Chapter Nine

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(Sorry I'm late to updating this! Been a busy summer 😅. Speaking of which, school starts soon... Anyone else act like the guy in the pic when asked ready for class?)

Manic's pov:
Im getting tired. I've been chasing after Sonic this hole time! Ugh, why is this happening now? Why come for us after all this time? I don't get it and- *runs into a branch* omg I swear I am gonna make Sonic pay me back big time for this. Ugh, I swear he is just playing with me. "Come on Sonic, stop messing around and come here! We got to go now, Sonia is waiting for us!" I called out. I know that was a stupid move but I've been chasing around the hyper werehog for EVER. *Sighs dramatically and sits on a fallen tree rubbing nose* I need a break before my legs fall off. I hope Sonia is having better luck finding Silver then I am catching Sonic.

After resting for a bit, Sonic, who was hiding behind a bush, came over and stopped a few feet in front of me. I glared at him and he just tilted his head in confusion. "Are you done?" I asked him. He just stares for a bit then held out a closed paw. I look at his paw curiously. "What? Are you handing me something, and why aren't you talking?" I looked back up to his face then back at his paw when he opened it.....

"Pfff, Sonic what the hell?!" I laughed when I saw his paw covered in many different types of bugs. Is that what he has been doing this hole time? "Keep them and put them in Sonia's hair when we get to the cave and I will forgive you for making me chase you." I told him. Only after getting an ok from Sonic did we start to head to the cave. Looking at Sonic now that he isn't running away from me, his fur is covered with grass, dirt, mud, and stickers from weeds. Not to mention that the 'maid outfit' can't even be called that now. The skirt part is ripped and torn, shoes long destroyed by the transformation, the head band thing long gone.

"Your a crazy pup." I told him. "I'm not a pup!" He yelled and pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. "Aww, the little pup is mad~" I teased. "I am not!" He yelled again, this time unfolding his arms, now placed at his sides, fist clinched and stomped his foot. I laughed at his reaction and started chanting "Sonic's a pup!" while running away. Sonic in response yelled "Get back here!" and started to chase me.

"Wait! I lost the bugs!" He realized and stopped running. I stopped to so I could make sure he doesn't go running off again. He started to search the bushes around us for them when I heard something coming. Shit we may have been a little too loud. I put a paw over Sonic's mouth and pulled him into one of the bigger bushes. He tried to ask what I was doing but I just wispered to be quiet.

The noise got closer to us and I can make out a figure of a cat. As the cat got closer, I noticed that it has black armor on. Judging by the way the armor looks, the cat is a girl. She was holding some sort of device in one hand and in the other what looks like a sword, but not a normal one. Its blade is red and black with golden designs. The hilt was black with a gold cap at the top of it. She is a Dimone rank. She is probably the one leading the others that attacked the cafe, but why is she teamed up with lower ranks? They like working alone so this doesn't make sense.

She pointed the device towards us and started walking over to the bush. Shit! That thing is probably some sort of tracker! I never heard of hunters using something like that to find monsters before. Is it something new or what? No time to think about that though, she knows where we are. I could fight her, but I don't know if she is alone or not, I hate being down wind, and Sonic might get cought up in it. He acts like a pup for heaven's sake! He will probably get cought and since it's a Dimoned, she can keep us as pets! No way am I letting Sonic and I get cought by this lady.

She raised her sword and pointed at the bush. "Come out and surrender peacefully or I will make you. Ethir way your coming with me." The cat stated. I growled and grabbed Sonic's paw and booked it the other way. "Hey stop!" She yelled chasing after us. We just ran faster avoiding trees and bushes hoping that will lose her or at least slow her down long enough to get away. I noticed that she is in fact by herself and now for some reason her sword is on fire!? Why is her sword on fire!? That doesn't make sense!!! Stupid fire sword wilding purple cat lady!

Sonic looked back as well and saw the fire sword. I haven't mentioned this before, but what happened when we were younger made Sonic terrified of fire. So when he saw the fire sword he started having a panic attack. "Shit!" I yelled stopping to pick Sonic up and started running again but she started catching up with us! Sonic was still freaking out so I told him to calm down and breath.

She is only like two feet away now even with the obstacles getting in her way. Ugh, she is annoying. Chasing us and making Sonic have a panic attack with that stupid sword. I would so kick her ass if I could find a safe place to put Sonic. Shit, looks like I won't be able to though since she is even closer. Wait, how can she run that fast with such heavy armor on? I don't get it. On second thought, how can I run in this maid outfit. The skirt is too short for this and it's embarrassing to know that if it goes high enough, you can see the panties that Sonia made us wear... Don't ask cuz I don't know why she made us.

The cat reached out to grab me and I was prepared to bite her hand if she did, but something rammed into her side and sent her flying sideways. I ended up tripping over a bush and I turned while falling so Sonic wouldn't get crushed. I looked at what hit her to see that it was Scourge! "Where the hell did you come from?!" I yelled shocked. He looked over at me with a smirk, but then started blushing and getting a nose bleed. I looked at him questionably, then looked down. I immediately crossed my legs, seeing that my stupid short skirt was up showing off my green striped panties, and blushed a dark red in embarrassment.

He was still looking at me but now like a complete perv! "Stop looking at me stupid! Focus on the hunter ya pervert!" I yelled at him but he didn't listen to me. Instead he came over to where we were and kneeled down to my level. "Ill do that in just a minute. But first you and Sonic need to wear these so they can't track you." He said handing me something. I took whatever it was and looked at it.

Then I gave him a 'are you freaking serious' look. He gave me two collars! Collars!!! "Why the fuck did you give me collars?" I dead pand. He smirked and whipped the blood from his nose. "Cuz the other two made the mistake of letting me pick what the consealers looked like and yes you have to where them. Silver is with Mephiles and Shadow is keeping other hunters off your pretty little tail. Oh, and I came here since you two transformed. With these they can't track you." He explained. It's good to know that silver wasn't cought but I still don't trust this perv or his friends. "Can't I just hold onto it?" I asked annoyed. "Nope." His smirk turned into a cheeky smile. I growled at him and mumbled a fine. Sonic, who was calm now, just looked confused of what was going on.

As I put on one of the collars that had metal circles on it, the cat lady came back from where she was knocked to looking pissed. Scourge looked at her and decided to mess with her. "Aww, it the pussy cat mad?" He teased her, making her even more pissed and started swinging her sword, witch was not on fire anymore for some reason, at him. While they started fighting, I helped Sonic put his velvet colored collar with a gold heart pendant in the front of it on. Once it was on, we got up and started running away again. "Bye see ya later perv!" I yelled as we ran. "Hey! I'm supposed to stay with you guys!" He yelled while dodging a swing from the cat. I ignored him while Sonic was running back words waving with both hands in the air yelling all sorts of goodbyes. I have a feeling we haven't seen the last of him.

(Hope you liked the chapter! I felt that a chapter of just one of them would help things move faster and be more interesting. Oh and how do you guys like blaze? PS if any of you have an idea of who else I can put into this story let me know plz! I need more hunters.)

To be continued...

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