"Wow, you are like my makeover... You know how to make up?" You picked up stuff for makeup you didn't even know what it was.

"Being a spy needs prettiness as a part of jobs you know?" She said, started to apply stuff on your face.


   Thor was enjoying a pancake and so was everyone, today's mission is going to be lot easier because their stomach was filled with good stuff.

   It was also the first time Peter ate breakfast that made by you, he amazed because it tasted so good, no wonder why Thor and the rest forced you to cook for them.

   "Mr. Stark." Said Peter, moved closer to a guy he respected. "How can i be helpful today?"

   Tony stark was there looking so rich as hell even he was just eating pancakes his daughter made, with Nutella.

   "Pray for my daughter."

   Peter nodded.

   "And if she succeeded, we take down those Hydras."

   "Can i... not use instant kill mode?"

   "We just need to put them in jail, but if the situation is really risky then that's on you kids, the suits yours."

   Yeah and you said you want my suit back like three times already.

   Peter thought.

   "Woahhhhhh!" He heard Thor shouted as the big guy stood up, Thor pointed at the person walking in the room. "Look at you!"

   You walked in and Peter's jaw dropped.

   "Honey, you looked fabulous." Thor clapped his hand.

   "Shut it..." You said with shy expression, but then look at Thor and dabbed at the same time, everyone was laughing, including Peter, you looked perfect.

   "She taught me how to dab, now it's Asgard's new trend."

   You walked over to your dad, right where Peter was too. So you asked both of them. "What do you guys think?"

   "You're fine." Peter said. "Not that kind of fine but another kind of fine..."

   Peter shyly sent a secret message that dumb dad didn't figured out, you two just smiled at each other. But, Of course, those like Sam and Clint knew what's up and rolled their eyes.

   "I can't believe I allowed you to do this, look at you, you wear skirt, i never saw you wearing skirt." Tony sighed.

   "I hate skirt but this is for the mission." You told him, your dad saw how confident for this mission you looked so he nodded.

   "Fine, just remember. Use brain frist, not weapons. We're smart, just always use your brain first."

  "Okay. Brain first." You repeated.


A regular day for Hydra mens to chilling, protecting their base. A guards noticed a girl for that old, bastard is coming in so he opened the door.

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