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Zayns Pov:

"Mr. Malik."

I stopped typing in the powerpoint on my computer and looked up to see my boss standing at my doorway, arms crossed and looking intimidating as always. I didn't even hear him come in. I pushed myself away from the computer, rolling my desk to the side of my desk so I could see him better.

I couldn't help but take in my boss features. It was no secret that my boss was an attractive man - would never admit that out loud cause I'm sure he'll murder me with his own hands - but something about the man made him look somebody else I know. I shrug that off though, especially since I knew why he was here.

Every since Louis and I public presentation the other day, he's been on our asses, especially mine which doesn't surprise anybody. Every little chance he gets he'll bring up the damn project. He's trying to get us to speed it up the process and it annoys the hell out of me because we have a freaking deadline. He wants us to finish it before the deadline but he has me messed up because he will receive it the day its due. If there's even one little thing that's wrong with it, he'll call me out on it, and I don't fancy losing my job for telling him off for pressuring me. I'm going to take my precious ass time and if he has a problem with that he can kiss it. I wouldn't dare tell him that though.

I sighed, taking off my glasses, placing them and leaning against my desk. "Yes, sir?" I asked, already knowing what was coming next.

"I'm pretty sure you already know what I'm about to say," he starts in his intimidating, deep voice. Yes, dumbass, now leave me alone.

I sighed once again. "Yes sir," I mumbled, rubbing my temple, feeling a headache coming alone. Couldn't he just leave me alone?

"Good," he responds, getting off the wall, arms still crossed. "You have a deadline, and it's quickly approaching." I know! Fuck off. I told you I already know what you're about to say so why waste your breath? "It would be nice if you could get it done sooner; sooner the better. You know if you don't get it done in time, there will be consequences that could put your job at risk," he rants. I could hear his impatientness voice.

"I have a deadline for a reason, sir, so I'm going to take up every single minute until that deadline to make sure it's perfect," I snapped, feeling myself growing irritated. "Wouldn't want there to be any mistakes that you could call me out on and risk my job over, now do we?" I smile, my voice drizzling with sarcasm. Hell, I'm taking a risk in my job for snapping at him right now, but I'm growing tired, especially with me working on this shit and him on my ass 24/7.

When I looked him in the eyes, I was met with a glare, and I just glared right back, daring him to do something. I knew he wouldn't because he would be risking his title himself. I dare him to try to fire me in the middle of this project. I'll delete all the shit so they'll have to start over and trust me, they're not going to get it done in time. That'll leave Louis by himself, so yeah, they need me.

I was surprised when the man didn't respond to me, just turned around and left the room, slamming the door behind himself, causing it to rattle. I rolled my eyes, rubbing my now fully aching head once more. That man, I will never understand his hatred for me. If he hated me so much, why hire me? Better yet, why am I still here?

I'll tell you why; I'm fucking awesome at what I do, I get the work done, and he knows he needs me.

With that smug thought in my head despite it aching, I looked at the clock and mentally praised Allah for the time. I went back over to the Mac and saved my stuff on the flash drive, later closing everything and turning off the computer. I place everything I need inside of my bag before standing up, grabbing my other things as well. After slipping everything else inside my pocket, I went to the exit and opened the door, locking it behind me and stepping out. I closed the door behind myself and made my way through the half emptied floor, going to the elevator. Once I reached the elevator, I pressed the button and waited impatiently for it to open. When it did, I stepped inside the elevator and pressed the garage button, the elevator later closing then descending.

Glasses || zustin auTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon