°o. (Y/N) ~ Bucky Barnes .o°

Start from the beginning

"...with the events happening earlier today, there has been no word with how long it'll take to reconstruct the damage that has been done..." Your head snaps to the small stand with a guy lounging in a lawn chair, a small tv plugged into a long extension cord. "Captain America and his army of vigilantes including The Winter Soldier—" You quickly stand up and rush towards the man. He merely glances at you, too engrossed in the news feed.

"— has been taken in an armed vehicle and safely escorted to a secret location that our sources do not know yet... Rumors say they're going to the UN Embassy in Berlin, but sources are not reliable." The newsman sighs. "In other news..." He trials on but you aren't listening.

Your mind goes racing, so many different things are running through your head. You know you can easily sneak into the Embassy, you've snuck into more secure places in your life. You can easily get there as well, just hopefully as fast as they are. You zone off, your hopelessness turning completely around.

"Are you looking for something?" The vendor at the stand snaps you out of your thoughts. "Hello?" He waves a hand in your face.

"Shut up."


Bucky lets out an amused snort as he stops in his tracks. Admiring the glory in front of him.

"What kind of get-a-way car is this, Steve?" He demands, crossing his arms across his chest.

"That's what I said!" Sam asserts, gesturing to the small blue car. "These European cars are the size of a small horse."

"Do you even know how to drive something like this?" Bucky asks, shaking his head. From the last he can recall from Steve's driving abilities, he couldn't even reach the pedals.

"I'm full of surprises, Buck," Steve states with a smirk, pointing the keys at him then following Sam to the car.

Bucky just shakes his head at him and runs a hand through his hair. He lets out a long sigh. Maybe back in the olden days, he would've appreciated Steve's ability to try to make light in a situation like this but its not the 1930's. A lot has changed from then.

"I think it is cute!" Kate's head pops up from the backseat.

Bucky lets his façade fall, a smile appearing on his face. He quickly qipes it off and shakes his head at himself. Recently, his ability to keep the "Winter Soldier" scowl has deteriorated and he blames Kate for that.


The environment around you is quiet, only a few people are talking. The barista is wiping down the surface of the front counter, a fake smile appears on his face as a blonde in a cap comes up to him. There is a group of college students at one of the bigger tables towards the row of windows, obviously too engrossed in their phones to be studying.

There are a few couples and singles scattered around the café, mostly zoned in on their laptop or phone. What catches your eye is the young man in the corner of the room. He has shaggy brown hair, glasses, and a slouch beanie on. The man is giving off the aspiring screenwriter vibe with his cardigan and movie tee. The clear cup that held his ice coffee is empty and his leg is bouncing up and down.

He suddenly gets up and rushes towards the bathroom which happens to be across the store. No one seemed to notice him, everyone too involved in their own world. You wait a few more seconds and walk over to his stuff.

Opening his laptop, there's a document with the character name in bold letters. You politely save the doc and switch to Google. Typing in a select few words, hoping it'll take you to what you need.

Every so often you take a peek towards the bathroom, making sure you're ready to log off if the man comes out.

You're interrupted by an unfamiliar vibration in your pocket. You have a burner flip phone that you barely know how to work nor ever use. It's for emergencies if Kate or Bucky ever needed to reach you when you were out. No one else had the number but the other phone that Bucky kept in his backpack. The fact that it even had text notifications surprised you.

You pull out the phone and flip it open.

It's from Bucky.

Well, Bucky's phone. You don't doubt that the big guys confiscated his stuff so you're sitting there confused. There are numbers that you can't make out what it's for. Then it clicks.


You quickly look up the numbers and take a mental picture of the address. Clearing the history and closing the tab, you then get up from the table and rush to the car you jacked in Romania.

Leipzig/Halle Airport
Parking Garage

"Papa?" Kate sticks her head out the window of the passenger's seat. Bucky steps back as he was leaning on the car, half-listening to the conversation Steve is having the very nervous looking man.

"...Captain America." Mr. Lang gawks, shaking Steve's hand vigorously, a starstruck look on his face.

"Yea." He turns his attention to her.

"What's gonna happen?" She innocently questions with puppy dog eyes and all.

Bucky's heart breaks. The reality of everything that is about to happen finally sets in. He doesn't know what's going to happen and he doesn't want to admit that to his baby. All he knows is there is going to be a fight, a big one. A physical one. And he knows Kate can't be anywhere near it. Steve worked out a plan with Sam, having him fly her somewhere public so she can be away from any danger but he's not too sure of it still.

But he can't show his distress to her or Kate will start worrying. And if Kate starts worrying then he'll start worrying even more. And if her mom was here, it'd be a whole different level of worrying.

"I don't know, sweetie." He frowns, bending over to her level.

"Why don't you know?" She pouts, throwing her hands down into her lap. "You always know everything."

Bucky smiles at how cute she is. "Because I don't," He admits, using his hand to cup her cheek. "And, that's a lie, your Ma knows everything... But do you know what I do know?" His heart melts as the little girl leans into his touch. "That I love you so much and that I promise to keep you safe."

Kate now pouts out her bottom lip. "I already know that, Pa." She whines. "You always do..."

He can't help but have a bittersweet smile on his face. He never thought that he'd ever feel so much love from one being ever again in his life after his years at Hydra. It has been proven all wrong. Having you and Kate being brought into his life when he needed it the most has proved it all wrong.

Bucky wouldn't trade anything in the world for the two of you. You're his everything now. And the fact that all this is happening right now and you not being here, everything is falling back apart and it's alarming. But he has to keep calm, he has a facade to uphold and a kid to protect.

"Who is that?" Wanda nervously questions as a blue Dacia 1300 rumbles up. Everyone tenses up but the new guy, Scott.

"Steve, did you call anyone else?" Clint asks as the mystery car parks in a spot across from them. Kate shuffles to the other side of the car, watching from inside while Bucky stands up straight, a scowl on his face.

A tense silence falls upon the group. You can hear every movement in the car as it's put into park and the click of the seat belt unbuckling. Scott cringes at the sound of the car door squeaking open.

A (short/tall) (long/short) haired woman stands there, her mouth agape. She's dressed in a plain black tee and jeans with a flannel and a jacket layered over it. You can tell the jacket is a few sizes too big by the way it hangs off her figure. A blue baseball cap is covering her (y/h/c) hair. The hiking boots she has on are torn up showing an active lifestyle.

"Mama!" Kate cheers, throwing the driver's side door open and running over to her.

You (AN: lol if u didn't realize it) meet her halfway, squatting down and catch the six-year-old in your arms. You close your eyes and let your emotions take over. Usually, you would try to stifle them especially in a crowd of Avengers but you don't care at this point. Your family is back together again.

Sebastian Stan Imagines #wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now