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Jimin POV~

My stomach churned, sloshing around and creating a huge knot in my torso. I lurched over the toilet as the contents of my stomach came out of me, landing in the water of the toilet. I coughed heavily, as excess somach acid came out of my throat; making me gag and making more of the contents come out of me. I closed my eyes and leaned back against the bathtub behind me, holding my torso as I sat quietly.

The smell of the vomit started to sting my nose, making my stomach churn again. Covering my mouth, I leaned over to the toilet and flushed the toilet; sighing in relief and got up after.

I went over to the sink and brushed my teeth, making sure to get rid of the lingering vomit taste in my mouth. I wiped my lips off with the back of my hand before heading out of the bathroom, flicking off the light and picking my backpack off of the bed.

I shrugged it over my shoulder before heading out of my house and walking to school.

I put my headphones in and quietly walked to school, listening to my favorite band. I let out a sigh as I stepped over a puddle and ran my fingers through my hair, brushing my fringe out of eyes.

Walking up to my school, was when I saw him; momentarily stopping in my tracks as my eyes landed on him. I clenched my sleeve in my hand lightly as my heart rate, and my breathing picked up pace.


His blonde hair messy, like he didn't care to brush it out. But it still looked oh so perfect. His soft brown eyes, perfectly round and sharp inner corners making him look cute but intense at the same time. His lips, not great in thickness, but still pink and super kissable. Blonde hair, complimenting his pale skin tone. His sharp jawline framing his face, giving him a strong look, but soft full cheeks making him look cute at the same time. 

He sighed as he leaned back onto his car, a 2017 ATS Cadillac Coupe; his parents were rich and kinda spoiled him a little bit. Another reason why he won't date anyone, no one is good enough for him. All these girls fall at the seams for him, yet he doesn't even bat an eye in their direction. I wouldn't call him a heart-breaker, because he doesn't want to date anyone. People claim he's stuck up and that's why he doesn't want to date anybody, which I think is preposterous.

I gulped slightly as he put his phone away and looked around a little bit. I quickly looked away from him, heading into the main building to my locker. I took out my headphones as I went into the building, wrapping them up and sticking them in the small pocket on my backpack. 

I went up to my locker and opened it up before shoving my bag inside, once I had my binder and books I needed. I let out a sigh as I shut my locker, making sure it was locked before heading to my first class, which was math. I always hated my first period, mainly because I was too tired to pay attention so I never caught onto anything said, as well as it seemed I had all the morning people in my first period who were always talking and laughing. 

I sat down in my desk once I entered the classroom. I rubbed my eyes lightly and let out a soft yawn and laid against the desk, closing my eyes to get some rest as I waited for the session to start. People began to fill in after a bit, their loud, energetic voices making me annoyed. 

I let out an annoyed sigh and sat up a little bit as the teacher started the class. 


I walked out of the classroom quickly and quietly with my binder and books, wanting to avoid the crowd of people leaving the classroom. I let out a sigh once I was walking through the hallways, heading to my second period which was dance class. I kept my head down as I moved as quick as I could through the halls. 

I quickly went down a set of stairs, tripping on the last step and falling onto the white tile floor. My attempt to catch myself only ended in throwing my binder across the floor, and causing my hands to pop painfully when they collided with the floor. I stayed frozen in slight shock as I tried to absorb what just happened, before seeing a pair of black Doc Marten boots walk up to me. 

"Hey, you okay?" A slightly deep raspy voice asked me, I looked up slowly, following the feet up to a face. Yoongi's face. I gulped lightly and just stared at his face. He smiled warmly at me and held out his hand, I grabbed his hand gently. He helped me up from the floor. 

His hands were very firm but soft at the same time. I stared at his eyes quietly, they were so deep and mysterious. He gave me a smile and handed me my binder and books, I took them shyly and looked down. 

"Thank you" I mumbled quickly and started to walk away quickly from him, keeping my head down as people stared at me. I gripped my binder and ran into a bathroom quickly, locking the door behind me. 

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