intention to actually shoot something. Well, not like this anyway.

With an affirmative nod, I once again grab my bow, quiver still on my back, and turn sharply on my heel and head for the door.

Opening it, I look from right to left, checking to see if the early bird known as Katelyn was awake. With no such trace of her, I make my way outside the door, carefully closing it, as to not make a sound. I make my way down the hall, bow held tightly to my side. My steps are quick and quiet, almost hurried, as I make my way to the front door.

Once at it, I grip the door with my free hand and pull. This door though seems to not like the idea of it being opened apparently and squeaks with slight resistance. I wince at the sound and check back over my shoulder at the house. It's an eerie quiet that shows that Katelyn was still, hopefully, asleep.

With a quiet sigh, I look back out into the world outside the roof above my head. The sky was just barely lighting up and the morning air was still fresh as a soft breeze filled and passed by my face into the house. It was nice and cool and was instantly glad that I put on the jacket.

I step into the now wet ground, but, once again look over my shoulder at the empty house. With a content sigh, I close the door behind me, ready to burn off some steam.

With a determined huff, I begin walking into the cool air.

So sorry guys for the late update!!!! I've been really busy with school starting soon and my volenteering. I promise updates will start coming more often now that I have it all sorted out. Hope you guys liked the chapter! By the way, since I was so busy my friend, @pinknekoprincess wrote this chapter for me! Big thanks to her! Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed! Byeee!

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