We are off.

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I'm sorry I'm adding a couple of different stories and putting them together.... If you haven't read Matched here is a little summary so you will understand the next chapter...

Aberrations are people in the society who are thought of to be un important. Kind of like the faction less in Divergent. They don't live in society with the other people and hide out in the mountains so the government doesn't catch them and take them away.

That should be all you need to know!

I hope you guys are enjoying my story! Don't forgot to comment and vote!

Thank you for all of the positive feedback!



We left early this morning. Tris still doesn't remember us. It's getting pretty frustrating.

"Where are we going?" Tris asked.

"Panem." I replied.

"How far is that from here?" Tris asked.

" It's only a two day journey from here." Uriah said. "Hopefully there won't be any obstacles in our way. Especially to separate us."

"We all have each other. We will be fine." Christina assured him.

"We can't get separated this time don't worry." Caleb said.

We can only hope that we stay together. That's started to become a new fear of mine. We have made it so far to try to make everything normal again. I'm not going to stop now.

Up ahead there is a huge mountain range. We would have to go through it. How would we?

"The mountains." Caleb said. "That's where the Aberrations hide out. They are said to be dangerous. We have to go through it. Maybe the rumors aren't true. We can only hope right?"

"I guess so." I replied. "It could get too dangerous but we will have to go through."

We headed toward the mountains and there was no one in site. Good news so far.

Suddenly I heard a scream. A girls scream. It was coming from behind us. I looked to my right where tris was standing a second ago. She was gone. A split second later someone covered my mouth and dragged me away. I tried to use my fighting skills to get away but they were too strong. A second later everything went black.

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