Chapter 1

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Kylee's POV (up there👆👆is Kylee well,me cuz that's my face and Kylee is my name.)

"In the end as we fade into the night!"
I heard my alarm that I had set to BVB go off so I guess I have to get up and get ready cuz today is adoption day yay!! *sarcasm* I got up and went to the bathroom and got in the shower. When I got out I dried my hair and then straightened it and did my fringe. I put my makeup on witch is a smokey eye. I went back into my room and put on a Black BVB shirt and some black skinny jeans. "All 10-14s get down here right now!!!" I heard the bitch that takes 'care' of the kids in the orphanage yell. So I went out my door to find my best friend Jude out side my door I looked at him questioning and then I shrugged it off and gave him a hug,witch he returned.

We all got in line from youngest to oldest Jude and I were the only 12year olds there so we were beside each other.
Everyone was standing in line waiting for the people to come and then I saw........BLACK VEIL BRIDES!!!! OMG😱😱😱😱. Jude and I both gave each other a glance of excitement then we tried to act normal. Andy walked past me and Jude and winked at us then he went back to the bitch and said "We will take Jude and Kylee." Me and Jude almost hugged the shit out of each other and then we both ran to our rooms to get our shit.

After I packed EVERYTHING I went out of my room and walked to Jude's and he was  shutting his door so we both walked down the stairs. Andy was signing papers so I guess he is me and Jude's dad yay!! Jude is my brother/bestfriend. After Jinxx saw us he motioned for us to come down so we did. "Hey,guys!!" The whole band said in unison and gave us a hug CC took my bags and Jake took Jude's bags and we followed everyone out to the car. After we got in everyone was just talking about random shit and since I'm really shy I went to sleep.

"Kylee wake up,were here!!" I heard Jude shout into my ear and I shot up so fucking fast that me and Jude's heads hit then we both held our heads in pain "ahhh,I'm sorry!!" Jude said "yeah same!!" I replied holding my head in pain.

We both got out of the car laughing at ourselves for bumping heads. When we walked into the house it was beautiful I mean all mansions are pretty so yeah. "Here." CC said handing me my bags "go put your stuff up and then come back down cuz we are going to do some things and eat!" CC said while laughing. Jude and I walked up the stairs with Andy,he showed us our rooms witch were right beside of each other. Jude went in his room and I did the same. When I walked into my room I was amazed, my room had black walls and my closet was black so was my dresser and a little table beside my bed.
I put all my clothes in my closet and put all my clothes that go under my clothes in the top drawer in the dresser and my laptop, iPod, and 1of my 2pairs of headphones in the middle drawer. Then I put all my benies in the drawer below the middle drawer. I put all my CDs in a stack in my closet and put all my shoes beside them. I walked into my bathroom and wow the walls were black I turned on the light and put my makeup up on the sink and all my body and hair stuff in the bathtub. I walked out of the bathroom and went to Jude's room to check on him I knocked on the door twice and the door swung open and he jumped on my back and yelled "TAKE ME DOWN STAIRS PESENT!!" I knew I could not take him off of me so I just did what he told me to do.

After he got off my back I was picked up by Andy and put on his shoulders and he took me to the living room on his shoulders. I kinda enjoyed it but then he started jumping and then I fell off and hit the wooden floor really hard and I pretended to be dead. "Andy what did you do??!!??" I heard Jinxx shout and everyone rushed over to me and that's when I sat up and started laughing at them. Eventually they started laughing too.


Sorry guys its a short chapter and well the end of this chapter isn't the best but you know school,family,people at school,I have to deal with this shit so yeah bye for now💗 Hope you guys like my  story so far!! Bye💖💖💖

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