Unpacking :Part 1

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As Hinata walk into the door of  his new found apartment he was ecstatic. True the apartment was small ,dim and dank. But it had its own charm across the hard oak floors and winding stairs to the second floor. True that his newly found living space was a little small ,There was no basement and he had to go to laundromat two blocks down for cleaning his clothes .But that was fine to him. He finally had independents and was away from the city and people that once tied him down. High school was a hell hole for him most of the students were wealthy ,prestigious and never had to do real work in there life's. It was hard  because he work two jobs as well as keeping up his high school grades .This wasn't because of neglectful parents his mother was a single parent struggling just to get by. Some days he never believed he was going to make it to college but he persevered to make it happen. After the turmoil of high school was over. His mom end  up landing a high earning job bookkeeping and even send money for some of his living expenses. He earn enough from his highschool jobs to rent a cheap apartment and go to his first semester of college at Blair Lake View University  . But that didn't make him lonely .He always had his friend kazuichi whether he like it or not. Souda wasn't a horrible friend he just sometimes ignorant . Which was ironic because he was a great engineer and work at his dad's shop in high school fixing cars. But it was also the fact he chose this college because of sonia nevermind transferring to  Blair Lake View University as well. As much as hajime tried to reason with souda. He was just a love struck fool and a lost cause to debate with.

As hinata drift back to reality he had his things unpacked . He still happy that souda help him the other day with heavy lifting like the couch and lazy boy on first floor in living room by kitchen. There was also his bed and desk up the stairs . His bedroom there even had balcony the end of the room. Hinata end up going to souda's room and knocking on his door . Since souda ask if he come over for drinks and meet one of his gamer friends . As the door open what he thought was going to be a punk pink hair styled guy turn out to be  a short , tired, cute gamer girl staring absent mindedly to him." Hi i guess you're hinata" as she turn to play the Nintendo in her hands. Souda has told me a about you and that you ,me and him are going to same college." You can come in if you want" as she hold the door open. For once in his life souda house was clean! he knew in three days this apartment would be trashed with machines and parts all over the floor." HI" said souda loudly from across the room by the TV and Wii there was jack danels whiskey sitting on table with a few beers. He knew he and souda were under age probably the girl they were with too. But that wasn't going to stop him from enjoying one night of just a few drinks ." So you met chiaki Nanami" said souda as the girl walked to the living room area by the TV. "She not much of a talker but she a competitive gamer who even has a twitch channel online"." I thought it be fun if we did a drinking game to whoever comes in last place at Mario cart". "Wait" i said" isn't that bit unfair she more and likely to beat both of us" ." Making it more unlikely for us to win and having to take shots" . "Ya but chiaki doesn't really want to drink so i thought it be better  this way so she could still hang out with us"." Ok" i said processing the whole discussion. That night i end up drinking five shots and one beer and a half of a beer. I just must of out of my league because Souda beat me in Mario kart. Not surprising because i never had the time for video games when i was in high school.  Kazuichi end up passed out and falling asleep .Chiaki end up calling it quits. The night was fun getting to know chiaki she helped me walking back to my room and said good night to me . I said" goood nignnnt" slurring my words before heading up the stairs nearly falling because of my drunken state. I ended up going to my bed when i saw a object bouncing on telephone pole outside to a nearby power line as i looked through the one doors to the  balcony .

midnight strangerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang