Chapter 11

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Nathans POV__—-----_----
After Kylee and I sat down with the guys Jinxx said. "Oh, those were not all of your presents!" Kylee's eyes got fucking wide as hell. "THERES MORE!!!!!!??!!??!" I tried to hid my smile because the guys had already told me what they were going to do. They are going to rearrange her room into what she said her dream room would look like. There going to do that tomorrow while I take her on dates and different places. "Yups!!" CC said. She just gave up and she looked really tired. "Hey guys were going to go to sleep, night!!" I said. They were cool with me staying here tonight cuz I have to have Kylee out of the house before 10:00am and be back at 1:00 pm. Kylee looked at me with sleepy eyes and did the graby hands thing. She looked so cute!!!  I picked her up and went to her room with her. She got changed into a pair of Tokyo Ghoul PJs while I looked in my bag that I brought with me cuz I knew I would be staying the night. I took out some white thin PJ pants and put on a oversized black V-neck shirt and got into bed with her. She cuddled into my torso while I put my arm around her. "Goodnight babygirl, I love you!" I said softly and heard her mumble something that I couldn't really hear.

Next thing I know I fall into a deep dreamless sleep.

Next day!!!!!

Kylee's POV.

I felt my self being shook awake. I opened my eyes and saw Nathan. I smiled at him and stretched. "Come on kitten you need to get up!!" He said slightly laughing. "Whyyyyyy!!??" I asked him whining. "Cuz I'm taking you somewhere!!" He said excitedly. "Uggghhh!!" Was my response before I got up and went to the bathroom. I used the toilet and washed my hands. Then I brushed my hair and teeth. I walked out to see Nathan fully dressed. I rolled my eyes and went to my closet and grabbed some red ripped skinny jeans and a black FFR shirt. I also grabbed my studded combat boots in the process. I went over to my black dresser and pulled out a blue bra and red underwear. I looked back to see Nathan on his phone checking Twitter.

I went to the bath room and took a quick shower. When I got out I changed into my clothes. I then did my makeup and my hair. I walked out and jumped on Nathans back witch surprised him but he caught me. "Here's your phone, its fully charged." He said handing me my phone. "Awwee, thanks blue butterfly!!" I said while kissing his cheek. Ahh shit I need my Tokyo Ghoul purse. I thought in my mind. Just as I pulled myself out of my thoughts Nathan handed me my purse. "How did you know?!" I asked him a bit freaked out. "You said it." He said while laughing a bit. "Oh, well. I NEED FUCKING COFFEE OR I WILL BE THE SHIT IN A CONSTIPATED PERSON!!!!!" I screamed as he took me down stairs. He let me off of his back and I ran to get the coffee Dad was holding out for me. "Thanks daddy!" I said kissing his cheek. I sat down at the table and drank from my Tokyo Ghoul mug. {Yes i know I have a lot of Tokyo Ghoul stuff!!!!} After I finished my coffee I got up and told everyone bye. Then me and Nathan left on our boards. 

"Hey, this is it!!" Nathan says to me while pointing at O'Charleys an getting off his skateboard. I got off of mine to and he held out his hand, so I took it. I smiled at him and we went inside. "Table for Nathan Taylor and Kylee Beirsack." Nathan said politely to the lady at the desk. "Right this way Mr. Taylor." The lady said flirtatiously while looking at him with those eyes!!!! Ohhhhhhhh HELLLLLLL NAWWWWWWWW!!!!!!! I glared at the plastic blonde as she took us to our seats. "Okay I will be your waiter today so, what can I get you to drink?" The blonde asked with a note pad and pen out. "Umm, I will have a Coke." Nathan said smiling. "And you?" The lady asked me her smile fading. "I'll have the same thing." I said looking at the girl with a 'back the fuck off or I will take apart your limbs with a butter knife and put your head on a board above my bed' look. She looked frightened and then walked away quickly. I couldn't help but giggle. "What?" Nathan asked me. "Ahhh....she was..flirting..with you so I..I gave her a look...and she got scared!!!!!!!" I said in between giggles.

The waiter came back with two Cokes. I put my serious face on and she hesitated before putting my drink down. I tried to hide my smile. "S-so have you decided what you want to eat?" She asked us. Nathan looked at me questioning so I nodded at him. "Yeah, err...I'll have the prim rib with a side of green beans and mashed potatoes, please." Nathan said to the lady. She looked at me and said "a-and you-u?" She asked. I almost burst into laughter but didnt. "I'll have the kids chicken strips with fries and ranch." I say looking at her sharply. She quickly wrote it down and scurried away. I laughed and Nathan smirked. After a while of us just talking about random shit, the lady came back with our food. We finished eating and Nathan paid for the check. We got the reseat and went out side. Nathan put his arm around me and we stood there for a while. "Omg!!! Look!!" Nathan says as he shows me the reseat. The chicks number is on it!!!!!!! "Omg!!!!!" I say while laughing.

After a while, we got on our skateboards and Nathan took me to an amusement park. "Omg!!!!! I wanna ride the zipper!!!!!!!" I say to Nathan. We got to it and we ride it. Nathan and I made out during some of the time until someone yelled 'get a room'  I flipped the person off and we got off. I saw a big ass panda bear and I guess Nathan saw that I was drooling while looking at it cuz he pulled me over there and we played for it. I got the Jumbo panda and it was bigger then me, but I managed to carry it. We got ice cream and rode a few more rides and then we went to the movies. I got popcorn and put white cheddar on it. Nathan and I watched the movie 'Split' I cried a bit in it so Nathan wrapped his arm around me and held me close. 

Once we left the movie theater it was already 12:30. We got on our skateboards me still being dope as fuck holding the panda bear while skating.

When we got to the house it was already 12:56 so we went in. The guys were all standing by the stairs with evil grins. I looked at Nathan and he had one too. "Okay, hold your shit!!! What the hell are the grins for!!!!" I asked wondering what was going on. Next thing I know I'm being picked up and carried up stairs bridal style by Nathan. He sets me down in front of my room door. "What the hell was that for!" I asked him a little confused. He then opens my door and everyone yells 'happy birthday!!!' In unison. I turn around to see my dream room. I bay window thing that has pillows in it and a place I can sit. A ladder thing leading up to something in the top of my room witch if they did it right leads to a little bed loft thing (and its painted black)A desk kinda beside the window. My dresser right beside my door. And the rest is just the way I had it. "Omg!!!!!! You guys did this for me??!?? Omg!!! Thank you so much!!!!!" I said to all of while pulling them into a group hug. I can't believe they did this for me. "We also put band posters in the loft." Dad said to me smiling after we all pulled away. "Thank you guys soooooo much. I love you guys!!!!" I said to them all. "We love you too Kylee!" They all said. "Well, you better get settled in. And later we will order pizza to eat." Jinxx said as the guys left. "Okay." I said already walking around in my room with Nathan right behind me. I heard the door shut. I was wipped around by Nathan and he started to kiss me with so much lust. I kissed back of course wile his hands gripped my ass. I squealed a little not breaking the kiss. So we were both panting for  breath. "Maybe later." I said as I 'accidentally' slid my hand right over his dick that was already getting hard cuz his pants were way too tight! I giggled when he groaned and went to go explore my room.

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