“Only a cheap lowlife like you would say such a thing.” I said calmly and restrained myself from punching his fucking face and slammed the door on his face. Zar and Lekha hadn't heard a thing hence; they did not notice the fact that I had tears running down my face. Vidyut came after a few minutes looking dapper. 

“Wow.” was the first word he uttered after I received him at the door.

I just smiled and waved back at Lekha and Zar.

“Bye guys have FUN!” they screamed.

Shall we, he said resting his hand on the bare back. I shuddered when his cold hands rested on my bare back but I kept my cool and walked confidently. I was silent all our ride to the restaurant he had picked. ‘Snap out of it Kals, Snap out.’ I shook my head as we reached our destination and Vidyut opened the car door for me. 

Thai Pavilions, the restaurant’s name flashed before my eyes. ‘Oh God, why on earth did Vidyut have to choose the only restaurant I hate in the whole of Mumbai.’ I smiled tightly.

“I just love Thai, Kals.” Vidyut declared.

“How nice.” I said.

I remember my last visit here; I was with Gam and that Asshole. They had enjoyed the food while I sulked and sipped on my kiwi juice the entire time. Why doesn't Josh leave me alone? I thought sadly.

We dined and I ate as much as I could though I hated Thai food. We chatted and laughed and held hands while we ate. By the end of it I felt relaxed and eased out. Vidyut really was a great guy.

On our ride home we talked.

“Umm Kalsi.” he hesitated 

“Yes?” I asked almost too quickly 

“I maybe wrong but you seemed a little lost today? Is everything alright?” He asked genuinely 

“Yes I’m sorry for that, everything is fine it just was one of my weird nights.” I said trying to sound genuine.

“Is this about yesterday, is this because of Josh?” He finally asked 

“what? No, Josh is a douche and his actions have nothing on me, really.” I said

“Okay if you say so.” he replied sounding unconvinced.

I held his hand and assured him that there was nothing to worry about. We reached home and like a gentleman man he is, came to drop me off till my door, which was basically Gams coz I had to eat something before I fainted. We stood at the door awkwardly. 

“May I?” He asked leaning forward.

I gave a nod. This was it, my magical moment, my first kiss with the almost perfect guy. Yet for a moment I thought about josh but quickly brushed that thought of. We were a centimeter close to kissing I felt his breath on my face and I inhaled. I was hardly able to stand; my legs were wobbly, Gams door was the only thing holding me. This feeling was worse than the after effect of my meds, I wanted to kiss Vidyut but the only face which flashed in my mind as I closed my eyes was that of the monstrous guy.

 Just as I felt his lips brush mine the door behind me suddenly opened and I stumbled back falling into that assholes arms while Vidyut stood in a weird about to kiss position looking pale. 

I turned around to see Josh laughing silently as he still held on to me. I got on my feet.

“I’m so sorry Vidyut; I heard some weird things and just popped the door open. I had no idea you guys were in the middle of something.” he fake coughed.

I was yelling in my mind and by now I had stabbed Josh atleast a 100 times. He ruined my first ever moment. That bitch!!

“No problem really, anyway I was just leaving.” Vidyut said being his nice self like always.

He kissed my cheek and said a quick goodnight.

“Bye baby.” I said and closed the door. And I turned ready to unleash my wrath.

“You moron, I hate you. I hate you for spoiling my single romantic moment ever with the most perfect guy I've ever met.” I yelled.

“Oh please save yourself the drama, and he isn't even that good.” he retorted.

“I really hate you Josh. I do.” I said.

“Like I care, and it isn't my fault that your dressing sexy and scheming some guy failed you know” he said dramatically faking emotions.

I snapped and started hitting him with my clutch.

“You fucker, you ruined my almost first kiss and now you are indirectly calling me a scheming tramp.” I said getting a little breathless from hitting him continuously.

And out of nowhere in split seconds Josh's mouth crushed mine in a fierce, brutal kiss that was somehow meant to punish and humiliate me. He kissed with all his might and very roughly, his other hand gripped tight on around the back of my neck, making escape impossible. I shoved against his chest with all my strength, but he didn’t even budge. His mouth was soft, despite the anger, his lips moulding mine lips in a warm and unfamiliar way to be honest it did hurt like shit and all I could see were stars.

I squirmed silently against him, trying to break his hold and just drag my mouth away from the fierce possession of his lips. Slowly his hands loosened their grip, and then he lifted his head and stared down into my now teary eyes. 

“So you got your first kiss now.” he said with a smirk.

I wiped my mouth and looked at him with filth and disgust before slapping with all my pented up anger.

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