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Justins Pov:

Words couldn't describe how I'm feeling at the moment.

I watched as Zayn and Harry walked out the house, and I swear that my blood ran cold. Harry was the first to notice me, and when he did, he came to a stop. After Zayn noticed Harry was stopped, he looked up curiously, and his eyes widened when they came in contact with mine.

I clenched my jaws, now knowing what I was feeling.


"I-I'm gonna go," Harry stumbled out, and I looked at him.

I clenched my jaws and crossed my arms as Harry passed me, not meeting my gaze. I so desperately wanted to reach out and strangle him, but I had to restrain myself. I looked back at Zayn, who was watching Harry. As if feeling my gaze he looks at me, narrowing his eyes before turning around and walking into the house.

And that just fueled my anger.

Before I knew it, I was rushing inside the house, stopping the door before it closed. When I was inside, I slammed the door behind myself, yelling before I could stop myself.

"Where do you think you're going asshole?" I yell at him.

Zayn came to a stop and turned around, face holding bewilderment.

"Where do you think I'm going?" He drawled. "Inside my fucking house!"

I scoffed at his attitude. "So that's it? You declare how you fucking feel for me but go around and fuck somebody else?" I asked before I could stop myself. I know how jealous I sounded, but I couldn't help it.

"What the hell are you talking about!" Zayn screams back, getting in my face. He hovered above me a few inches, and I had to look up a bit at him. "I didn't have sex with Harry; the hell are you going on about?"

I shook my head in disbelief. Fucking liar. "Of course you didn't, asshole."

I watched as anger consumes him. His eyes darkened and his jaws clenched. "Why the hell are you here in the first place?" He growls. "Wasn't you the one who didn't want anything to do with me?"

"Don't fucking turn this on me!" I snapped at him, shoving him before I could register what I was doing. He stumbled back in shock before getting angrier and back in my face. I looked down to see that his hands were balled up into two fists. "This about you being a fucking whore! I knew you were fucking lying about your feelings!"

Zayn shoves me, and I stumble back in shock. "I didn't. Fucking. Fuck. HARRY!" He screams at me.

"Well, I don't fucking believe you!" I yell in his face, before turning around and making my way towards the door. "I'm fucking leaving!"

I heard him let out an irritable growl but didn't turn around. "God damn it, Justin."

Before I could open the door, I was being turned around, and before I could protest lips overcomes mine.

He grips onto my shoulders and pushes me against the door, a pain shooting up my back due to the forceful collision with the hard surface. The kiss becomes more intense as our anger transfers into it and our lips move in sync as we hungrily taste each other's mouths. There was nothing romantic whatsoever of the kiss. I'm pretty sure it was obvious what we both wanted at the moment. This time, there's no hesitation, we're completely sober, and pure anger fuels this.

The anger that's caused by me. For ignoring how I felt about him and how he made me feel.

"Fuck," he mumbles against my lips when we take a breather before he completely ravished them again, showing me no mercy whatsoever.

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