Chapter seven

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(Ok so now it's a tie between shipping Sonia and not. Pfff, there is really only one vote for each plus someone saying she should be shipped with Espio and how I should probably put him in. I already came up with a way for him to be put in in a similar way and what role he would play if I were to add him. But I'm still not sure if I should. I waited to see if there was gonna be a tie breaker, but there is none yet. And I am frankly fine with both because this story is mainly focused on the boys. So, meh confused. It's not to the point that it will happen yet. So I can still put him in later. Maybe.
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Anyways, hope you like the chapter! X3)

Sonic's pov:
I am chasing a butterfly. I don't know why, but it look so pretty! (I think I forgot to mention that he really does act like a puppy when he transforms lol) I wonder where it's going? Is it gonna meet it's friends?.....Do butterfly's have friends? Wait. I just remembered that my bro and sis were with me. *Looks behind him* What? Where did they go? Ops, I did it again.

I look around to see if I recognize this place, but I don't. Great, i'm lost. Sonia is gonna kill me. I better try to trace my steps ba- "*gasps* a deer! *Starts chasing it around and forgot what he was doing...*"

Manic's pov:
I finally get to be in my werehog form before nighttime! Yes! "You better not goof off. We have to go meet Silver at the escape route out of town." Scolded Sonia. "I know I know. Find Sonic, and go to the check point before the hunters find us. Then go meet up with our cousin in that one small town. I got it." I replied annoyed that she basically told me this a hundred times before I even transformed.

Plus, knowing Sonic he is probably running around chasing or exploring anything that he can. Hell he is probably doing that right now. He always has such a short attention span when he transforms. Even less then when he isn't transformed and that goes the same for his patients to. One minute he is playing with some ants on the ground and the next he is running all over the house with one of Sonia's nice shoes. I got it all on video actually. It happened the night before we went to the Cafe and was also the reason I had Sonic's phone. I had to send the video to my phone for black mail later >:3

"Good. Now we have to split up. We are two short of a group. I will go to the meeting place to see if Silver is there and if he isn't I will search the area to see if he is near. You will track Sonic and bring him to the check point, but don't go out in the open in case it's a trap." She explained. "How will I know if it's not a trap?" I asked. "I will get there before you, so if I am not there by high moon then it's a trap." She replied. "So what if you and Silver get cought?" I said. I know she is good at planning things out on the spot, but she does know what will happen if they catch her or if they decide to just kill instead of capture.

"You know that if that happens to run away. You and Sonic wouldn't be able to beat them alone if they are high ranking." She said it like that was the only way! I knew it! She plans on sacrificing herself if they are there. "You don't know if they are high or low ranking! We are werehogs! We can handle them if they are low level." "If they are. One, we didn't stick around long enough to check. Two, Sonic can't really control his werehog form like us. And three, even if they are low level, they can overpower us with numbers. And right now, Sonic and Silver are alone. If push comes to shove, then we will fight. But if we don't need to or if there are too many, we run. No matter what. That's how we lived this long. Or have you forgot what happened that one time when we were little. The time before we reached the age to transform." She replied.

(Some monsters have an age limit. With werehogs, the age can very from 10 to 16 years old. If they were not born a monster and infected by one, they will transform within 30 days and can be hunted during that time since they aren't pure breed. It's also possible to be cured before they transform but that is rare. Sonic was the last one to transform at the age of 16. Sonia was the first at the age of 11 and Manic at 14. They are all 18 years old now. Silver gained the ability to transform at 10 and he is 20 years old now. They still had some strangth, and potetial to infect others to become werehogs before they gained there full powers, but when transformed, it boosts the senses, strength, and instincts. Sonic is still getting used to it, thanks to how late he was to getting it. Sonia and Silver can control it because they were fairly young and got more time to practice using it then the others. Manic is basically in the middle of the two. He can transform if he focuses but not all the time and he can't stop from transforming when he starts, only slow it down. It takes a little more then five hours for them to be able to change back at will, longer if on a full moon. Young werehogs are able to be hunt at the age of 16.)

"I remember, but back then we couldn't do anything and it's different now. I agree about what you said about Sonic and Silver and all that other stuff, but I won't leave you or anyone behind if one of us gets cought. Now I am going to find Sonic and you better be at the meeting place or I will let Sonic chew up all of your stuff again." I said and I am serious about that. It's not the first time it's happened. She facepalmed and replied, "Fine, just go get Sonic already." Yes! I win! Ha!

I started running down the path Sonic took and Sonia headed off the other way to the check point. Knowing Sonic, it's not gonna be easy to find him even by tracking and this maid outfit isn't helping. It keeps getting cought on branches and shrubs. Just cuz I like this thing doesn't mean I won't take it off and go without it. I have my other clothes underneath anyway so it really doesn't matter. Maybe I should ditch it. Hmm. Nah maybe later.

Third person pov:
The yellow, armored fox got out of the tunnel. He turned on his headset to tell his companions where he was and to tell them to wrap up their fight. "I made it through the tunnel. It leads to the forest outside of town. I suspect that they could be heading to one of the tunnels leading out of the area. Probably one of the ones near the mountains." He said through the com. "Tails, the whole town is surrounded by mountains and no one besides a monster can navigate those tunnels." Amy said over the com sounding out of breath. "I know but I can find out what one it is thanks to where the tunnel led and what tunnel leads out of town. Even if only a monster can navigate them with ease, doesn't mean they aren't maps of the tunnels." Tails said to her. "Then tell the others to check the surrounding area. We need to catch them before they make it to where ever they are going. If they do make it to those tunnels, even if its not the one that will get them out of town, we won't be able to follow them. And if they are transformed it will be hard to take them down." She ordered. "Got it." Was tails only reply before he ran off towards the mountains with a sword drawn.

To be continued....

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