Chapter 13

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I start to wake up and find myself in a dark room with a door. I start to jump up when I feel a sharp pain in my wrist and  see that it is bandaged up, so I take it off and wince as the pain flushes over me. Then I remember what happened yesterday. I start to scream and cry. I get up and go to the door. It opens. I walk out and start down a really big stair case with blood covering it. I then see someone come up the stairs heading right towards me. They have black hair and a white hoddie on with blood on it. Thats when I realize that I'm in the creepypasta house. I never knew it was real!! I get pulled away from my thoughts when Jeff The Killer is standing right in front of me. I look at him and he looks at me. His eyes travel to my wrists and then be smiles. He takes my hand and brings me down stairs into what I'm assuming is the kitchen and I see all the creepypastas in there.

I try my best not to fan girl. Then Slenderman comes in and says to all the creepypastas. "Everyone this is a new member to the family and I want you to be nice. Her name is Slicy." I look up at him when I hear family and Slicy. I can't tell if he was smiling or not but he looked down at me. He then pulled me away from the kitchen into I think the living room and said. "I heard you crying and screaming in my forest yesterday and saw what you did to your self and something told me you were special. We decided to call you Slicy because of what you did to yourself. And now your part of our family." He told me. "Wow!...." I say and then remember.. "Wait..what about my other family?!?!" I say loudly and start freaking out. "Shhh!! Shhh!! Its okay! We can all transform back into humans if we really want to. So you can go see your family. But you have to transform every 2weeks and feed." Slendy says to me calmly.

"But I don't know what I feed on..." I say starting to feel hungry. "Well, you more than likely feed on the blood of your victims. Oh, did I fail to mention that you part neko? Well, you are." He says and then asks "So, do you have any other questions?" "Actually yes. Am I like a vampire? Like will I get burnt in the sun? And what happens if I eat human food? And what if someone at school makes me mad and I transform, unwillingly and like kill some one? Will I come here at nights? Can I still do human things?" I ask really fast and then have to catch my breath at the end. "Kinda, but you won't get burnt in the sun. If you eat human food it won't effect you. Then you would never get to see your family again because we would have to hide you here. So i suggest that you don't go back to school for at least a week because your getting used to your creepypasta body. You should come visit here to let us know how your doing like every other day. But you can stay with your human family. And yes, no one will even know your a creepypasta, unless they see you transform or you tell them." He says and then walks away. "Holy shit..." I whisper to my self then someone comes up behind me and says "BOO!!" I screach and transform and stand in a crouching position with my knife out until I see who it was. It was Ben. "Goddamit Ben you scared me to fucking hell!!!" I growl/yell at him. "Sorry,  it badass transformation. You went from calm creepypasta to " fuck no get away from me bitch!" Creepypasta!!" He laughs. "Ugg..I fucking hate you!" I laugh with him.

"Anyway, wassup?" I ask and put away my knife. "Oh, umm..there's already someone who has a crush on you and its just your first day here." He says. "Who?!" I ask surprised. "They told me not to tell but you'll probably find out soon. But when are you going back to see your family?" He said/asked me tilting his head a little. "I was actually thinking of going today. Can you walk me because I don't think I can get out of here on my own?" I ask and laugh a little. "Of course, and give me your number because you can just text me when you want to come back here and I'll come get you an bring you back." He said pulling out his phone. I grab my phone off the small table in the corner and don't even ask why it was there. I give him my number and he gives me his. We walk out of the living room and say bye to everyone. Ben and I are about to walk out of the door when Sally runs up to me holding her bloody teddy bear, and she grabs on to my leg saying "wait, wait!! I want huggy!!" In her baby voice. I awe and crouch down to her level and kiss her nose. "I'll be back I just have to go take care of some things." She giggles and says "will you come back to night and sleep with me so I don't have bad dreams?" She uses her puppy dog eyes on me and I sigh and say "How can I say no to that cute face?" Then I boop her nose and hug her. When I pull away I kiss her face all over and say good bye. Everyone awes at us and I laugh and go out the door with Ben. He smiles at me, grabs my hand then makes me skip out of the forest with him.

As soon as we reach the edge of the forest Ben slammed me up against a tree and started to kiss me. I kissed back because out of all the creepy pastas he was and has always been my favorite. He pulled away breathless as did I. "Kylee. I'm sorry. Its just I've always had a crush on you since I met you and I just- will you be my girlfriend?" Ben asked me. "Of course!" I exclaimed and kissed him again. "Just text me when you want me to come and bring you back to the house. Bye." Ben said and pecked my lips. I said bye back and started to walk back to the BVB house. I dreaded walking in go that house, but I knew I had to. I took a deep breath in and put my spare key into the door knob and slowly open the door. (BTW if you don't already know Kylee is wearing black leather skinny jeans with a black shredded long sleeve shirt and black studded combat boots.) When I shut the door behind me I hear a ton of foot steeps running into the kitchen where I had just came through the door at. I see all the guys with red puffy faces. They all look at me and Andy breaks down crying and starts running towards me.

When he reaches me he picks me up and hugs me. Soon everyone is hugging me an crying. They pull away from me and Andy asks "where have you been? Are you alright? What happened to your arm?" I cut him off with my hand and walk over to Jake and say "I'm sorry about the other day what I said to you and everything." He pulls me into a hug and replies with "Its okay all that matters is that your okay now and your here." I smile and pull away from the hug walking back to Andy. "Dad I'm so sorry about everything I've put you through. I really just needed some time to figure everything out. I have been staying under a bridge sorting everything out. I'm fine. And its just a scratch I had to bandage up." I say to my dad (Andy) half lying half saying the truth. I mean I'm okay now and I did need to sort everything out.

"I'm just glad your okay." Dad told me hugging me again. "Can I go to my room now?" I ask fake yawning. "Yeah of course. Your probably sleepy. Goodnight beautiful." He said giving me a kiss on the cheek. I went up to my room and jumped out my window.

I walked to the edge of the forest where Ben had dropped me off at or wherever.

K (Slicey): Hey Ben I'm at the edge of the forest. Can you come get me?

B:yeah I'll be there in 5mins.


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