Cancer free

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Today was the day. I jumped out of bed ( well, as fast as I could. ) so excited. It would be gone. I was barely nervous. It would be gone!!!

My procedure was at 10:00 and it was 5:00 only two more hours until we left for the hospital.

I wonder if Augustus would come to visit me afterward. He was a boy he might not think to. We are just friends so I guess it shouldn't matter that much to me. I don't know.

I ate breakfast with my parents and they smiled too. This was one of the most exciting days of our lives. I could come home in a couple days with out any support for my cancer!!! Cancer free!! Maybe I could go back to school and make more friends besides the ones in my books.

We got the hospital and I started to get nervous. Then Augustus came and sat by me with my parents. He said he would stay until my procedure started.

My procedure went great! I was fine now! Augustus was by my side!

A man walked in and put an iv in my wrist and I took a pill. He gave Augustus some iced tea and then left.

Augustus sipped at his tea and eventually it was gone and I had swallowed my pill.

Augustus seemed very uncomfortable and I thought something was wrong but before I could ask everything went black.

I was swirling through a portal was this a dream? I wasn't sure. Then I landed in a hospital bed similar to the one I was just in.

Augustus was there with me along with three others I didn't recognize. A man probably around 19 put a needle in my neck and a girl did the same to Augustus and we both blacked out again.


Sorry I haven't been updating. I hope this chapter made up for it!

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