Chapter 7

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I woke up to someone screaming down stairs and then I felt that CC was gone so I jolted up then stopped for a second to hold my ribs in pain. I ran as fast as I could ignoring the pain from my ribs and then I saw Andy at the bottom of the stairs pulling his fist back and a REALLY mad expression on his face so I jumped 7 steps and got in front of CC just on time to take the hit and I fell screaming in agony because 1:my face 2: my already broken ribs. "K-k-ylee, I-im sor-" Andy said as he was in shock and sobbing as he ran up to his room. I knew what he was going to do so I ran up after him still crying.

I got to his door just before he shut it and I slammed it open and then shut it behind me. I gave him a hug with one of my arms while the other one was at my ribs.  "A-Andy I f-forgive yo-o-u just w-why were you yelling a-at CC?" I asked between sobs. He had stopped cry at this point so when he talked it came out clearly. "I'm so sorry Kylee for everything. Please forgive me...!" He pleaded keeping his head down. I just walked over to him and hugged him. He hugged back. "I forgive you." I whispered in his ear. "Thank you." He said and we both walked out to see all the guys explaining to Jude what happened. Jude looked really angry. "Jude its fine. Calm down. We made up." He looked at me a little calmer and ran over to me giving me a hug. I hugged back of course.

After all that was cleared up I went to my room and plugged my phone into my speaker and blasted 'Drown' by Get Scared. I was walking to the bathroom when I tripped over my own feet. I fell to the floor and as soon as I hit it I screamed loud enough for Ashley to hear me over my music. He came in running and he carried me and yelled to the guys "we need to get her to a hospital!!!" It was my ribs. Of course.

When we got there we sat in the waiting room for 5-10 minutes until a lady came and said "Kylee Beirsack" Jude wouldn't let me walk so he was carrying me. When we got in the room they made me sit straight up on a table and then they made everyone leave cause I had to take my shirt off. (BTW I'm so glad the lady said nothing about my millions of cuts) They then wrapped my ribs up in some kind cast shit(I don't know what that shit is called) and then I put my shirt back on. They said that everyone could come back in. Jude (again) carried me. When we got back to the house we sat on the couch.

"Who wants to watch a scary movie and order pizza?!!?!?!?!?!" Ashley yelled\asked everyone yelled "ME!!!" In unison. I just smiled. CC was ordering pizza while Andy picked out Scary Movie( to those of you who haven't seen Scary Movie you need to fucking watch it it is the funniest shit I've ever seen in my fucking life!!!!!) When the pizza came Andy paid for it and put the boxes on the living room table and everyone started to eat while Andy put the movie in. Jude came and sat on the right of me with CC to my left. After the movie ended we all were  tired as fuck so,I headed up the stairs after saying goodnight to everyone.

When I got to my room I put the song "Never Giving Up" by Of Mice And Men. I went to the bathroom and took my meds and did what I always did: cry and cut. After I was done with that I rinsed my wrist off and changed into my PJs. I went into my room and fell asleep to "Life In My Stomach" by BMike. 

When I woke up I knew that today was Tuesday, so I had to get up for school. I went to my bathroom and took my meds. Then I jumped in the shower and did what I had to do and got out. I wrapped a towel around me and went into the main part of my room over to my closet and got out a long sleeve black BMTH shirt and a red pair of skinny jeans then I got my Jack Skelton benie and put on black knee high converse with the batman symbol on them and red laces. After that I went to the bathroom and did my fringe and then put my make up on. I then looked in the mirror and saw myself, I cringed at my self. I thought to myself I'm going to dye my hair. Then I was pulled out of my thoughts by Jude coming in and saying " you wanna skate with me to school?" "Sure!" I replied walking out of the bathroom grabbing my phone and my black Batman bookbag. I noticed that Jude was wearing a bvb shirt with green skinnys and he had blue converse on with black laces. He also had a  I walked down stairs and said bye to Dad( Andy) and yelled "ALL YOU MOTHERFUCKERS STILL SLEEPING WAKE YOUR LAZY ASSES UP CUZ IF I CANT SLEEP IN NEITHER CAN YOU BITCHES!!!!!! NOW BYE HOES!!!!" When I did this Jude and dad both jumped and looked at me with a weird look . Then I heard Ashley yell "SASS MUCH!!!!" Then before I headed out the door I yelled "DAMN RIGHT!!"

I shut the door behind me and Jude and be both grabbed our skateboards and we skated to school. On the way there I broke the silence by saying "So, I think I'm going to ask if I can dye my hair." Really? What color?" Jude asked me. "Well, I was thinking maybe rainbow for my bangs and red 4in width strips in the back and my whole hair color black with all that stuff added." I said excitedly. "Cool! Oh, yay were at school!!" Jude said the last part with sarcasm. "Ugggghh!!" I groaned "SAME!!" Jude replied.

When we got into the school house we both went to the office whilst people were staring, and laughing. We both got to the office with our skateboards in our hands and backpacks on our shoulders. The office lady looked up at use and cringes but tried to hide it with a fake smile. "Can I help you?" She asked us "Yes, umm we need our schedules." Jude said in a kind voice "And you two are?" The lady asked. "My name is Jude Beirsack And this is my sister Kylee Beirsack." Jude said again in a kind  voice. The lady got on her computer and then printed two sheets and gave on to me then one to Jude. We were about to walk out but then the lady said "oh, and here are your locker combinations!" She handed use both a little piece of paper with numbers on it. We both saw that we had almost every class together. Then we both headed to our lockers and saw they were beside each other. "Do you think that Dad had this done?" I asked him "It's a possibility" he laughed and so did I. I put in my locker combination in to my locker witch was locker 14 and Judes was 15. We both put our skateboards inside of our lockers.

Since we only had 3,5,7 period together we parted ways and went to our first classes. When I got into my first class I asked the teacher where I could sit at and he said "in the back in the right corner." I went back there and sat down and laid my bookbag on the floor. Since, I was early the teacher said I could do whatever. I pulled out my phone pit in my ear phones and put the song 'Knives And Pens' by Black Veil Brides on and got on Instagram and posted a picture of me at this school. Then I went off of that and played 'Flappy  Bird' I got to like level 4 then I died. (To those of you who have played Flappy Bird you feel me!!!! It makes me so fucking mad!!) After I died people started coming in so, I put my phone away.

I was looking at all the people coming in and I saw 3 preps come in and I gaged.😂 Then I thought that everyone had already came in but then a boy with green and blue scene cut hair. He was pretty skinny. And he had a Motionless In White shirt on with black skinnys and black converse. came in with his head down and sat next to me!!! He was really cute! But then my day was ruined!!!! A prep sat in front of me and then she turned around and tapped on my desk. "I don't know you." She said in a squeaky voice witch made me sick. "That's because I just got here today." I said "well, sit with me at lunch and I can make you popular but you CANNOT wear that emo shit anymore!" She said. I had noticed that the boy that sat beside me was staring at me every since he sat down. "Yeah, I think not. This is me and I'm not changing myself for some stuck up ass whore who thinks she's pretty but not." I said and the boy beside me giggled at bit. I looked at her and she looked SO confused. "Uggh dis how know  noting, I don't want to be a part of your skank as army because I'm already part of the Black Veil Brides army!!!!!" She just flips her hair and says "ahch whatever!" I just laugh and so does the boy beside me. She tuned around so quickly I'm surprised her neck didnt come off. She said "Shut up Nathan or John will make you pay for it later!!" This put me into thought. Who the hell was John? And the boys name was Nathan. I was thinking about a lot durning my whole class.

------Jude's POV------
Since I was early to class I was told I could sit in the back middle desk, witch I did. My teacher Mrs. Smith said I could do whatever so, I pulled out my phone and sat my bookbag on the floor. I went and put my music on shuffle and then went to my wattpad and started to read gay konnie fanfic (those of you who know and ship Konnie, your my new BFF!!) My next chapter was a smut so I just fangirled in side and read it. By the time I finished the chapter I was hornet as fuck and people were coming in. I just groaned inside and then I saw this boy come in trying not to make eye contact with anyone. He had a skinny figure and was wearing a Tokyo Ghoul shirt with blue skinny jeans and he was wearing a black benie. He came and sat down to the right of me. He saw me staring and he blushed and looked away quickly. Then after about maybe 3 mins after I had looked away and class had started he slipped a piece of paper into my desk. I smiled and opened the piece of paper and it read: Hello, I saw you staring at me. My name is Kyle Gregory! We should talk some more so here's my number 276-623-4836 (just made up a number guys!!) At this I smiled because just the way he wrote sounded gay.😄 I smiled at him and nodded. He returned the smile and we both looked to the teacher.

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