Chapter eight

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(Before the chapter begins, I want to awnser a question from RonReadsFanFics. So they just helped me make this chapter. Also I use they for everyone, so plz don't be mad. They asked why there are hunters, well meh being stupid forgot to put this in sooner. But it works out so far. The lack of info helps creat mystery. So I will spill the beans......

In a flash back. Xb

Also, I want to include something. You know how there are different rankings in a wolf pack, like alpha, beta, delta, and all the rest? It's the same for werewolf's. Or in this case, werehogs. Let's see if you can guess there roles. Oh, and before the hunters came werehogs lived like wolfs. They live in packs and outside. They hunt, track, train, and live in their own territory.

Hope you injoy! X3)

Sonia's pov:
I was running to the meeting place when I think back to argument I had with Manic. Maybe I shouldn't have brought up what happened when we were younger. I should have thought before I said that. What happened back then was unforgettable or forgivable. Great. Just the thought of it is making me tear up.

--Flashback to when they were eight and silver is ten but before he can transform--

Sonic, Manic, and I were running around just outside the din. We were playing a game of tag. Mother, a purple werehog with blue stripes on her quills, arms and legs, was in her werehog form watching us play. Father, a blue and green werehog, was out hunting for lunch. Silver was playing with some of the other children a couple feet away. "Hey! Let's go play with silver!" Sonic said all exited. Before Manic or I could reply he already bolted to meet him. We ran off after him shortly after. "Hey silver, do you want to play with us for a bit?" He asked giving puppy dog eyes to our friend. "Sure!" He replied and Sonic gave a big smile. "So what are we going to play?" Silver asked tilting his head to the side. "How about hide in seek!" Manic asked but more like yelled. "That sounds fun," I agreed. "But where will we play?" "Hmm, im pretty sure no one will mined if we play in the forest near home." Manic suggested. "Plus we get to explore right!?" Sonic looked like he is about to explode from excitement. "Ugh, but it's so dirty and mom is watching us so we can't go without her seeing us." I said. "But she isn't looking." Silver said looking confused.

I turned to look where Mom was to see her talking to one of the other grown-ups. She was a werehog from another pack close by that mom and dad are friends with. She was a dark green werehog with blue eyes and peach arms, sumach, and legs like dad and us. "Come on let's go before someone sees!" Sonic wisper yelled to us and started to drag/pull us to the forest. "Ok ok you don't have to drag us there." I said back. Manic giggled and silver looked cross with fear of going without anyone knowing and excited to see what's around us without being constantly watched by someone older. 

--time skip to after three rounds--

"Hey guys, I think we should go back. I have a bad feeling." I said to the others after Manic found us all. A weird smell is in the air and no one came to look for us yet. "I agree. It's too quiet. Plus I'm hungry. Dad should be back with food by now with the others." Manic said rubbing his belly. "Aww, but I want to play some more." Sonic wined. Silver rubbed his back and said,"We can play more later and plus, I think Manic isn't the only one hungry." Just before Sonic could ask who, his stomach growled. He blushed and covered his face with his hands mumbling an agreement to head back home. On the way there, the smell only got stronger. What is that weird smell?

When we got there, we no longer felt the need to eat. More like throw up but we didn't have anything in our stomachs to. So instead, we all started to cry. Our pack. They were all killed! Even mom and the werehog from another pack. That weird smell is everywhere. Why would someone do this?! Sonic was about to scream when silver put his hand over his mouth. "She, don't scream. I'm scared too, but we have to be quiet. Who ever did this is probably still around somewhere. We need to go hide." Silver said shaking and tears rolling down his face. Manic was just staring at our pack, crying quietly. "Manic, hey come on. Don't look over there, look at me ok?" Silver tried to redirect his attention somewhere else as he held Sonic close while he cried. Manic snapped out of it and looked at silver with a look of horror. Silver put Sonic on his back and grabbed Manic's hand. I grabbed Manic's free hand and silver slowly and carefully lead us back into the forest. I wiped the tears from my face trying to be strong like silver, while manic cried and hiccuped along with Sonic.

--End of flashback--

Silver's pov:
We are heading to the meeting place now. We aren't in the forest yet, but we're close to it. I hope they made it out in time. "If they aren't there, im going back to the cafe you know." I told Mephiles. "No, your not." He replied. "I am. Like it or not." I shot back. "Fine. Then if they aren't there i'll go with you." He decided. "Why are you helping us?" I asked after a while.

We just reached the forest, but everything seemed to still. No birds, cars, or anything. It's like the world went quiet, like everything wanted to know his awnser. After a few minutes of silence and us just standing by the dence forest ahead. He replied "I made a promise to someone to protect you, Sonic, Sonia, and Manic. And I intend on keeping it."

My eyes widened in shock and curiosity. "Who did you make that promise with?" I asked softly. He just looked away and started walking to the forest. "I will tell you later. Right now we need to keep moving. There are more hunters then the ones at the cafe." He said looking grim.

There are more hunters! If they are in a team then they are a low class, but a low class is usually lead by someone of a higher rank. So, where are they? Are there more then one? This just keeps getting worse. If the others are separated they will be easy targets! It's worse if they transformed. They act differently when they transform. Sonic would be gone in a heartbeat and Manic would probably try to show off or forget what he is doing and decide he wants to go hunting. Sonia would probably be more rational if she didn't worry about her fur and how she looked so much. Heck, if I transform i'll be like Sonic. Sort of, not really.

I'm afraid. Why does this bring back memories about when we were little? It's so different, but yet so similar. It's just like what happened to start all this.

--Flashback before the attack--

"Hey Mom. Why can't we go near a village? Do people not like us?" I asked my mother after breakfast. She was a white werehog with golden eyes. She looked shocked by the question. "It's not that they don't like us sweetie. It's just that some powerful monsters have been attacking people without reason. So they thought it best to fight fire with fire." She said sadly. I looked at her confused. "Bad monsters?" I asked. "Yes, they made powerful people mad and now we have to hide out here. But don't worry. No bad monster or people will find us." She added on the last part when she saw my scared face. "We are safe?" I asked her. "As long as we stay here, yes. Plus we are in between allied packs territories, further to the South is a vampire town and the forest has darkness creatures everywhere. Not to mention all the other types of monsters that live in the forest. We are in the safest place in the whole forest." She assured.

"And if anything ever does happen, you have to be brave. For your friends. If they see you, an older soon to be werehog freaking out, it will only worsen your chances of escape." She told me. I nodded my head. "I will be brave and lead them to our other pack that live a few miles away." I said proudly. She giggled and rubbed my head. "Very well. You remember how to get to their pack?" She asked me. I nodded my head again. "I remember the last time we went to see exe and his friend dark. I memorized the path and everything!" I bosted. "That's good, now go play with your friends. Im afraid I have to go back to taking care of some sick monsters." She told me. "Ok mother, bye!" I said before I ran off. Little did I know that I would have to do exactly that a few hours later.

--End of Flashback--

(This was longer than usual yay! Anyway if you have any questions about something in this chapter, I will explain it if it's not gonna be mentioned/explained later on.)

To be continued....

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