Chapter 42: Ironic

978 33 6

Now you've found the light.....

The child before they broke his heart

Our heart, the heart that I believed was lost

So it's me I see, I can do anything.

I'm still the child

'Cos the only thing misplaced was direction

And I found direction

There is no childhood's end

I am your childhood friend, lead me on.



Severus enjoyed the holidays, especially Christmas.

Not because of Christmas itself or at least not the Christian form it had taken in recent years. In fact, he found all the trimmings and trappings too gaudy, too ostentatious. No, he liked the peace and quiet that only the absence of children could bring.

Every year he would watch Filius, and whichever students were remaining, decorate the Christmas tree in the Great Hall. He had never expected to see his niece helping though.

Snape sat at the staff table now, watching as Filius charmed the decorations into place, Senga handing various bits and bobs to him as they went.

He couldn't quite see her face from the angle he was sat at, but her body language screamed that she was enjoying herself.

She even seemed to be talking freely to the tiny professor as he perched on the chair beside her.

Snape looked briefly down at his cup of steaming tea and added some more sugar to it. He looked up again just in time to see Senga charming the shiny star to the very top of the tree.

Pride shot through him at how confident she was, how sure of her abilities and her control. So like himself at her age.

He knew that he would have to talk to her soon about what would happen once Meg had the baby, would have to inform her that she wasn't quite what she thought she was. He wasn't worried about her reaction. He was certain that she would understand and indeed agree with him. He wasn't afraid of speaking to her either: he just wanted to make sure he chose the right moment. He supposed that today was as good as any other day.

He looked up as a clash and clatter filled his ears, making him wince.

The entire box of ornaments that Senga had placed on the end table had been sent crashing to the floor.

A tousled head of hair above a portly face came into view as Neville stood up, looking extremely sheepish.

Senga was giggling as she helped him pick up the ornaments. He had tripped over his own feet and crashed into the box as he had come into the hall. So like Neville.

Snape sneered and drained his cup before placing it down on the table and rising to go down to where Filius and Senga were still laughing with Neville.

"Still haven't discovered the true intentions of your feet I see, Longbottom," he sneered as he came to stand in front of them, arms folded in front of him as his hands gripped his opposite elbows.

"I was too busy admiring the tree, Severus," Neville winked at Filius, "looks great, doesn't it."

"If trees were meant to be adorned with baubles they would come equipped with them already, certainly less expensive," Snape said dryly.

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