Chapter Four

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(Hi everyone! I was planning on uploading this on april fools but I found a new born kitten stuck between my backyard fince. I took care of it myself with occasionally help from my mom to feed it. I named it candy.... It died on the fourth day while I was at school. Anyways that's why this wasn't uploaded sooner. Sorry)

Silver's pov:
I tried to get Mephiles to tell me what's been bothering him while I finished shopping, but he kept avoiding the question. I know somethings wrong but he wont tell me anything. I wonder what its about.

I went to the check out to pay for the food, but my phone rang before I got in line. I grabbed my phone out of my skirt pocket and answered it. "Hello?" Silver!" sonia replied frantically. "Sonia? What's wrong, are you ok?" You need to go to the hide out! The hunters are here!"Eh?! *drops phone*"

Sonia's pov:
"Hello? Silver? Are you there? Hello!!" I yelled. Why isn't he answering me? I hope he is ok. "Sonia! Did you get a hold of Silver?" asked Manic. "Yeah but he stopped talking to me." I said as I went to help get ready to leave. I hope Silver gets to the hide out ok. The hideout is a hidden cave in the woods that would lead us to a safer place we could stay for a while until we can find another place to stay.

"That's just great." Manic said sarcastically. "Now help me get fluff ball off the ceiling." What? *looks up* Oh. "Really Sonic? This is not the time for you to be climbing on the ceiling. Why are you even up there? How are you even up there?!" All he said in response was shrug and make an 'I don't know noise'. Ugh, this is not the time for this. "Get me a broom."

Silver's pov:
After I recovered from my shock, I picked up my phone and ran out of the building. Sonia already hung up. I am going to go help them. If there are hunters around, then that means that they will probable try to corner us in the town. The cafe isn't the beast place to be but its better then being out in the open. Wait. I am out in the open. In a maid outfit. I stick out like a sore thumb!

But at least the others are together. It would be very bad if we were all split up. The hunters won't try to attack them while they are together unless they are stupid or waiting for back up. Hunters usually hunt in groups like wolfs (depending on what rank they are), but they split up to search an area. So one might have spotted me already and if they are hunting werehogs, they might be high ranking hunters or lower ranks that are trying to rank up quickly.

(There are five classes of hunters.

The first and lowest rank is Bronze. They are the most inexperienced and are very reckless. They like to team up with the higher ranks so they can try their luck fighting monsters that are out of their league. Its normal for them to be like a lure for the higher ranks to get a better kill.

The second to lowest rank is (about when Wattpad screws up. Me: Fucking Hell!) Silver (pff, Silver is a rank lol). They are smarter then the other rookies that go for two and one star monsters. They actually live to see another day unless they are careless with their traps, routes, and other gear. Witch is normal because they are very cocky. They usually team up with the same rank or lower rank hunters.

The Gold ranks are a lot more resilient then the other two. They have successfully killed/captured a three star monster. They are more efficient with their traps, hunting grounds, and gear. They porpusely ruin fellow members hunts and exploit the lower ranks for their lackings. Making it easier for them to get higher up in the ranks. Monsters try not to go near them unlike the easy pray the lower ranks were. Of course four and five star monsters don't give a shit about this rank and still hunt them like a wolf stalking its next meal. If they feel like it.

Platinum ranks are keen on the thought of sneak attacks and well thought plans. They usually have only a team of four or five. Unlike the lower ranks that believe that strength in numbers will over come their inexperience. They are surely not to be messed with and have killed/cought a four star monster. Only five star monsters are still looking down on them but are more careful when in a fight with them.

The last rank is Diamond. They have successfully captured/killed the highest ranking monster. They prefer to work alone unless they want help from another member or they want gullible bait for their next hunt. They are merciless and cold hearted. Unlike the other hunters, they have no respect for their targets and if they captured a monster, instead of killing it in front of people (like an execution), they would keep them as pets or bait for their friends and family. They even torcher them for fun, even rape, before they brutality kill them or until they die.)

I hope its just low ranks here though. If they aren't then we will have a big problem on our hands. In the mean time, I should look for a place that's not so out in the open. Even the lowest level hunter could find me like this.

(Yep that's it for now. Sorry its shorter then the others but the story continues none the less. See ya next time!)

To be continued....

Werehog Cafe (Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora