Chapter Eight

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The Following Week...

The afternoon sun lit up the cobblestone plaza as people from all over town, maybe even the region, gathered to witness the event taking place. In the center of the plaza, stood a stage, containing four young people whom were the center of attention. The crowd whispered impatiently, some viewers filled with excitement, others filled with fear.

A young man with long black hair covering his left eye, a mask covering his mouth and the uniform of the high priest, stepped to the front of the stage and addressed the crowd,

"Today, we celebrate these three young and courageous people for pledging their loyalty, not only to myself, but to you, the citizens of O'khasis and the people of Ruan. So if you don't mind, I would like to introduce them to you."

The crowd erupted in a short cheer before going silent once more.

He walked over to the right side of the platform and approached another young man. He had emerald green eyes that matched parts of his armor and long brown hair with bangs that slightly covered his eyes. Present on his chin, was a slight stubble. He had a muscular build and carried a golden glade on his back. His face was extremely pale, as his expression went blank as he was approached.

"Chosen for his courage and strength as well as his experience with fighting, I present to you, Jeffory the Golden Heart!" he said.

The crowd erupted in cheer once more before the high priest moved on to the next individual.

The next person was a woman, close in age to the previous man. She had baby blue hair that fell just below her shoulders and a pair of slightly darker blue eyes. She wore a silver and baby blue armor that matched her hair. Her expression went blank and her skin went pale as well as she was approached as she seemed rigid.

"Chosen for her fiery attitude as well as her perseverance, I present to you, Katelyn the Fire Fist!"

The crowds cheers erupted a third time and ended once more as the attention shifted to the last person.

This was the one everyone couldn't wait to see. It was a great surprise to hear her name on the list of new inductees into the jury of nine, but people were ecstatic nonetheless.

This young woman had platinum blonde hair that was shoulder length and dark blue eyes. Her already pale complexion was even paler, except for the darkened imprint of the scar on her right cheek. She wore armor that was sprinkled with a deep red color and old leather boots that looked at least three sizes too big her for.

"Last but not least, chosen for her bravery and excellence with a bow, I'm proud to present to you, my baby sister, Annie the Ruby Aim!"


Katelyn's POV

I entered the center where all the jury members usually gathered in between meetings, sparrings and other events. It was a medium sized room, just barely large enough to hold everyone in the jury at once, with a few couches and tables, most of which were occupied. I spot a pink-haired girl out of the corner of my eye. Obviously having seen me as well, she glared before turning back to her conversation. I rolled my eyes. Ivy, I had already met her and as you could tell, it didn't go well.

I didn't have time to bicker with Ivy though, I was looking for someone.

That other girl, the Ro'meave, the one who was also new. Ever since I saw her I knew something was off.
She was reserved, extremely, and hadn't even attempted to speak with anyone. I tried to be friendly with her before the ceremony, but she avoided my attempts. I couldn't tell if she was stuck-up, or if it was something else.

The Youngest Ro'meave/Minecraft Diaries Fanfiction/Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat