chapter 11 Mandy

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  • Dedicated to Misty Dawn McCoury Thompson

Daddy will my mate ever love me? - 11

chapter 11 Mandy

As I climb out of the shower I heard the door knob being shook. Thank goodness I lock it. Blaine starts yelling unlock this door NOW.

I want sometime to myself, just leave me alone, I yelled back. Why want they just leave me alone? He has been trying to play house with me for weeks now. I am not his beloved anything so why can't he just leave me alone?

He got what he wanted he ruined my life so why don't he just put me in the cell down stair or go ahead a kill me.

I like this time alone. I can pretend that I am in Ryan arms safe and were living our happily ever after.

How I had hoped he would come kill Blaine and swoop me up in his arms tell me I never had to worry about Blaine again, but it never happened.

I just don't understand I thought after our night together that he loved me. I still want the dream my daddy had told me of love everlasting with kids and a happy home. Oh daddy I wish you were here to save me. I miss you.

Blaine yells open now or I will tear this door off its hinges. Bring me back to the reality of my life.

Next thing I knew the door is open and I'm up against the wall his hands are around my neck getting tighter by the second. Finally he is going to kill me and I will be free.

The hit to my face that came next almost made me black out. He laughed and said don't pass out yet we are going to watch a video together. I'll show you how much your precious Ryan loves you then maybe you will start acting like you care for me NOT HIM.

He shoved me down in a chair held my face so I had to watch. What is this going to be? Then I hear Rena voice and my heart start to sink. Please don't let him be with her after everything she did to me.

I tried to close my eyes not wanting to see any of this but he grab my hair and hit me hard again.

He yells keep your eyes open or that's only a sample of what's to come.

I open my eyes to see Rena climbing into Ryan's bed, No please don't make me see this I can't watch this that will mean all hope has died that he really isn't coming for me.

I sit there watching the man I love in bed with my enemy and I know now I will have to provoke Blaine enough to make him kill me. I can't live in a world where Ryan's with her so I jump up and attack Blaine.

He is to strong and whips his hand out and punches me. The last thing I remember before I blacked out was him pushing me down on the bed. When I come to I have bruise all over my face arms legs and I can't move I must have some broken ribs too.

The room is dark so I must have been out for hours trying not to make any noise afraid Blaine will come back in I make it to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror.

The girl looking back has no life in her eyes she is no one I know. I open the medicine cabinet to try and find some pain killer. I hurt all over. There only a bottle of shaving lotion and a straight razor.

I start to close the cabinet when the memories of Ryan and Rena come flooding back.

I know now that Blaine has start to abuse me he won't stop. So without thinking I grabbed the razor and pulled it across arm wrist. There was a burning feeling as it cut, but I just smiled knowing now I can truly be free.

I lay down on the floor and watched as the blood flowed out of me. Taking me to a better place.

With the blood I write goodbye Ryan I loved you. Then I blackout knowing the nightmare will finely end. I woke up tried to the bed and Blaine was standing over me. Why? why did you save me I screamed at him?

Laughing he said what's the fun in letting you die. I tried to get lose but there was no hope he had me chained and tried.

Then Blaine said I will let you up now but don't worry I won't let something like this happen again this room you're in now has nothing you can get hurt on. And the chain on your leg will be staying.

He cut the ropes and undid all the chains but one on my leg. Then he said by the way thanks for the blood pouring video I got to send Ryan I know he will love it when he see you on the floor laying in a pool of your own blood.

I hate you just kill me I yell. He back hands me and push me back on to the bed. NO NO NO not again how many times can he rape me before I die.

He was just about done when the door went flying across the room and in walked Ryan. I turned my face away from him I did not want him seeing me with Blaine not that he would care anyway. Tears were falling down my face as I watched the two of them swap punches.

I started to feel sick I throw up then pass out.

When I came to I was in Ryan's arms I pulled away and told him not to touch me. I can't be with him now that I am just a used up whore. He needs to stay with Rena. She will make a good Luna for his PAC.

How can I explain that to him?

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