A New Home

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All names and  characters in this story are from my imaginations.  Any events similar to someone's life or another story is coindence. 


      This time when I awake to Hope's cry she is right next to me.  I notice that even though its dark outside I am still dressed in the same clothes.  I am extremely grateful no one tried to change me although I wish I hadn't fallen asleep in my clothes.  Although I think it explains why I am so hot right now.

     After fixing my clothes, so I can feed Hope, I figure out which door is the bathroom.  The first is a giant walk-in closet.  Almsot seems to be half the size of the bedroom.  I wonder who needs that many clothes and such variety.  There are several different types of suits, with a variety of colors, shirts and vests.  But there are also everything from jeans and sweats to basketball shorts.  I decide a shower is necessary before anything else and looking through some drawers I easily find boxers, and a white T-shirt.  Grabbing the blue shorts I close the closet and turn to the only other door. 


     Walking into this room I decide that a bath will be much better than a shower.  Even though the shower is large enough for two and possibly more, I use the bathtub.  Its sunk into the floor and I can bathe Hope and soak.  After locking the door I fill the tub with lukewarm water.  Then I rummage under the sink for the mildest soap I can find.  Mom always kept baby shampoo in the house.  She said it was useful for  more than just babies.  Apparently this guy agrees with her.  Its right here with everything else.  Taking that and a wash cloth over to the tub I lay Hope on a towel on the floor before stripping.  After taking her clothes off and checking the water once more I carefully walk us down into the tub. Its large enough to be a small pool and I marvel at the luxury of a bedroom with this for a bathroom. 


     I wash Hope's hair and make sure she's clean before laying her back on the floor.  Fortunately, the house seems warm enough that she won't get a chill if she is wet for a few minutes. 

     Since even after checking under the sink I hadn't found any soap that a girl might like I used the Old Spice that had been in the shower.  It reminded me partly of Peter and I wondered if I had been placed in his room.  It would make sense if this giant room was a master bath but as nice as it was whose to say there wasn't another.  Well no sense delaying the inevitable.  Although slightly nervous about going outside the bedroom I was starving so after drying Hope and dressing myself i left the bathroom search of my bag and clean clothes for Hope.  I put our dirty ones in a plastic bag, dressed Hope and wondering if I was really alright in the clothes I was in.  I simply hadn't looked for the bag before finding the closet and bath.

     "Well Hope, now that we are clean I think the next order of business is food, well for me any way.  I wonder what time it is."


     There hadn't been any clocks in the bedroom. 

     "Let's go find the kitchen, I said.

     Opening just one of the massive oak doors to the bedroom required putting Hope down so I just left it that way.  No sense in having to put her down again. Plus it would be easier to know for sure which was the right room later.  I move down the hall easily.  There are large windows at both ends of the hallway and what also seems to be the middle.  Once at the middle there are four flights of stairs to clinb down.  I'm starving by the time I go down two and silently yelling at whoever put me on the top floor.

     Finally on main floor I find myself at the back of a large living room.  It looks like it has been made for 30 or 40 people to sit in.  There are five groups of sofas not for an audience but easy conversing among friends and to the side several play pens and large carpeted area for small children.  On the other side of the rooms is the largest TV I have ever seen hanging off the wall.  Games and movies are piled high on shelves next to the television and its obvious the games are used as often as the movies.  Now that my shock with this room is over I remember how hungry I am.  Looking around I notice table and chairs in the next room. 

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