Chapter 1

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(Don't know what to call it so....yah)

Sonics POV:
Manic, Sonia, and I just got a job at a cafe. Sonia wouldn't say what kind of cafe it was or the name of the place. She just made us sign a bunch of stuff and then she turned them in. I wonder what's it going to be like. "Sonic! Manic! Hurry up we're going to be late!" Yelled Sonia from downstairs. "Yeah ok! I just need to find my phone!" I yelled back. I looked on my bed, under the covers, on the night stand, dresser, and then under my bed. "Hey Sonic, is this your phone?" Said manic in the doorway. "Yeah it is. Tha- wait. Why do you have that?" Ooohh noo reason" he said acting innocent. "Guys! We're going to be late! Hurry up!" We will talk later manic" Aww why!" We hurried out the house and ran to the cafe. Sonia was leading us there cuz we don't even know where it is. I'm surprised that manic and I agreed to this. Manic likes to steal from people and I like exploring. I bet ten bucks that manic will flirt with someone and end up stealing from them.

"WTF?! This is the place!?" I yelled. "Yep and behave yourselfs" said Sonia. "Again I say... WTF!!" I yelled again. "Yeah, I'm with sonic on this one sis" "What? It's just a maid cafe, and we need the money" I could just pick pocket" and I could do something with less dressy, frilly outfits" Sorry boys, were doing this whether you like it or not" she said as she dragged us to our doom. I know am being over dramatic, but still. Out of all of the other jobs she could have applied us for, it was a maid cafe! I don't have anything against maid cafes, but I'm a guy. I will have to ware one of those sort skirt maid dresses. Agh, fine I'll do it. Only cuz we need money. Aaaaand I might like the outfit....... a little. Don't judge. We entered the cafe and clocked in. Manic and I changed into our maid outfits after Sonia since there was only one changing room. Silver, who was also an employee, showed us how to do everything. From making coffee to how we address customers. "The cafe will have to be opened at 10:00 am. That means we should all clean and get ready. The other workers will be here soon" said silver. "Ok" manic, Sonia, and I said in unison.

Time skip to opening------

'Well, here goes everything.' I thought as the first customer came in. "Welcome home master!" I said. I continued doing this for any costumer that came in. I showed them to there seats, had small talk, got there orders, eta. I wonder how the others are doing?

Manic's POV:
This is tiring, but really fun. Pickpocketing these pervs is so easy! Of course I pickpocket them right after they pay. I don't want them to think that someone stole it in here. They will probably think that they dropped it outside or something. I know I'll get scolded later, but I don't really care that much. The place was empty now since the last customer just left, with an empty wallet I might add. *bell on the door rings* 'ohh new pray' I turn to greet three heagehogs. One with dark green fur, a leather jacket, red shads, sneakers, looks pervy and two scares on his chest. The other two look like twins, one with black fur with red stripes, his quils going in different directions, wired looking shoes, had white fur on his chest, and looked grumpy.The other one looked like mr. Grumpy but had gray strips instead of red. "Welcome home masters!" I said. The green one blushed and had a creepy look on his face. I knew it. He is a perv. When he started to get a nose bleed, mr. Grumpy elbowed him. "Allow me show you to your seats" I bowed and took them to their table. "Hey sonic, can you bring over some menus please." Sure! Just a sec.!" He said back. Sonic then came over and gave them their menus. This time mr. Grumpy was the one being a perv. He was blushing and had a major nose bleed. Sonic freaked out and gave him a tissue. "Oh my gosh! Are you ok?" He said. "Yeah, just fine." Mr. Grumpy who didn't look that grumpy anymore said. I just got an idea >:3

"Manic what's with that face? Are you planning something?" Asked sonic curiously. "Oh nothing" I obviously lied. Hehe, this is going to be fun! He's going to kill me later tho. "Hey sonic, there's something on your dress" Really? Where?"!" I pushed sonic on top of mr. Grumpy. He's skirt flipped and showed off his pink and white panties that Sonia made us where for the maid getup. Mr. Grumpy pants had a nosebleed rocket and passed out. Amazingly no blood got on sonic. "Eeeh! A-are you ok master?!" Yelled sonic while getting off and fixing his skirt. I laughed. I don't get to see that much blood come out of someone's nose in a long time! It was enough to fill a gallon! What the hell! "Manic, your so going to pay for that later" said an angry sonic. I was still laughing my ass off. That was funny! It's like something you would see in an anime! Sonic got an evil cat face like me earlier. "Oh no" shit shit shit shit! I ran behind silver and said "Help he's going to kill me! So worth it tho". "It was not!" He yelled. "Calm down both of you. Now, what happened?" Silver asked as he walked over to the table of wiredos. I was still hiding from sonic behind silver. Thank goodness Sonia is stuck washing dishes right now or I would already be ten feet under.

The mr. Silent, aka the gray and black heagehog, was blushing when he saw silver. Hmmm, I didn't think mr. Silent was a perv. Oh well! More fun for me!

Silvers POV:
What the hell happened?! One of the costumer is passed out with a nosebleed, one looks like a crazed dog in heat, and the other is slightly blushing. Don't tell me this was maniacs doings. "Manic pushed me onto one of the masters and flipped my skirt!" Well that explains the passed out guy. But what about the other two? "Don't ask about the other two. There just pervs." Whispered manic still hiding behind me. The green guy growled at him lustfully. "Ugh" said manic clearly grossed out. "You know what, we will talk about this later. For now get their orders and clean up the blood. Oh and see if you can wake him up please." I said and went back to cleaning the tables.

Manics POV (cuz I want to):
We did as silver said but it was quite difficult to get anything from the green one. I know! I will call him mr. Perv! "I would like your phone number and a side of you~" mr. Perv said. Now you know why it's hard to talk to this guy. "Sorry master but that's not on the menu" I said not showing how annoyed I was. Sonic cleaned up the blood and mr. Grumpy woke up a little bit ago. I got everyone's orders except his. "Just give him some chili fries please" said mr. Grumpy. "Ok, your order will be done soon" I said and walked off to the kitchen. "Hey Sonia! We got another order!" Ok I'll be right on it!" She said. Sonia became this places new cook so she spends most of her time there.

I looked at the time on the clock. It said 8:00 pm. Good thing we ate lunch earlier and silver said that he would make something for us for dinner. Silver is the manager but he also works here. It's getting pretty late. Hopefully they leave soon or they'll find out our secret. Every night except the night of no moon. We turn into werehogs. I'm fine with it cuz I look even more attractive then usual in my opinion. Sonia doesn't really like it. Something about her fur getting everywhere and the smell of dog. She's more of a clean freak then a werehog so she figured out how to stay herself at night and not transform. Sonic loves it cuz of how fluffy he gets. He's like a fluffy, floppy, puppy when he transforms. "The foods ready!" Said Sonia. Sonic and I carried over the food to the boys. "Here you go masters" said sonic passing out the food. I passed out the drinks. Silver came over to check on us to make sure we don't fight again. "Hey, we never said our names did we?" Said mr. Perv. "No we didn't" said mr. Silent. "Well, I'll go first then. I'm Shadow the heagehog" said mr. Grumpy. I guess I have to use there names now instead of the nicknames. "I'm mephiles the dark" said mr. Silent. I will use their real names after I know them all. "And am scourge the heagehog, nice to meet you my green vixen~" ugh, stupid perv. We introduced ourselves and left to do something else while they finish up eating. Ow, my fangs just slipped out and cut my lip. Great time for you fuckers to come out. It started bleeding, great! Now I have to go clean it up! "You ok manic?" Asked silver. Silver is a werehog too, so he knows what it's like. "Yeah, just cut my lip" You what?!" Yelled a worried and angry scourge. He stood up and walked over. I hide my fangs and wipe away the blood the best I can. "What happened?" Said the worried scourge. "Nothing, I'm going to go now" I said as a went to the changing room. I'm going to transform soon so I can't be out in the open. I hope sonic is fine.

(This chapter is done! Would write more but it's like 4am here so night everyone!)

To be continued........

Werehog Cafe (Discontinued)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя